How a baby develops month by month to one year - the main stages. Massage and gymnastics for newborns using the technique of Dr. Komarovsky Baby 2 months development Komarovsky

Raising children up to one year old. What is happening to the baby, how can I help him, what does he want? Psychology, advice from Dr. Komarovsky, methods.

Many parents take responsibility for their child, starting to raise him from birth. The phrase “raising children up to the first year of life” sounds a little strange. What can you instill in a baby when he is just born and doesn’t understand anything? It turns out that it is possible, because the first year of life is important for the baby. At this time, the rudiments of character and future behavior are formed, and hygiene standards are instilled.

Physical education of children up to one year old

In order for a child’s body to grow and develop normally, massage is necessary from birth. In the morning, wiping the baby's face with a damp cotton pad, you need to leave him naked on the changing table for a few minutes. Using some massage techniques at this time.

Children really like these procedures. And placing the baby on his tummy will help him get rid of excess accumulated gases.

Related topic:

Psychology of raising a child up to one year old

The first month is the most difficult in life, both for the baby and for his parents. For almost forty weeks, the baby was inside his mother in a special aquatic environment, made no effort to breathe, and ate through the placenta around the clock. Having been born, he finds himself in a completely different contrasting environment. He learns to breathe, feels a different temperature, and the round-the-clock feeding is over. He's scared. Here the survival instinct is triggered, like all living beings, he begins to cry loudly to attract attention to himself, asks for salvation.

What to do when a baby cries?

If there is the first child in the family, then the new parents are in a panic for some time, because they cannot understand what is happening to the baby, how to help him, what does he want? But after a couple of weeks, the observant mother will see if he wants to eat, pee or poop. Among parents, the issue of whether or not to stop a baby’s crying is being discussed.

How to teach a child to be independent?

Mommy often wonders how to wean her baby off the breast and sleep separately from him.

  • The traditional system of instilling independence calls for an early separation of the child from his parents. He is alone in the room, entertaining himself. It is believed that this way he will become independent faster and will be able to easily cope without his parents. Of course, with this approach it is convenient for moms and dads, but the child’s psyche suffers from this. When better than in childhood to give him all the parental tenderness and love.
  • Modern parents argue that you need to spend as much time as possible with your baby. Sleep with him, hold him in your arms, carry him in a sling. You should not be afraid that a child who is accustomed to sleeping with his mother at the age of 2-3 years will not want to fall asleep separately.

In everything it is important to know a certain amount. In the first months, when the baby feels uncomfortable in the new environment, you can allow him to sleep with his parents. This way he will fall asleep better and faster and his rest will last longer. When he reaches the age of three months, it is better to transfer the baby to sleep in his crib. At this age, his sleep becomes sound, and it is already difficult to wake him up.

Psychologists have noticed that a baby who is constantly with his mother grows up to be self-confident. And so that he does not become “mama’s”, you need to do everything with him, and not instead of him. Learn to make decisions on your own.

Methods of raising children

How does a child’s personality develop? Do his parents raise him by their own example or resort to different methods? It is unlikely that our ancestors thought about any methods. Be that as it may, psychologists, teachers and ordinary parents all over the world are developing their own unique methods for shaping a child’s personality.

There are a large number of parenting methods, some of them are suitable for children under one year old.

It is up to parents to decide which method of education to choose. The main thing is to stay close to the baby more and talk to him.

Education up to one year according to Komarovsky

Evgeniy Komarovsky is a well-known children's doctor; in his lectures on raising children, he pays great attention to the healthy psycho-emotional sphere in the family. If a child grows up in a calm environment, does not hear loud screams, rude swear words, and sees good relationships between parents, then he will grow up to be a psychologically healthy and adequate person.

If the family often quarrels, talks rudely and loudly, parents drink or fight, then the child will soon begin to show negative sides of his character. It is not surprising that such children suffer from neuroses, developmental disorders, and deviant behavior.

In addition to the psychological climate in the family, a healthy atmosphere is also important. Frequent ventilation of the room and hardening procedures only strengthen the baby’s health. There is no need to wrap him in a hundred clothes in the fall or winter. There is no need to stuff him with breastfeeding or formula; if he wants, he will eat.

It is important to follow the regime. A two-hour nap during the day is necessary for the baby; it strengthens his nervous system. It is necessary to go to bed at the same time every night.

When a baby learns to speak, it is important to have a conversation with him in ordinary language, and not in childish language. This way he will start talking much earlier. Girls need to be taken care of more, boys need to be trusted more.

