Publications in the media (mainly interviews). The prodigal daughter is back! Ekaterina Mirimanova year of birth

Over the past months, I have been constantly eating. She drank and ate. Perhaps it all started after that month, when we just started to break up, and I couldn’t cram a single piece into myself. And then it was as if someone had opened a Pandora's box. I broke through. I started eating when I saw the number 59.5 on the scale. At that moment I was really scared that something wrong was happening to me! I was very worried. I guess you could say that I am still worried now. Still. As one of my friends, a psychologist, would say: “It’s normal to worry, it’s not normal to keep everything inside.” I'm really scared. When you move to another line of life blindfolded, it is always painful. And now... The divorce papers have already been filed, but I still can’t stop. Last time it was much easier. Then I just got stuck on one number. Now I rapidly began to gain weight. One of my friends, seeing how much I eat and observing my constant thoughts about food, made fun of me. But I didn't pay attention. Only when I returned home after a month of rest and stepped on the scales did I experience a shock. Even before the rest, I began to recover.

Perhaps the process began after taking hormonal pills last year. But then I seemed to be able to return to normal, and for a while, as I already said, I saw my previous weight. Now, having stepped on the scale, after a week of absence, I experienced real horror. Everything happened as if it wasn’t happening to me. This is exactly how they gain sixty kilograms. It seems that everything that is happening is not scary, that everything will work out, and you will get in shape. You don’t attach importance to the one or two kilograms you’ve gained. And then suddenly you step on the scale and realize: “This can’t go on!”

At night I woke up with the realization that I had discovered the reason. You know, it happens sometimes, at one moment you seem to have an epiphany. I went through an incredibly difficult period in my life. A huge amount of work, worries due to a number of personal factors, but most importantly, at two in the morning, I clearly realized: “I blamed myself for the divorce!” I knew for sure that two people are always to blame for a breakup. But since I initiated it a second time, deep down I blamed myself for it. I had hurt myself and another person, and now I was “punishing” my body for it by eating incontinently.

And yesterday I was nervous before the return flight. Because I had to resolve many different issues upon arrival. From work to personal. It started in the morning. I ate two sandwiches for breakfast at five o'clock, then my daughter and I arrived at the airport, and I continued with fast food (a large sandwich, a cocktail, and some potatoes). On the plane, I naturally had no appetite, and I “limited myself” to chocolate. Well, in the evening, as expected, I broke out. Beef, mozzarella, crackers, wine, a little more chocolate, then cheburek. The power of destruction is endless...

And then I woke up at two in the morning and realized that this couldn’t go on any longer. It's not my fault for the divorce. This thought was firmly in my head. I forgive myself. It happens that people do not get along with each other, but this is not a reason to punish yourself so cruelly. It just didn’t work out! (It just didn't work). This is perhaps the most difficult stage in my life, but I must pass through it with honor.

At night I stepped on the scale, knowing that the number I saw would shock me. I didn’t do this to swear at myself and say to myself: “Look at what you’ve brought yourself to!” And not to feel sorry for yourself. Weighing yourself at night after such a gluttony is generally insane. But I needed to see the self-destruction that I had been doing in recent months with my own eyes.

Tomorrow morning I will wake up and step on the scale again. And I will write this figure on the blog. Because I know that I am returning to myself. I forgive myself for the weight I've gained. Once again I understand how important it is to forgive yourself. Regardless of what you blame yourself for.

The recession is over. I know what lesson I should learn from it. This is the most serious decline in recent years. I have never gained so much before. Of course, there were fluctuations of one or two kilograms, but not that much. Now everything will change. I'm getting back on track and getting in shape. Right from this moment, not from tomorrow. Please note that I do not promise myself to fast for three weeks or eat only rice. I'm not going to limit myself in anything. I'm just planning to stick to the "classic" form of the system, and I'm sure that after a couple of weeks, I'll see my usual weight again.

And I wish the same for you. No, don't gain extra pounds during a recession. And try to understand what exactly you blame yourself for in this life, what you punish yourself for. And then, admitting your mistakes, boldly step forward to a new life. Leaving the feeling of guilt in yesterday.

Born on May 27, 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from the University of the Russian Academy of Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages.

She is married for the third time, lives in Spain, and has a daughter born in 2004.

I tried myself in various fields of activity, from modeling to teaching.

During pregnancy she gained a lot of weight, but after the birth of her daughter she was able to lose 60 kg, after which she began to popularize her own weight loss system, which was later called “Minus 60”. The first book dedicated to this was published by Eksmo publishing house in 2007.

In 2009, Ekaterina wrote her first fiction book, “The Ghost and Me.”

