Test am I a happy person? How do I know if I'm happy? Test, how happy are you? Are you satisfied with your life

If you are interested in the answer to the question: “Am I a happy person?”, then take the happiness test. Of course, every person knows for himself whether he is happy or not. The test will complement your knowledge about yourself.

Happiness test

Answer 15 questions sincerely and honestly. Yes or no.

1. Are you satisfied with your life?

2. Do you often quarrel with your wife (husband)?

3. Would you like to become James Bond for just one day?

4. Are you happy (satisfied) with your clothes?

5. Is fate fair to you?

6. Do you have friendly relations with your co-workers?

7. Do you often have insomnia?

8. Do you often wake up in a bad mood?

9. Are you happy (satisfied) with your appearance?

10. Are you proud of your professional achievements?

11. Have there been more defeats in your life than victories?

12. Do you like weekends more than working days?

13. Would you like (would like) to move to live in another city?

14. Are you satisfied with your sex life?

15. Do you remember your school years with hostility?

Answering “YES” to questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14 earns you 1 point.

Answering “NO” to 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15 gives you 1 more point.

Count your points.

The result of the happiness test:

1-3 points. Unfortunately, you are an unhappy person, because you are deeply confident in this (sure). Give you free rein, you would cross out your life and rewrite it again. But this would hardly help either. The problem is definitely you, not luck or fate.

9-15 points. You are a happy person! Not so much because you were born (born) in a shirt, but because you wear it without taking it off. Of course, there are things in life that you would like to change, but they do not affect your goodwill and goodwill towards yourself and people.


Many people, when asked “Are you happy?” most likely the answer will be positive.

However, some may deceive themselves without realizing it.

With this test you can get a little closer to answering this question.

Of course, you don’t need to limit yourself to just one test. Try to understand yourself better, and then begin to follow the path that will lead specifically to your happiness.

Below the test you can learn some interesting facts about happiness.

10 facts about happiness

1. It's a choice.

According to scientists, approximately 40 percent of our happiness depends on us. To translate our happiness into the things we create, it's worth adopting some habits, such as remembering the positive moments in your life and trying to smile more. After this you will feel happier.

2. Weather can affect our feelings of happiness.

If you live in a temperate climate, you are more likely to be a more cheerful person. According to several studies, there is a direct link between mild summers and winters and happiness. A pleasant climate can improve mood, while a harsher climate has a negative effect.

3. MusicMaybeincreasemood.

4. The older you are, the happier you are.

According to a 2013 survey, older people were happier than younger people. About 50% of people over 65 feel happy. Among young people (from 18 to 24 years old) this figure is 31%.

5. By giving joy to others, you yourself become happier.

It is not necessary to open a charitable foundation. A small act of kindness and altruism is enough to make you feel happier. One study found that the happiness people feel from being kind to others can increase their life expectancy.

6. People are happier in the morning.

When the Sun rises, your mood improves. One study found that people's mood improves when they wake up on sunny mornings. Scientists examined 2.5 million people's Twitter posts and found that messages were more positive earlier in the day. As the day went on, people's spirits fell.

7. Some foods can make you happier.

Your good mood may depend on the foods you eat. Nuts, chicken and milk contain high levels of tryptophan, which can lead to the production of serotonin, which in turn helps a person feel calmer and happier.

8. Marriage protects against declines in happiness in adulthood.

According to one study, mothers are more satisfied with their lives than childless women.

9. Animals make you happier.

When we play or pet our furry four-legged friends, our brains release oxytocin, which makes us happier. This hormone also reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.

10. Joy is contagious.

Frequently communicating with happy people will make you happy too. A study on this topic was published in the British Medical Journal. Scientists have found that if a person has a happy close friend, the likelihood that the person himself will become happy increases by 15 percent.


Job satisfaction can affect your happiness.

A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology showed a link between happiness at work and happiness in life. Another study found that success at work is one of the most important factors in well-being and happiness.

It doesn't matter who you are. Happiness is what we all dream about. Sometimes it comes easily and naturally, and sometimes it can only be obtained through struggle. Happiness is what everyone is looking for, what everyone dreams of, but it is very difficult to understand how to get it or achieve it. Don't know if you have a happy life? Let's figure out what this condition implies!

Do you love the lifestyle you lead?

All people find themselves in certain life situations as a result of certain decisions they make. Everyone has the chance to create their own lifestyle. If you do this with love and awareness, you are likely to be a fairly happy person. A happy lifestyle comes with a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Life can be difficult with constant changes and challenges, but if you then feel peace and confidence in your decisions, you are on the right path. If you feel that your daily actions are helping you move towards your goal, you can be considered a happy person.

You can cope with difficulties

How you react to setbacks can tell a lot about how happy you are. Happiness can be described as the balance of thoughts and emotions about a possible future. If you are truly happy, you know that you can realize your potential and achieve the goals you set for yourself. Think about a recent disappointment that has happened to you and evaluate how it fills you with emotion. If you're paralyzed by fear or losing your way after such a situation, deep down you may not be too happy with the way your life is turning out. If you move on easily after disappointment and cope with life's storms, you most likely have a happy life. Only a happy person can face trials with joy.

You speak calmly and openly

This is one of the most striking characteristics of a happy person. The more calmly you can express your thoughts and opinions, the happier you will be. A happy person does not suffer from the opinions of others about him. Such people are confident in themselves, they do not worry about what others think of them. This allows them to be open, honest and emotional. A happy person has the courage to express what he really feels. Express your emotions. Don't let anger or frustration build up inside. Say what you feel openly and respectfully. It's liberating!