Thematic material:

Parents can choose any method of education. They can take advice from reputable teachers and doctors. But the most important thing a baby needs is communication with his parents. You need to play with him more often, praise him for any success or attempt to do something himself. You need to learn to understand your child and form a positive attitude towards his family and friends. And we must always remember that a child often copies the behavior of his parents.

In anticipation of the birth of a child, loving mothers and fathers try to prepare well and find out all the important issues in this case. Caring for a newborn is a complex and incredibly fascinating topic. Dr. Komarovsky dedicated many of his programs to her. The future health and well-being of the child depends on how correct the development is in the first months of life. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately determine what development is considered normal.


  1. First month. At this stage, Dr. Komarovsky asks you to pay attention to the formation of reflexes. Immediately after birth, a newborn should have a sucking and grasping reflex, push off from the support placed on the legs and try to crawl.
  2. Second month. At this age, a newborn can remain active during the day for 15 minutes per hour. Movements become less sharp, the gaze is fixed on objects. Komarovsky says that the newborn begins to pull objects into his mouth and tries to imitate sounds from the outside.
  3. Third month. Further development involves sleeping three times a day, the appearance of signs of a smile, and recognition of parents. A characteristic “humming” appears and the head turns towards the sound source.
  4. Fourth month. The newborn becomes more resilient, plays for 2 hours at a time, and turns over without assistance. Dr. Komarovsky talks about developing the ability to distinguish oneself from the world around us.
  5. Fifth month. Particularly important in development. By this point, the newborn should be able to turn from stomach to back, recognize all close relatives, control facial expressions, grab and pull toys.
  6. Sixth month. By this period, the newborn acquires the ability to sit, respond to his own name, and voice the simplest syllables. If all this is observed, says Dr. Komarovsky, the development of the newborn month by month can be considered successful.

So, there is a happy event in your family - a child was born. From now on, he has a long way to go from a tiny lump to an almost conscious one-year-old baby. No matter how fast he develops, he will learn a lot in the first 12 months and will never learn everything at that speed again. (the baby learns to observe others, smile, coo, roll over, sit on his butt, walk, play and much, much more...). It is not always clear to young mothers whether the baby has problems in development or, on the contrary, it is advancing ahead of schedule. Purpose of the article— tell what changes happen to your child in each of the 12 months of his first year, what the baby learns in the first year of his life and how he perceives the world around him.

Each baby, just like an adult, is individual and each child develops individually, but something common in the development of newborn children occurs in the same way.

Monthly development calendar

First month

A difficult month for young mothers. The first month of a newborn’s life is usually called the adaptation period. Almost 70% of the time he sleeps. Sleep is very important for a baby. In a dream he grows ( On average, in the first month a child grows 2-3 cm.), and the body gets used to the new environment. During wakefulness, he randomly waves his arms clenched into fists and legs bent at the knee. Towards the end of the first month, the child is already able to hold his head briefly, focus his gaze on bright toys, the faces of adults, make vowel sounds and listen to the conversation of others.

Pediatricians consider it important to attach the baby to the mother's breast in the first two hours of life. They believe that at this time “emotional contact” is created between the baby and mother. This is when the mother begins to feel the baby from a distance, his feelings, needs.

Nutrition is very important during this period of a child’s life. On average, in the first month a child gains about 600-700 grams of weight. Under no circumstances should you rush your child during feeding. After all, when he feeds on his mother’s milk, he also enjoys the warmth and care of his mother at that moment.

At birth, a child has innate reflexes, thanks to which he adapts to the environment. But during the first months of life, some of them disappear. These reflexes include the reflex:

  • Sucking (touching the tongue on an object);
  • Swimming (if you put his stomach on the water, he will make swimming movements);
  • Grasping (touching his hand, he squeezes it into a fist);
  • Search (search for mother's breast);
  • Walking reflex (if you hold a child, he begins to move his legs as if he were walking) and many others.

The following reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

It is by reflexes that pediatricians and child psychologists determine the condition and development of the child’s nervous system. .

And mothers in the first month of a child’s life need to surround him not only with warmth, care, safety, but also to accustom him to the day-night regime by the end of the first month.

In the first two weeks, do not forget to treat your baby’s umbilical wound ().