By 2010, eleven books by Mirimanova had already been published, including three fiction books with a total circulation of 26 thousand copies. In 2009-2010, Ekaterina hosted her program on the My Family radio station.

List of books

1. System minus 60, or My magical weight loss. The experience of a losing weight optimist.

2. Recipes for the minus 60 system, or the Sorceress in the kitchen.

3. Minus 60 problems, or Secrets of the sorceress.

4. System minus 60: Life after losing weight.

5. Minus 60. System and recipes in one book.

6. System minus 60 for men.

7. Ghost and me.

8. System minus 60. Big book of recipes.

9. System minus 60. Beauty secrets for ordinary sorceresses.

11. Believe, understand, acquire.

I apologize, I haven’t appeared for a long time, but there was so much going on in life that there wasn’t enough time for anything. I’m correcting myself, I’ll share my news at the same time)

One of my very good friends, Natasha Tomina, recently asked me to do a short interview in which I could talk about something that I often keep silent about in conversations with journalists. This is what happened in the end!))

N.T.: Previously, when I was 18, I had dreams about Cinderella, princes, falling in and out of love was as easy as shelling pears. I didn't think about it. Lightness and acceptance are my favorite state at 18! Thanks to the experience, what did you gain more - positive or negative?

E.M.: Definitely positive! You know, for example, when I was 17-18 years old I didn’t want to believe in anything. After the second divorce, this condition worsened; I thought that love did not exist. Have you read the book “Believe, Understand, Gain”? However, I still hoped that everything that happens is for the better! Even if very, very bad events happen! Often people don’t believe this, but in the end it is true! Wake me up in the middle of the night and ask me: “Katya, what would you change in your life? I would confidently answer: “NOTHING”! I am completely satisfied with my life! Recently, a friend and I talked about age and the fact that I would soon turn thirty, she was amazed and said that I had achieved a lot.” I didn’t even think about it! Looking at myself from the outside, I understand how much has already been experienced, done and achieved! I say all this to mean that you never know what exactly awaits you in a minute, a month, a year, but, Looking back, you realize that all the steps taken were not taken in vain and now you are where you are thanks to your past!

N.T.: How will you spend your birthday? Have you thought about this yet?

E.M.: I don’t know yet. Ideally, I would like to go somewhere! But everything will depend not only on me - there is also a daughter and a husband. It is advisable to go to the sea! I would like to stay for a week, but it will probably take three days.

N.T.: Katyusha, how do you see yourself at forty?

Nobel Prize winner! (laughs). When, at the age of twenty, I worked as an English teacher and they asked me what would happen to me in ten years, I confidently answered - I would be a famous writer! As a rule, the reaction was appropriate! But I believed that everything would turn out exactly this way and no other way! And so it happened! I really hope that by the age of forty my works of art will become famous. I want to help people with psychological issues, because I am sure that I have something to tell them.

The most important thing is that I want to see myself happy. So that I can have my own home! Not a house, like a separate standing building, but a house in which I will live with my family. I would like to be a famous writer all over the world, but there are a lot of “buts” here, because it’s one thing when it’s theory, and quite another thing when it’s practice. After all, everything is much more complicated than it seems to the average person. People think that a writer sits in his office and leisurely writes books. In reality, this is a very complex daily work, which involves not only the process of creating a book, but also a huge number of other aspects. I haven’t had 100% days off or holidays for over five years. I can't afford that luxury. Although it may seem to someone from the outside that Mirimanova does nothing but travel, my friends and family know that I am a very busy person.

N.T.: Katyusha, thanks to writing your book, you met, fell in love and married the person you are with now. This is true?

E.M.: Yes, yes, yes! (laughs)…

N.T.: Tell me, please, do you have a secret how not to lose your feelings?

E.M.: You know, there is no such feeling that cannot be lost, because every day there are moments when you say to yourself: “damn it, who did I even marry?” In any marriage, no matter how much you love the person. With my first husband, for example, my most serious test was the moment when his mother died. The second was when my grandmother went crazy and gradually began to die (book "The Ghost and I" was written at that very moment). At a certain stage of the relationship, my former companion’s grandmother also became seriously ill and began to go crazy. My current husband is having problems with his job right now. All these shocks have a negative impact on the moral and mental state of people. At such moments, it is very important to remember more often what made you fall in love with your chosen one and ask him to do the same. When you start a relationship, you like almost everything about a person, but over time, more and more irritating factors appear. I think, that the key phase should be expression of gratitude . When you are grateful to a man, when you have something to thank him for, he will be completely with you, trying to do everything to make you feel comfortable, pleasant and good. Thinking only about the negative, you bring the relationship to naught, he begins to look for other women, you begin to look for other men.