You strive for your goals

If you're not too busy worrying about what other people will think of you, you'll have more time to do the things that matter to you. Happy people manage to devote time to things that interest them. They are not limited by expectations created by society or loved ones. They are full of strength and strive for their dreams, it doesn’t matter to them what obstacles await them on the way.

You can make yourself happier

Just because you are a happy person does not mean that you are full of happiness twenty-four hours a day. This is impossible and completely unnatural. However, happy people know how to bounce back and find joy in any situation. They understand that happiness does not come out of nowhere. They understand that happiness comes from finding joy in their work, in their hobbies, in their relationships. This means that they strive to advance in a career that makes them happy, they make time for their favorite activities and make time for loved ones.

You ask for help when you need it

Happy people are not protected from life's hardships. They have to go through problems just like everyone else. Their difference is that they know how to ask for help. They know how to talk about their problems and find support from others.

Your priority is your own well-being

You can't be happy if you're burnt out. If you are constantly struggling with problems and striving for goals, it will be difficult for you to be happy with your achievement. Be sure to think about self-care. Happy people know how to monitor their condition - through proper nutrition, sports, meditation or something else.

You accept yourself as you are

This is a very important criterion. It is impossible to genuinely feel happiness and yet hate yourself for the way you look or behave. A happy person manages to free himself from complexes and enjoy his existence. This is a feeling of confidence, not based on any demands on oneself. If your happiness is based on conditions, you may lose it.

Do you like your job

If you have been able to find your passion in life, that is very important. It's nice when you can happily think about future prospects. Of course, most people would rather just lie on the beach than work, but work should still make you feel good.

You have a strong circle of friends

Humans are social creatures, we need communication in order to feel happier. Our lives are connected with hundreds of people every day. How do you experience this communication? If you're feeling enthusiastic, that's a good sign.

You have experienced real honesty

Having casual conversations with people you know is nice, but to truly be happy you need stronger connections. Openness doesn't just happen in romantic relationships; you can achieve intimacy with friends too.

You know how to separate work from your personal life

Work is very important, but a career is not the whole of life. A healthy balance between life and work fills a person with energy and happiness. Try to create positive moments for yourself outside of the office. You are more than your job. Remember this.

Do you have values ​​in life?

Happy people are comfortable with their values. They know what is their priority, they devote time to it and act exactly as they see fit.

You take time for yourself

A happy person takes time for himself. Evaluate your schedule: do you have the freedom to change things? Can you afford to relax? Find such an opportunity.

What to do if you are not happy?

If you realize that you are not happy, there is no need to panic. This does not mean that you are depressed. Perhaps you just don't have the motivation. Think about what you can change. If you feel unwell, you may need professional help.

How do you know if you are a happy person?

American psychologist Paula Davis-Luck observed thousands of people for several years and came to the conclusion that 10 moments in his behavior indicate that a person belongs to the category of happy.

1. Create and maintain strong relationships with social groups (family, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors). These connections act as a buffer during depression, which the World Health Organization predicts could become the second leading cause of death in the world by 2020.

2. They engage in activities that correspond to their worldview, lifestyle, and correlate with their set of life values.

3. Grateful. This increases their self-esteem, self-esteem, and helps fight stress and negative emotions.

4. Optimistic in their thinking style. They know how to find positivity even in pessimistic situations. Firstly, they try to concentrate, control the situation and choose the moment for further progressive movement. Secondly, they know that “this will pass.” Thirdly, they do not allow the negativity that happened in one area of ​​life to penetrate into other areas.

5. They do good. Acts of kindness help them create a positive impression of themselves and others, and as a result, such positive emotions increase their mental and physical resilience.

6. Material wealth for them is only part of their life goals. In 1940, the average life satisfaction score among Americans was 7.5 (out of a possible 10). Now (when computers, supercars appeared, incomes increased significantly), the same figure was 7.2 points.

7. Developed a survival strategy in difficult situations. According to the observations of a psychologist, there are five factors that help happy people move on after difficult events: gratitude for life, finding new ways for development, personal excellence, improving relationships with other people and spiritual growth. Happy people know how to find impetus for further development in difficult situations.

8. Take care of your health. They take care of their body, mind and know how to manage their stress. Happy people look like they are happy - they smile often, they are energetic.

9. Emotionally and spiritually developed. The development of spiritual emotions helps them feel involved in something larger than themselves, to be part of a larger world.

10. Goal-oriented. Moving towards meaningful life goals is one of the most important strategies of happy people.

Paula Davis-Luck believes that these factors make up a balanced “portfolio” of skills and emotions that distinguish a happy person from other people.

Scientists have proven that 50% of a person’s happiness depends on his character and internal qualities. 40% - from planning the day, life. Already the last 10% is influenced by outside influence: communication with people, income level, availability of living space and other material goods. But sometimes all this is there, but you can’t say to yourself “I am happy.” And who is to blame for this?

Test “Am I happy?”

When a person understands the reasons for his failures, it will be easier to understand where this happiness comes from. And happiness tests will certainly help with this, helping to objectively assess the level of well-being “in the blood” of a person.

Every person has faced the question, what is happiness? Scientists believe that it is not enough to neutralize the effects of stress. Still, this feeling has its own meaning for everyone. The happiness test will answer this question and determine how happy you are.

Many people believe that happiness lies in getting married successfully. Others can say about themselves that I am happy having a well-paid job. Still others, standing on the top of Elbrus, understand that this is it. What does this feeling give you exactly? And how often are you happy? Let's try to find out from the results of the survey.

Happiness is an internal feeling of the soul that is not associated with external stimuli. Or is it still connected? It's different for everyone. But after passing this test, you will definitely know the answer to this question. Along with this, it will allow you to evaluate your personal feelings, how happy you are.

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