  • Weight gain is approximately 600-700 grams, height gain is 2-3 cm.
  • Eats every 2 hours, at night on average 3-5 times.
  • Sleeps a lot, stays awake 2-4 hours a day.
  • Actions are still reflexive.
  • The movements are chaotic, the fists are clenched.
  • When a child lies on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.
  • The main way of communicating with the world is crying. This is how the child makes it clear that he is hungry, that he has a wet diaper, that something hurts, or that he just wants attention. The child may whine or grunt, which is how he also tells his mother about discomfort.
  • Able to fix his gaze on stationary objects for some time - his mother’s face or a hanging toy.
  • Reacts to loud and sharp sounds - bells, toys, bells. He may listen, shudder and even cry.
  • Recognizes mother's voice and smell and reacts to them.
  • If you communicate with the child all the time, then by the end of 1 month his own “speech” will begin to appear - humming, or cooing.

Second month

The second month of a child’s development can be called a period of “revival.” During this period, he not only looks at your face, but can also discern your emotional state. Are you smiling at him or, on the contrary, are you angry, calm or sad? And when you approach his crib, the baby begins to wave his arms and legs chaotically. In the second month of life, the child holds his head more confidently. Towards the end of the second month, the child should gain 800 grams in weight, and his height should increase by another 3 cm.

  • He grew by 3 cm, the weight gain ranged from 700 g to 1 kg.
  • Becomes more active - stays awake for an average of 15-20 minutes per hour. May confuse day with night and want to play and communicate when parents are sleeping.
  • Able to lift and hold the head for a short time.
  • He spreads his arms to the sides, turns over from his side to his back.
  • He actively hums, as if singing the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”, combinations of “aha”, “agu”, “bu”.
  • Demonstrates a “revitalization complex.” It manifests itself in a wide smile, stretching out arms and legs to mother and actively moving them, humming.
  • Soothes during sucking and in hands.
  • He can follow an object with his gaze, carefully monitor approaching or receding objects, and turn his head towards the source of sound.
  • Coordination of movements improves. The child can spread his limbs to the sides, he has already found his hands and explores them with pleasure - examining them, sucking his fingers.
  • The hands are clenched into fists, but you can straighten the baby’s palms and put a rattle there, he will try to hold it.
  • The first attempts to reach the object appear.
  • Vision improves, the child begins to distinguish colors, and the first understanding appears that the world is full of colors.
  • The newborn's reflexes fade.

Third month

By the third month, the baby holds his head more confidently. Can rest on his forearms if placed on his tummy. It is important to turn him over on his tummy more often during this period, this will help him get rid of the gases that have formed in the stomach and help strengthen the muscles of his neck and back. And also do not let him lie on his side for a long time, this can lead to curvature of the spine.

During this period, the child looks more intently at bright toys. Can talk to himself, make not only single vowel sounds, but also consonants. Becomes more curious about the things and events around him. He himself sticks the pacifier out of his mouth, and then tries to put it back.

By the end of the third month, the child should gain about 800 grams in weight and 3 cm in height. The period between sleep can be 1-1.5 hours. Be sure to surround him with care and warmth. Talk to him more often, hug him, kiss him, take him in your arms and walk around the room with him.

  • Height - increase 3-3.5 cm. Weight - increase 750 g.
  • Night sleep lengthens, daytime sleep shortens.
  • Lying on his stomach, the child holds his head for 20-25 seconds, in an upright position for up to 15 seconds, and easily turns it in different directions.
  • He turns to one side from his back and tries to lean on his elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • Smiles, recognizes loved ones, hums, “sings” during communication.
  • Becomes more emotional, knows how to laugh out loud, and parodies the facial expressions of his parents.
  • Knows how to scream and cry to express dissatisfaction and demand attention. Observant parents may even notice the first manifestations of their baby's character.
  • Easily recognizes light and sound sources.
  • If the mother holds the child above a hard surface, he pushes off from the support and, as it were, “bounces” and kicks his legs.
  • The palms are already straightened, the baby pulls his hands towards the offered toy and tries to grab it, tries to hit the rattle located above him. He will definitely put a toy in his hands and put it in his mouth.
  • The baby has already found his legs and is trying to explore his face with his hands.
  • Movements generally become voluntary.

Fourth month

By the fourth month, the baby can confidently hold his head up. Reacts and turns around to sound. Lying on his tummy, he can lean on his arms and straighten them. Can independently reach for a toy, grab it, examine it closely, and taste it. Identify your mother from other people.