N.T.: Should girls who dream of finding family happiness first come to the right state, restore order in their inner world, achieve harmony, lose weight, and then, after reading your book, fall in love and get married? Or can you meet your man in any condition?

E.M.: For me, weight has never been a problem. No matter what weight I was at, men tried to court me, even despite the fact that I was married. On the other hand, I know women who are smart and beautiful, and everything is fine with their work, their figure, their face - everything is wonderful, but for some reason their personal life doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh, what matters is how you feel. It is clear that, for example, a well-groomed girl has more chances to meet someone than an average girl, but after meeting someone, something different comes out. It is clear that for a man of position to have a woman next to him weighing 150 kg in our time is almost indecent. He may love her very much, but if he cannot go anywhere with her, realizing that they will not look at her very correctly (take even the example of the first ladies of the state, who are assigned the role of “live, dear, somewhere far away , or better yet, don’t get noticed at all”), it’s difficult to build relationships in such a situation. However, there are many opposite examples, when a woman is not particularly slim and beautiful, is popular with men, gets married several times, gives birth to children and is absolutely happy. Take, for example, Barbra Streisand, who did not stand anywhere near the standards of beauty that existed at that time, but, nevertheless, she had affairs with very famous successful people who were considered the first handsome men in the world.

It is important to understand that being overweight, really being overweight, is harmful to health, but there is no need to say that you cannot build a relationship because you are twenty or five kilograms of excess weight. It's all nonsense that no one will ever look at you in your life. A person who falls in love will not see the extra five kilograms - remember this once and for all. If a woman concentrates her attention on other equally important things, while, of course, not forgetting to take care of herself, everything will turn out the way she needs.

N.T.: Your new book “Man and Woman” is coming out. Minus 60 relationship problems! Please tell me what it's about?

E.M.: You know, it’s very difficult for me to say what it’s about. I tried to write a book that absolutely anyone, any woman, any girl could read. It is aimed at all those who are in relationships, those who are just starting them and those who are ending them, those who have already ended them and are now alone, those who are looking, those who are not looking at all, that is, it turns out - almost everyone! Having ended my last relationship, I realized that I didn’t want anyone or anything, and decided to go underground and moved to the Moscow region. I started actively writing this book about relationships (I had been making sketches since 2010, but then I didn’t have the time and energy, but here everything worked out so well).

N.T.: Speaking of time, do you watch TV?

E.M.: No. My rejection of him began from the moment when I myself began to appear in programs and saw how every word was twisted. Not long ago there was a program on one channel in which they said that my husband left me when I gained weight. My ex called, asking in surprise: “Katya! What it is? It’s like I didn’t leave you!” And then you have to explain to me that this is how we “skillfully” cut people’s speech.

Another thing that annoys me is advice. Once, I was on a program with a famous singer, in which she talked about her diet with kefir. My message to her was: “It’s good if after your diet everything is fine with people, but what if not? If from such a diet, some woman Masha will die?! Of course, you don’t care what happens to Baba Masha, but you need to be responsible for what you say on air to a huge number of people on the other side of the screen. You can say whatever you want to yourself, post your videos and photos from any angle - this is everyone’s business, but when you start giving advice, when even one word comes out of your mouth with a recommendation of any kind, think about what you say, because every people take the word at face value. Being a famous person is a big responsibility!”

N.T.: M I was captivated by your incredible faith in yourself and openness to the whole world. But it turns out that you open up not only to the good, but also to the bad. What do you do when you realize that your performance is inadequate? Can you send it? What's in your heart?

E.M.: No, you know, I never send. I believe that if something goes wrong It’s better, if possible, to step aside and let this inadequacy pour out . If they say to you on the street “You fool!”, you will not go to fight with this person and prove to him that this is not so. No one can ever take away the realization that you are not a fool, so “the dog barks, the wind blows.” They said and said.

N.T.: Tell me, are you now ready to answer the questions of girls who, after reading your book, will send you letters about what mistakes they make in relationships, in search of their loved one, and their main question will be - what do I personally need? to love and be loved mutually, sincerely and for a long time?

E.M.: You know, for a very long time no one has been talking about the System as a way to lose weight. The system is perceived as a philosophy . I already have two psychological books: “Minus 60 Problems” and “Positive Weight Loss.” Four fiction books were also published. Therefore, I have experience in communicating on other topics and it is quite extensive. It doesn't scare me. Another thing is that I try not to give specific answers; I prefer that people come to them on their own.

N.T.: Sharing the fate of your loved one, how not to lose yourself? Are people generally interested in each other when they are one whole, or when everyone is moving towards their own goals, but at the same time they are moving in parallel?

E.M.: It is impossible to come up with a single solution here. If, for example, a man drinks, that doesn’t mean that I should start drinking too, right?