  • Height + 2.5 cm, weight + 700 g.
  • Rolls over from back to stomach, holds his head well and turns it to the sides, confidently supports his body on his elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • Makes the first attempts to sit up, raises the upper body.
  • Crawling on his stomach in a crib or on a rug.
  • Voluntarily grabs and holds a toy with one or two hands, tastes it.
  • The child gets his favorite toys.
  • Makes the first conscious manipulations with objects: knocking, throwing.
  • Supports breast or bottle when feeding.
  • The babbling gradually begins to be replaced by babbling, the first syllables appear - “ma”, “ba”, “pa”.
  • Fixes gaze and closely follows moving objects.
  • He looks at his reflection in the mirror.
  • When communicating, the child gives preference to his mother and is capricious, even if she has left only for a short time.
  • Distinguishes between friends and strangers, actively smiles, laughs, and can even squeal with delight.
  • Reacts to music - calms down when he hears it and listens carefully.
  • Reacts when his name is spoken.

Fifth month

This is a new leap in the development of your child. During this period, he can already roll over on his own. Some people at this age try to sit on their butts. Crawling on the floor or crib tummy. They are trying to get to their feet. It is very important to hold the baby by the armpits and teach him to walk. In order to train the leg muscles and relieve him in the future from flat feet and “bouncing” while walking. The child can already clearly identify people close to him from strangers. He makes sounds more confidently, although not yet consciously. Teach him to pronounce the simplest words, such as dad, mom, grandpa, grandma. On average, during the fifth month your child will gain about 2.5 cm in height and about 700 grams in weight.

  • Height +2.5, weight + 700 g.
  • He knows how to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, rests on his palms, confidently holds his head in an upright position, and looks around.
  • Can sit with support for some time.
  • An important sign of normal development of the nervous system is the distinction between friends and strangers. A child may be wary when a stranger appears, will be reluctant to go into his arms, may get scared and cry loudly. He prefers to be in his parents' arms.
  • He himself encourages parents to communicate, reaches out to his mother, smiles, babbles, pronounces the first syllables. If there is not enough communication, the child becomes capricious.
  • Willingly plays with objects - pulls them towards him, throws them, knocks, licks them.
  • Plays while eating.
  • Some children suck their toes.
  • He looks at the faces in the pictures with interest.
  • Most children are starting to teethe.

Sixth month

At this age, the child can already distinguish his name from another name. He can sit on his butt without help, although he still cannot squat on his own. Confidently holds toys in his hands, transfers them from one hand to another. Lying on his tummy, he can pull up his legs and try to get on all fours. Learns to pronounce individual syllables: pa-pa, ma-ma.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Many people at this age begin to feed their child a variety of foods. Just try not to give him salty and sweet foods, because... the kidneys and intestines are not yet developed enough for this. Consult your doctor about what foods you can give your baby at this age.

  • Height +2.5 cm, weight +700g.
  • Sits independently and sits for a while.
  • He crawls “on his bellies” and is able to crawl to a toy lying 10-20 cm from him.
  • Gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. This is an important indicator - this is how the child prepares for full crawling.
  • Tilts and turns in different directions.
  • Drinks from a mug if you hold it, plays with food.
  • Picks up fallen objects, moves a toy from hand to hand or from one box to another.
  • He studies with interest and can break surrounding objects.
  • Simple cause-and-effect relationships are formed: pushed an object - it fell, pressed a button - the music turned on.
  • He looks at the large object that his mother is talking about.
  • The child is very emotional, his mood constantly changes, he screams when he is dissatisfied and laughs loudly when they play with him.
  • Enjoys playing peek-a-boo and can clap his hands.
  • Listens attentively to human speech and reproduces sounds and syllables, actively babbles. The consonants “z”, “s”, “v”, “f” appear.

Seventh month

By the seventh month, the child already becomes restless. He can easily roll on his own from his back to his tummy or to his side. He distinguishes objects and if you ask him, for example, to say where the watch is, he will turn his head a little to the sides and show it. With the help of others, he can walk and crawl independently, mainly backwards. He hits toys against each other, throws them and watches with concentration as they fall to the floor or hit the wall, often smiling at the same time.

Children at this age love to swim, as they already sit confidently and can play with toys. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to bathing during this period. Tell what part of the body is called what and then ask him to show and name them. So that he remembers what they are called.

In terms of diet, it will be useful to give a child at this age some cottage cheese and meat to replenish the supply of calcium in the body, for its further growth and to speed up the process of teething. Potassium, for normal heart function and protein, for muscle growth.

At this age, try to keep the floor, toys, and objects that the child can grab clean. Because at this age he will taste them, i.e. Everything he comes across will be shoved into his mouth.

By the end of the seventh month, the child should gain an average of about 550-600 grams in weight and 2 cm in height.

  • Height +2 cm, weight + 600 g.
  • Sits confidently, holds his back straight, sometimes leans on his hand.
  • The skill of crawling appears or improves; some children crawl backwards.
  • Removes food from spoon, drinks from a mug with support.
  • He stands at the support himself and is able to stand for some time.
  • He loves to “walk” when his mother supports him under the arms or by the arms.
  • Grasping movements are improved and fine motor skills of the hands develop. The child is delighted with finger games - “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki”.
  • He enjoys studying the properties of surrounding objects: knocking them, shaking them, throwing them on the floor, disassembling them, breaking them, putting them in his mouth. Can hold a toy in each hand and bang them together.
  • Shows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are, examines himself with his hands and mouth.
  • Begins to copy the behavior of adults.
  • Actively babbles, sings the sounds “ta”, “da”, “ma”, “na”, “ba”, “pa”, onomatopoeia “av-av”, “kva-kva” and others appear.
  • He enjoys looking at pictures in books and flipping through the pages.
  • Determines by tone of voice what “no” means.

Eighth month

At this age, the main thing is not to leave one child alone at the top. Since he can already move independently and sit down. Looks at new toys with interest. Can identify mom and dad from strangers from photographs. Can understand the game “okay” or the well-known “peek-a-boo”. If you ask him to wave his hand, he will wave it at you with pleasure. A little begins to understand what is being asked of him. Tries to eat on his own.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • He is very attached to his mother, even a short separation is very painful, and is wary of strangers.
  • He sits, stands up, walks with side steps at the support and forward, holding hands.
  • Moves freely in familiar spaces.
  • Can carry out simple tasks - bring, show.
  • Actions with objects become correlative: the child covers the jars with lids, strings the rings of the pyramid.
  • The range of emotions expands, you can notice dissatisfaction, surprise, joy, delight, perseverance.
  • The first conscious words appear - “mom”, “dad”, “give”.
  • The vocabulary is actively growing, new babbling sounds and words are constantly appearing.
  • He loves to listen to music, dance to it, clap his hands and stomp his feet.

Ninth month

By grabbing onto a nearby chair, sofa or playpen, the child can get up and move independently, holding on to them. He falls, cries and gets back up. During this period, the child learns to walk independently. Likes to repeat words after adults, or rather syllables. Can already drink from a cup held by an adult.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • Gets up from a sitting position, sits down from a lying position, stands and walks with support. Tries to climb onto the sofa, chair, armchair, and open drawers.
  • Unfolds while crawling.
  • Knows where to put toys and where mom put this or that item away. He wants to get everything that surrounds him.
  • He actively shows emotions towards his parents - he is dissatisfied and breaks out when his mother cleans his ears or cuts his nails, he gets scared if he has lost sight of his mother.
  • Tries to manipulate adults by screaming and crying.
  • He tries to eat himself with a spoon and shows his first independence in dressing.
  • Fine motor skills are improved - the child can pick up small objects and put his fingers into holes. He can crush a piece of plasticine and tear paper.
  • Remembers the names of objects and can show them.
  • Repeats the actions of adults and can carry out some instructions. Likes to do everything in public, repeats the action if asked.
  • Knows the meaning of the words “lie down”, “give”, “go”, “sit”.
  • Speech is actively developing. The child’s own “language” is formed, understandable only to close people.

Tenth month

At this age, the child imitates adults and animals with his movements. Can play with toys independently and confidently holds them in his hands. He can leaf through books with his fingers. With the help of adults, he can play with other children. He understands when he is told “no”.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Sits from a standing position, quickly crawls, can stand without support and tries to walk.
  • Loves to dance, stomp, clap.
  • Small finger movements become more perfect, the child holds two or three small objects in one hand.
  • Performs complex actions: opens and closes, hides, takes away.
  • Repeats movements and reproduces facial expressions of adults.
  • Uses mostly one hand.
  • He understands what needs to be done with objects - he rolls a car, pushes a tumbler, assembles a pyramid, builds towers from two or three cubes.
  • Likes to put objects into each other, drag them from place to place.
  • More interested in small objects than large ones.
  • Finds logical connections - for example, he can move a car with a stick or a slipper.
  • He can show parts of his face, his mother’s, or a doll’s.
  • Can pronounce the names of surrounding objects and animals.