N.T.: Well, it doesn’t happen that everything is bad for a man. You also have uncertain moments in your life, you don’t want to be immediately abandoned and told - yourself, yourself, dear!?

Certainly! Another thing is that it happens that you share some problems equally for a month, two, three, six months. But, if you see that he has been going through a difficult period for ten years? You can understand when a person has a difficult, protracted period, for example, health problems, like, for example, my friend who is paralyzed and does not get up - he has absolutely nothing to do with this - this is one situation. Everything is clearer here. And it’s completely different when a person drinks and doesn’t stop, or uses drugs, or beats you, or sits without a job and doesn’t even try to look for one. So the question here is - what to separate and for how long? Maybe it’s better to end it right away than to realize later that the years have passed and, by and large, no one needs you anymore. No one will thank you for pulling this burden for so long. No one, including your own children, if you have any. After all, they will grow up with a traumatized psyche. And it’s good if you remain adequate at the same time, because many women break down, remember at least my beloved Whitney Houston, who died of an overdose - the consequences of her relationship with her ex-husband.

N.T.: How long can you endure a relationship?

E.M.: You know, relationships should be continued exactly as long as you can continue them. When you realize that you have been crying into your pillow over your relationship for, say, a year, this is not normal! When you realize that a relationship doesn’t give you anything at all, it’s better to end it. I understand that a breakup is difficult and painful. Living correctly in words is easier than in real life, but this does not mean that nothing can be corrected and that there is no need to try. You have to try, even if sometimes you step on the same rake over and over again, but then suddenly you see a way out and do what you should have done a long time ago, leave the relationship with a minimum of consequences for yourself. You need to get out of any relationship gradually and listen to your inner voice, your feelings. No need for fanaticism.

One more thing is important. When a woman decides that she should get a divorce, while not working anywhere, she must remember that we live in Russia. In Europe, a woman can get a divorce, and the father will pay alimony for up to 25 years. Unfortunately, we don’t have this. If you are divorced, you must understand that maybe you will be lucky to divorce your husband on a good wave and you will continue to have a wonderful relationship, he will regularly transfer money for the child, but it is very likely that no one will pay you anything - you also need to be prepared for this. You will have to rely solely on yourself. Therefore, if you break off a relationship, you should always be sure that you can feed your child.

N.T.: I know that many girls and women today are lonely. There is an entire chapter in your book dedicated to this condition. Why are we given loneliness?

E.M.: You know, in general I thought that while reading my book, the question would arise more often - why live with a man at all? (laughs). There are actually a lot of positive things about being alone. You can understand that you have enough time for yourself. You can do absolutely whatever you want - go to a photography or drawing club, learn languages, and so on. When you are in a relationship, it is clear that you always have to sacrifice something. I'm not a feminist and I don't advocate life without a man! What I'm saying now is that you shouldn't live with your partner just to while away your days with him.

N.T.: What kind of person is a strong person for you?

E.M.: Man or woman?

N.T.: Both. A strong person - he can be of absolutely any gender!

E.M.: I don’t agree. If a woman, for example, lives in a village and raised eight children, fed them, put them on their feet and did not die herself - this is a feat for me, a strong person, but I would not say the same thing at all if I were in the woman’s place man. For me, it is completely natural that it is important for a man to earn money and at the same time provide for his family. Another thing is that it just so happened that my men always earned less than me. Ideally, a man is, first of all, a breadwinner, a man who does not get lost in any situation, who is always ready to protect his beloved from any adversity. For me, a man is protection! . If we talk about symbolic literary images, female power is Scarlett O'Hara, although someone will probably say that she is a bastard and a hooligan, she slept with everyone she could, when she needed it, but for me this is the image of a woman who never gives up! Something happened, she stood up, dusted herself off and moved on.

N.T.: Would you like to wish anything to all your readers?

I always wish for approximately the same things. Be sure to believe in your dream and at the same time do not forget that there are “artificial goals”, reaching which we become disappointed. Very often there are things that we desire that come from other people - from mom, from dad, grandmother, grandfather, from public opinion. I always tell everyone: “if you really want something, think - do you really want this?” And, if so, may your dreams come true!

N.T.: Thank you very much, Katyusha! I was incredibly lucky to meet you on my Path.

Thanks for the interview with Natalya Tomina!)))

Mirimanova’s weight loss system has thousands of fans, her books are printed in huge quantities. Ekaterina told how this journey began.

Ekaterina Mirimanova. Photo: personal archive.

— Katya, reading your biography, to be honest, it’s hard to believe that you can lose 60 kilograms so easily. Sorry for the indiscreet question, how did you manage to get them in the first place?
- Do you think it’s so difficult to gain extra pounds? You don't even notice how this happens. I had a very stressful situation in my life, the death of loved ones, a divorce from my husband. I, like all women, began to “eat up” stress with food, and this is the result.

— You talk a lot about your system. What's the most important thing about it?
— The main thing in it is to eat combined foods correctly and on time. All “harmful” foods must be eaten before twelve o’clock. If you like fried potatoes and ice cream, please, but until twelve o'clock. Pasta is also best eaten for breakfast. Sugar, pastries, and sweets are eaten only in the morning. In the morning hours, the body “burns” everything without a trace, eat whatever you want. Next comes lunch and dinner. You only need to eat foods that are compatible with each other. You can eat rice with meat, buckwheat with meat, but you can’t eat potatoes with meat. Absolutely not! Also for dinner there is a whole list of products that must be strictly combined. And eat all this before six o’clock in the evening, without breaking the rule under any circumstances. After six, forget the word “food”!

— Does your diet help everyone?
- If a person follows the system one hundred percent, then I don’t know a single case when he would not lose weight. Another thing is that many people think that they are following the system, but in fact they are not even close to this.
- You know, despite the fact that your system has helped many, it seems to me that not everyone took it with a bang. Did you have many opponents?
— At first, nutritionists were against it, because with my development I was taking away a lot of “bread and salt” from people who had been making money on this topic for years. Although, in principle, there are adequate nutritionists who support the system, because it does not contradict a healthy lifestyle, it is correct and completely safe. Of course, my success cannot but irritate.
There was one nutritionist who called me the last words, saying that my whole system was wrong. And when he saw me five years later, he said: “Katenka, hello. I'm so pleased to meet you. Let's do some kind of joint project." To which I replied: “Let’s do it, but only in the next life.”

— How can your success be annoying? You have devoted many years to this system, but it did not “suddenly” become popular.
- It’s not like “suddenly.” This is seven years of hard and exhausting work, because, in addition to writing books, I was actively involved in promotion, and this is serious, daily work. I constantly conduct online seminars, which are attended by a huge number of people with their problems.
Someone gets divorced, someone cannot find a job they like, someone has difficulty communicating with their parents. There are cases, such as illness, when this problem cannot be solved. Such people are also waiting for help. And then I begin to work with them in terms of revising my attitude towards life.

- This, by the way, is the most difficult thing - changing yourself and your attitude.
- So it seems. If you perceive everything globally, then it is difficult. You should never break yourself. If you say that you will fast for two weeks, this is one thing, but if you say that you will change your life, gradually step by step, then this is completely different. People think that changing your life is difficult, but in fact it is easy.

— It’s probably easy for you to say this to people living in Irkutsk or Samara, while currently in Spain?
- I understand your sarcasm, but I like it everywhere. I will feel good everywhere - both in Irkutsk and Samara. I travel a lot with presentations of my book in Russian cities and I will say that in any country, in any city there is something good, you just need to start noticing this good thing. The more positive you bring into your life, the more it will change for the better.

— You now live permanently in Spain, in Madrid. How do Madrid residents differ from Muscovites?
— In Spain, people are more open, smiling, and like to talk to complete strangers. That is, no one will be surprised if you start talking to someone on a bus, for example. This is not the case in Moscow; you enter the metro, as my Spanish husband once put it, “as if you were in a cemetery, everyone with gloomy faces.” Therefore, I would like people in Moscow to become more open and friendly. It seems to me that if we start smiling, they will smile back at us too.

— Your husband doesn’t like Moscow, is it gloomy for him?
— The main thing is that I adore Moscow. This is the city where my parents were born and met, where I was born, where my daughter was born, where I studied, grew up, made my first successes at work, fell in love for the first time, and was disappointed for the first time. I love walking in the center.

— In your opinion, Moscow has changed or not?
— Moscow has changed a lot for the better in terms of cleanliness, it has become like a metropolis. At the same time, it has not lost its authenticity. Which is very pleasing. I have many favorite places in Moscow, very significant for me, near which I spent my childhood, this is the Perovo district and the Kuskovo and Izmailovo parks, first of all. I am glad that they were able to preserve them almost unchanged and were not built up. But of the innovations in Moscow, of course, the most joyful is express trains. Recently I started getting to the airport only by express train, because with the unpredictable Moscow traffic jams I almost missed my plane several times and gave up. It turns out to be a little more expensive than taking a taxi if you are traveling with your husband and child, but you know for sure that you will arrive on time. I used to often drive my car and leave it in the parking lot, but now it’s only express.