Eleventh month

This is practically an “adult child”. He moves independently with support, sits, crawls, and stands up. Understands simple requests. Can name most objects. He is learning to pronounce his first words, albeit with intonation for now.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Moves actively, sits, stands up, lies down, can walk a short distance without support.
  • Tries to show independence - eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, puts on socks and shoes.
  • He reacts very vividly to a new toy, to an unfamiliar environment, to strangers.
  • Understands strict speech. He knows what “impossible” is, understands from his mother’s reaction whether he did good or bad.
  • Loves praise.
  • He babbles a lot and communicates in his own “language”, clearly says the words “mom”, “dad”, “baba”.
  • Uses different means of expressing his desires, except for crying - he points his finger, moves his gaze.
  • Waves goodbye.
  • Nods affirmatively or shakes his head negatively.
  • Loves musical toys and bright illustrations in books.
  • Grabs beads or beans with index finger and thumb.

Twelfth month

At almost one year of age, in most cases, the child already begins to walk independently without support and stand. They actively participate in the process of feeding, bathing and dressing. Shows feeling care for toys. Feeds them and puts them to bed. Repeats sounds he hears on the street, on TV or at home. Begins to pronounce the first words. True, these words are not always clear to everyone. But those who listen carefully to the child will understand them.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Stands, gets up from a squatting position, walks independently.
  • Steps over obstacles and crouches to pick up an object from the floor.
  • Actively participates in everything that concerns him - dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth.
  • Uses a spoon, drinks from a mug, and knows how to chew solid food.
  • Food addictions are clearly manifested - the baby does not eat if he does not like the food.
  • Needs parents and is attached to his toys. The absence of mom or dad is painful.
  • Assembles and disassembles toys; if you need to free your hand, you put the object under your arm or in your mouth.
  • Knows how to use objects - a telephone, a hammer, a broom.
  • Looks for an object, even if he did not see where it was placed.
  • He understands everything that is said to him.
  • He talks about his desires - “give”, “na”, calls mom, dad, grandma. A child’s vocabulary per year is 10-15 words.

All the above indicators are conditional. The development of a child depends on many factors - heredity, living conditions, and social environment. Get joy from communicating with your baby, praise him for his successes and don’t be upset if he hasn’t learned something yet. Everything has its time. Your child is the best, and it is in your power to help him become a harmonious, developed little person.


The development of a child in one year is very rapid. In just 365 days, a child turns from a tiny person who can’t do anything and doesn’t know anything into a reasonable one. At 1 year old, he can already walk, sit down, stand up, eat, drink, play, speak, feel and understand on his own. The main thing is to protect the child with care and love at this time. Never swear in front of your child. Even though he is small, he still feels and understands everything. Raise your children healthy, smart and strong!

Height and weight gain chart

Open table


Film: Child development by month - a calendar of the physical and mental development of a baby up to one year old

You can immediately go to the desired month and study detailed articles:

Age Average increase in height Average weight gain
Month 1 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 2 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 3 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 4 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 5 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 6 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 7 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 8 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 9 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 10 1 cm.

So, friends, talking about food, talking about the first meal - in fact, complementary feeding - is a topic of concern to everyone. Probably, the pediatrician has several such topics - like “Treating diarrhea”, “Treating snot”, “Treating cough”, “Complementary feeding” - wake you up at night, we’ll tell you how to live with it.

I ask you to write down 10 simple rules:

Rule #1. When to start

The most important rule of complementary feeding is when to start? I used to say this: from 4 to 6 months, the baby does not need complementary feeding, the mother needs it.

Now I will say this: there is no complementary feeding until 6 months. You see, medical science does not stand still, and there is more and more evidence that these experiments are not necessary until the child reaches 6 months. Fine?

Rule #2. Independence of the type of feeding

It is very important to immediately forget that the feeding system has something to do with the timing of complementary feeding:

  • We are artificial babies, we need complementary feeding from 3 months!
  • We are breastfed, we will start in a year. Until one year - only mother!

My friends, regardless of the type of feeding, the optimal time to start complementary feeding is 6 months.

Rule #3. We do not experiment with a sick child

Complementary foods and new foods in general are given when the child is healthy. If a child is sick, something is wrong - let's not experiment with the sick person.

We already know three rules - well done!