— What is your advice to those who face problems that cannot be solved? After all, this happens.
“We need to do everything to the maximum.” Like the writer Coelier: “I have done everything in my power, now let God do what is in his power.” If you cannot influence the outcome of events, then there is no need to influence it. Why bang your head against the wall if you won’t break through it anyway, and if something doesn’t grow together, then it’s not yours. At the same time, you don’t need to sit idly by, but you also shouldn’t fall into hysterics, which will prevent you from correctly assessing and responding to the situation. If something didn’t work out now, it means that life has given a reprieve for a while, then everything will be rewarded, and this understanding will come with time.

— Katya, and the last question. What are you working on now? How do you plan to amaze readers?
— A very interesting book about food addiction will be published in the spring. The topic is very relevant, and readers will find it very useful.

The media call Ekaterina Mirimanova her ideal project. She is happy to share her successes in weight control with others, having already published more than 20 books on weight loss with a total circulation of more than 3 million copies.

Katya is plump by nature. Since childhood, I have tried to achieve a slim figure with varying degrees of success. Weight gain after the birth of a child coincided with stressful life situations. As a result, her body weight began to increase rapidly and reached 120 kg with a height of 175 cm. This mark became the impetus for Ekaterina to do something to lose weight.

In six months she managed to get rid of 50 kg, and a year later she weighed 60 kg. Mirimanova managed to do without fasting, taking diet pills and liposuction. She developed her own system for combating excess body weight, which she called “Minus 60.” Today Ekaterina Mirimanova is a popular journalist, author of books about her weight loss system, coach and healthy eating expert.

Figure parameters, age, height, weight for 2018

Ekaterina has been struggling with excess weight since childhood. The real problems began with hormone therapy to make it possible to conceive and the subsequent difficult pregnancy. By the time the child was born, her weight had already reached 90 kg. And when her daughter was six months old, her mother weighed almost 120 kg.

Katya recalls that she was tired of feeling like a good professional and a good friend, but an unattractive woman. The desire to feel like a young beauty prompted the decision to correct my figure. The woman managed to lose 60 kg.

This year Catherine will celebrate her 36th birthday. She manages to maintain the figure parameters that were achieved 10 years ago, after making the decision to lose weight.

Today's parameters of Catherine's figure:

  • weight – 60 kg;
  • height – 175 cm;
  • chest volume – 91 cm;
  • waist circumference – 63 cm;
  • hip circumference – 91 cm.

Principles and rules of diet

The main principles of the diet are breakfast, lunch and dinner, with the exception of snacks. In this case, the last meal is at 18.00; later you can only drink water, tea or dry red wine.

The correct diet according to Mirimanova obeys the principles:

  • do not renounce eating disorders, call them recessions, forgive yourself and move on;
  • carefully plan each meal according to time, volume and dishes;
  • do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but do not force yourself to drink;
  • allow yourself to eat any food for breakfast.

Losing weight will be successful if you follow the following rules for choosing products for the daily menu:

  • replace milk chocolate with black and gradually switch to those varieties with the most cocoa;
  • give preference to steamed rice;
  • do not combine meat, fish and seafood with other products, eat them as a separate dish;
  • When choosing alcoholic drinks, limit yourself to dry red wine.

A few more secrets for the diet:

  • if an active day begins very early and you don’t feel like eating yet, make 2 breakfasts: one light after waking up, the other full at normal times;
  • always keep a bottle or jug ​​of water in sight, this helps to maintain a drinking regime without straining;
  • dinner should be very light and not late: no earlier than 17.00 and no later than 20.00, if it is impossible to meet the deadline “before 18 pm”.

The diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova is described in more detail here.

Psychological attitude, motivation

The first step on the path to your dream figure should be the right psychological motivation. You are not losing weight to please anyone or achieve something. A slim figure is a pleasure to see yourself beautiful in the mirror and feel good. Losing weight should not be perceived as a torment associated with a regime and deprivation. Katya Mirimanova's system makes it possible to adjust weight easily and with pleasure, therefore it gives stable and high results.

The correct psychological attitude towards losing weight is the understanding that the path to a slim figure will take more than one month. New eating habits and eating patterns will help stabilize the desired weight, but their formation will take time.

A sample menu should be drawn up in advance. The plan will help you take into account all your desires and distribute your favorite delicacies and dietary dishes throughout the week.

About permitted and prohibited products

The beauty of the diet is that you can eat any dish for breakfast, be it a hamburger with fries or a sponge cake with butter cream. Thanks to this diet, further restrictions are tolerated without stress for the body. But there are restrictions on the diet for lunch and especially dinner. It is advisable not to combine meat and fish dishes with anything. Avoid starchy vegetables and cereals, sweet fruits. For dinner, choose the lightest dishes possible.

Table of foods allowed and prohibited during the day:

Eating Allowed Forbidden
  • There are no restrictions either on the choice of dishes or on the method of preparing them.
  • There is no need to fill yourself up with a huge portion. Remember that the amount of food should be the same for all three meals of the day
  • meat, fish, seafood;
  • rice or buckwheat;
  • rye crackers;
  • mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oils (about a teaspoon);
  • any greens, herbs and spices
  • combine meat with potatoes, pasta, legumes, bread, cereals;
  • eat flour products, especially sweet pastries;
  • limit pickles, smoked foods, marinades
  • apples, plums, pineapples, kiwis, citrus fruits, watermelon;
  • prunes;
  • any rice except white polished, buckwheat;
  • cottage cheese, kefir with a fat content not exceeding 5%;
  • meat, fish, seafood, eggs
  • potatoes, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peas, corn, eggplant, avocado;
  • marinades, pickles, smoked meats, canned fish;
  • sausages and sausage products
  • yoghurts with additives

As for drinks, any sweet soda and alcohol with the exception of dry red wine are prohibited. There are no restrictions for tea, coffee, juices from permitted fruits and vegetables, and carbonated mineral water.

Sample menu for the week with recipes and rules for its preparation

For the diet to be effective, you need to plan your menu for the week in advance. This makes it easier to include the desired dishes in your diet, more convenient to purchase the necessary products and prepare healthy dishes.

Menu for each day of Mirimanova’s detailed diet:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Mon Cheese pancakes with jam, yogurt, tea Vegetarian borscht, stewed pork, apple juice Baked chicken breast with herbs, tea
W Oatmeal with milk, soft-boiled egg, toast with jam and coffee Beetroot soup, pilaf with lean lamb, pear juice Cottage cheese with apple pieces and prunes, coffee
Wed Cottage cheese casserole, fruit salad with yogurt, tea Cabbage, steamed fish cutlets with carrot puree, pineapple juice Trout baked in foil, apple juice
Thu Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cheese and herbs, toast with jam, coffee Vegetable broth soup with rice, baked fish with zucchini, carrot and celery juice Omelet with tomatoes, tea
Fri Buckwheat porridge, toast with ham and lettuce, tea Ukha, buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables, tea Stewed beef with carrots and zucchini, coffee
Sat Omelette with any vegetables, croissant, fruit jam, coffee Vegetable soup with pasta, steamed veal cutlets with zucchini puree, plum juice Cottage cheese casserole, pineapple juice
Sun Curd with fruit, toast with lightly salted salmon, tea Chicken broth with rye croutons, vegetable stew, orange juice Stewed seafood to choose from, coffee

Salad recipes from Ekaterina Mirimanova

Beetroot and carrot. Boil large beets, cool, peel, and grind in a blender. Peel a small carrot and onion, chop finely and sauté with vegetable oil until soft. Then grind in a blender and mix with beets. Salt the salad to taste, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Salad with tuna. Mash the contents of a can of canned tuna in its own juice with a fork. Add 3 lettuce leaves finely torn into pieces, a medium tomato cut into cubes and a boiled egg, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. Mix everything, add a little salt and season with lemon juice.

Physical activity

Dietary nutrition must be accompanied by reasonable physical activity. To get started, you need to set aside 20 minutes to exercise at home. Any activity you enjoy is suitable: jumping rope, abdominal exercises, even dancing.

As you lose weight, add a visit to the gym or other activity so that the weight loss does not stop. It is important that the classes are not tiring and bring pleasure.

Mirimanova's technique for men

According to the author of the minus 60 diet, men, just like women, should listen to the biorhythms of their body, monitor its needs and, if possible, satisfy them. Not only women have an unbearable craving for sweets or, conversely, meat on some days. Men just don't pay attention to such desires. A man trying to lose weight does not need to suppress his cravings for a particular product. You can easily eat it for breakfast without tormenting yourself with remorse.

  • pay attention to when and what you eat: if you want to eat something unhealthy in front of the TV or at the computer, ask yourself what healthy it can be replaced with;
  • gradually rebuild your eating habits in favor of regularly eating healthy foods;
  • try to have dinner as early as possible (but not earlier than 17:00);
  • strictly adhere to the time frame and number of meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner are mandatory, snacks are canceled, there are no restrictions on food until 12 noon;
  • do not deny yourself coffee, tea, a glass of dry red wine: these drinks are acceptable even late in the evening, when you can no longer eat.

Mirimanova system for expectant mothers

If a woman eats according to the “Minus 60” system and becomes pregnant, this is not a reason to abandon the diet. Katya Mirimanova’s diet and diet are perfect for pregnant women, providing the unborn baby with everything necessary. The system involves gentle types of cooking, a full range of vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cereals and dairy products.

A pleasant bonus of using the system for expectant mothers will be good health and lack of excess weight after childbirth.