Rule #4. Calm environment

Again, why do you need these experiments, if you went to visit somewhere, are getting ready to go on a trip - tomorrow we are going somewhere, and today let's give something, and we will treat diarrhea all night! Therefore, if we are going to introduce any new foods, let's adapt to the circumstances and not experiment when it is inconvenient for any family member.

Rule #5. First complementary foods, then main food

What is very important? Complementary feeding is still given when the child is really hungry, that is, it is given before feeding him the main meal. It is clear that if you put him to your breast, then after he has eaten, it is already very difficult to conduct any experiments with new, unusual food. Therefore, once again, an important rule is first complementary foods, then the main food.

Rule #6. If your child refuses new food

Another rule is that if he refuses, there is no need to be upset, but there is also no need to close this topic. Refuses - repeat after some time, offer, offer, offer.

What’s also very important is that if you really want him to eat it, but he doesn’t eat it, eat it yourself in his presence. This is very helpful.

Rule #7. Monocomponent nature of the new complementary food

One more rule: everything new is monocomponent. That is, if we decide to give porridge, then we don’t need to give porridge from 7 grains, and then guess which one didn’t suit us. Agreed? Well done.

Rule #8. Gradual transition to complementary feeding

If we replace one of the feedings with complementary foods, then we will begin experimenting with the other only after that. That is, there is no need to conduct experiments every feeding. Let's eat mom in the morning, the second feeding is complementary feeding, mom. And when we completely replace the second feeding, then we will conduct some more experiments on the third and fourth. This is desirable. Agreed? Well done!

Rule #9. Gradual menu expansion

There is also a rule that it is advisable to listen to - as a rule, new products that the child has never tried before (and there may be several such products at once) should not be given with an interval of less than 5 days. That is, you don’t need something new every day. Then, again, it will be difficult to figure out who is really to blame.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Rule #10. The period for complete feeding replacement is a week.

By and large, I must tell you that, as a rule, for a complete replacement of feeding - for example, we decided to give the child oatmeal - as a rule, the optimal period for completely replacing the mixture with oatmeal is about a week. It's clear? That is, we know that the child eats this milk formula. Today they gave 20 g, tomorrow 40, the day after tomorrow 80, etc. – a week to replace feeding.

The rules are over. Now these are very interesting things, because again, medical science does not stand still.

Complementary feeding and allergies

For example, in the USA there is a very acute problem associated with, for example, peanuts. They have a very common - you probably know - peanut butter. They have a huge number of children with peanut allergies. And all their lives they told mothers: “Never give peanuts to small children! This increases the likelihood of allergies!”

And suddenly, literally a lot of recent studies prove that, it turns out, if children from 6-8 months are given small quantities of peanuts, this sharply reduces the likelihood of allergies later when they are older.

That is, this is how everything changes. Another question is that if there are people with allergies in the house, if this topic is, in principle, relevant for the family, then it is better not to conduct such experiments.

Why am I saying all this? Very often, right now, your doctor can advise you on something that goes against what is written in many books. But science does not stand still and everything changes.

For example, fish. In many books they write that fish is better after a year: we start complementary feeding with meat, and then fish. And now, if a child receives fish soup or pieces of fish in broth, starting from 8 months, it turns out that there will be nothing wrong with it - please, good health!

And one last piece of advice for you.

Complementary feeding as knowledge of the world

You know, it turns out that almost the most luxurious thing about complementary feeding is the process of eating itself, when the child himself is using his hands and spoon. But in our country, complementary feeding often looks like this: they sit you down, wrap it up, put in a cone, 2 cones, and then a bottle.

Guys, try to do this already at 6 months - complementary feeding at 6 months, when he starts eating this cottage cheese - this, as you understand, has absolutely nothing to do with calories, with food. Yes, this is actually learning about the world, new ways of eating.

Therefore, they sat the little one down, put a plate in front of him, gave him something that looked like a spoon, and let him try to eat. Yes, he will be covered from head to toe in this spoonful of curd. He will still get dirty sooner or later, but, nevertheless, this is very healthy for his development, for his motor skills, for his intellect.

It's very cool when a child learns that he will eat himself. It's better than watching cartoons on TV together. I draw your attention to this. You want to give the child cottage cheese - you sit the child down, give him a plate, sit opposite him with exactly the same plate with cottage cheese, and eat this cottage cheese. He looks at you and repeats.

I really want your children to look at you, and not at cartoons on TV. Explain to dad that he is needed by personal example in the process of complementary feeding much more than all Masha and the bears combined.

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to continue talking with you about our newborn babies! I remember how I consulted with relatives about raising my baby - after all, I became a mother for the first time. What’s interesting is that the advice received from relatives was very different!

When your baby is two months old, you will notice that he has become completely different. Compare the photographs of the baby from the maternity hospital and his appearance at the moment - he does not look like the little “alien” from the maternity hospital. His facial features were transformed, his movements became more confident, and the baby himself became calmer.

During a routine examination, the pediatrician will weigh and measure the baby to determine whether he is lagging behind his peers in physical development.

It is considered the norm, If:

  1. girl weighs 3.9-6.6 (boy: 4.3-7.1) kg;
  2. baby's height is 53-61.1 (boys: 54.4-62.4) cm;
  3. girl's head circumference 35.8-40.7 (boy: 36.8-41.5) cm.

However, during the examination, the doctor takes into account other factors:

  • at what time the child was born;
  • does he have chronic diseases;
  • And so on.

Therefore, if a child’s height/weight does not correspond to the norm, this does not mean that your baby is defective or is not developing in a timely manner. Each baby is individual, so remember that generally accepted norms often do not have much meaning.

The baby's daily routine also changes. Now the baby sleeps less than before. In total, the number of hours of sleep is equal to 19. Moreover, twice a day a newborn can sleep up to three hours in a row! At night he may not wake up at all. Sleep becomes more sound.

At two months of age, newborns often have problems with bowel movements. Babies who feed on mother's milk can have bowel movements up to 8 times a day! But babies who are switched to dry formulas from birth often begin to suffer from constipation.

Pay attention to your baby's behavior; if he often wiggles his legs and cries, and his tummy has become tight, he may have colic. This is a common occurrence in children of this age.

2. Peculiarities of baby development

Over time, the baby improves his skills, matures, grows stronger, and gains strength. Now, in addition to unconditioned reflexes, he has learned to consciously look at the world.

At the age of two months, your baby is able to concentrate his gaze on a specific object and can even follow his mother as she walks around the apartment (even at a month old, it is extremely difficult for a baby to focus his gaze on objects in motion).

So what should a baby be able to do at the age of two months? Firstly, everything that I learned in the previous month of my life.

Moreover, he has now acquired new skills:

  1. learned to hold the head for 15 seconds;
  2. knows how to roll over from side to back on its own (and just yesterday the child would have been lying in the position in which you left him);
  3. smiles from ear to ear (of course, such facial expressions are more like an admiring “o”, but you, mother, will immediately recognize that the baby is laughing);
  4. reacts to the touch of parents and other people (moreover, mother’s hugs cause a slight smile in the baby, and the hands of strangers can provoke the baby to cry);
  5. hums, draws out vowels (may even try to sing);
  6. listens to different sounds (and can even begin to determine from which side the ringing is coming);
  7. cries in order to express his dissatisfaction with something (for example, he wants to be fed or asks in this way to change his dirty diaper).

Of course, a baby can learn much more in the first months. To do this, you need to practice with it more often, and various games will help you with this!

3. Educational games

Young parents know that the little man is not yet ready for serious instructive lessons. Nowadays it is much more correct to develop the baby’s skills with the help of children’s games.

In order to gain new knowledge, you can offer your child:

  • reach for toys suspended half a meter above his head (choose bright and beautiful figures so that the baby wants to reach them with his hands);
  • watch the ringing rattle, which you move from side to side (this will help the baby develop vision and learn to concentrate his attention on a specific object);
  • repeat the vowels after you (just under no circumstances force your baby to sing if he is not in the mood).

Now the baby is very inquisitive, so he will really enjoy exploring the surrounding area.

Take the baby in your arms and walk around the apartment with him, naming every object he comes across. Do the same on the street. With systematic repetition, the baby will begin to remember words and associate them with objects.

It is also very useful for the development of tactile sensations to perform finger exercises with the baby. Such activities stimulate brain activity. There are many video tutorials on the Internet on how to do the exercises correctly. In general, you can purchase a whole manual for the development of fine motor skills - the book will be useful to you in the future!

You can dream up! Our grandmothers used ingenuity when raising us: they let us touch objects of different shapes (pasta, buttons, cutlery), read newspapers out loud, let us pull our hair. Now any activity will benefit the baby!

But most importantly, do not leave your child unattended! Now he began to put into his mouth everything that falls into his hands! Be careful!

Well, well, I will say goodbye to you, but not for long. If you found this article useful, recommend it to your friends. And subscribe to my updates. Bye bye!

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