Quitting the diet

The weight loss system from Katya Mirimanova involves a gradual change in eating habits. A person gets used to eating at the same time, choosing healthy foods, and not overeating. The diet becomes a way of life, so it does not require a special way out of it.

Skin care

When body weight increases and then decreases due to a diet, unaesthetic pigmented stripes – stretch marks (or stretch marks) – often become visible on the skin. Mirimanova recommends not delaying their correction, because old stretch marks are more difficult to get rid of. Peeling with ground coffee gives a good effect in the fight against them. Its particles not only remove the top layer of skin, but also tone, causing cells to regenerate faster.

After coffee peeling, it is useful to self-massage the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks - with simple gentle movements in a clockwise direction to stimulate microcirculation. For massage, use pharmaceutical mummy. This natural substance is highly active and stimulates blood supply to tissues, accelerates the removal of stretch marks, and helps fight cellulite. Before the massage, mumiyo is dissolved in vegetable oil or mixed with a low-fat cream, and if you are prone to allergies, diluted in water.

Massaging your skin daily is beneficial even if you don't have stretch marks. It allows you to keep her in good shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

An important advantage of the Mirimanova diet is that weight loss occurs gradually, without stress to the body. The new nutrition system is gradually becoming a daily habit. This helps keep your weight stable, even when you have managed to lose weight to the desired level and there is no longer any reason to stick to the diet.

Other benefits of the diet include:

  • there are no restrictions on foods, so there is no risk of “breakdowns” from the diet;
  • the opportunity to eat your favorite treats;
  • lack of psychological stress due to deviations from nutritional rules.

Lack of dietary nutrition - a ban on eating after 18.00. This restriction is not only difficult to bear due to hunger. It can cause stagnation of bile. Excess carbohydrates for breakfast overload the pancreas, and protein restriction negatively affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

The Mirimanova weight loss system is not applicable for diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract diseases, problems with the gallbladder and after cholecystectomy.

Interview with Ekaterina Mirimanova on the topic of weight loss

The author of the method that many women use to lose weight is always ready to answer questions about how to lose weight. In her interview for the website (05.25.2011), she told how to start losing weight and what mistakes should be avoided on the way to an ideal weight.

Ekaterina, so where do you need to start the weight loss process?

Start by stopping eating in the evenings, then transfer all traditionally prohibited foods to the period “before 12 days”, and this, as a rule, already gives some results.

What is unique about your system?

This is an integrated approach that allows you to eat your favorite foods in the quantities you want and at the same time not only not gain weight, but lose weight. Without taking dietary supplements or medications. I pay a lot of attention to the psychology of losing weight, since I myself went all the way from start to finish without outside help.

What are the most dangerous mistakes women make when trying to lose weight, and how to deal with them?

The most dangerous thing is eliminating foods from the diet and fasting days. They not only lead to inevitable breakdowns, but are also fraught with the fact that they can lead to bulimia and anorexia. And of course fanaticism. Don't try to set yourself extreme goals or work out at the gym for three hours a day. Sooner or later you will get tired of it, and you will regain the weight lost in a fit of fanaticism a hundredfold.

Try to gradually stop adding sugar to your coffee or tea in the morning. There is no need to eliminate salt from your diet, but limit its consumption to 2 g per day.

A few tips from Katya Mirimanova will help you successfully lose weight and feel good at the same time:

  • regularly take multivitamins;
  • eat in small portions - no more than 250-400 g per meal;
  • develop the habit of sitting down at the table at the same time;
  • do not arrange fasting days, which will disrupt metabolic processes and slow down the weight loss process.

Personal secrets from the creator of the technique

The most questions and doubts about the 60 diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova are caused by evening food restrictions. On the one hand, just before bed you especially want to eat. In addition, not everyone manages to have dinner at 18.00, because the length of the working day is different for everyone. On the other hand, it is in the evening that dinner parties and celebrations with abundant food are usually scheduled. Regarding the delicious desserts offered at such events, the secret from the creator of the “Minus 60” method is this: promise yourself to eat the same piece of cake tomorrow, right in the morning.

Here are a few more secrets that Ekaterina Mirimanova shares:

  • before going to a celebration with treats, eat at home: a light dinner with healthy foods will quench your appetite and help you resist temptations when visiting;
  • take a bottle of dry red wine with you: you won’t have to refuse to drink it with friends at the celebration;
  • if you can’t refuse dinner at a party, allow yourself some cheese and vegetables;
  • During the evening you are allowed to drink coffee, water or green tea unlimitedly;
  • Praise the hostess’s culinary skills and ask her to pack a piece of the most delicious treat with her: it will brighten up your morning meal tomorrow.
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