Which tinted shampoo is best for blondes reviews. The best tinted hair shampoo: reviews, how to use, price, where to buy. Tinted shampoo brand Estelle

Unlike ammonia dyes, which remove natural pigments and replace them with synthetic ones, tonics only create a soft colored film on the hair, which is washed off over time

How is tinted shampoo different from regular paint?

It seems like everyone knows what a tinted shampoo is. This is a product that can dye strands in the desired shade for a short period (maximum 2-3 weeks). Since such compositions are washed off quite quickly, they must be updated regularly. In fact, they are an ideal tool both for those who decide to “try on” a new color for the first time, and for girls or women who love to constantly change.

Unlike ammonia dyes, which remove natural pigments and replace them with synthetic ones, tonics only create a soft colored film on the hair, which is washed off over time. It is impossible to highlight strands with their help.

Tinted shampoos for blond hair (see reviews) and formulations intended for coloring light brown strands give the greatest effect. On completely black hair the effect will be barely noticeable.

Unfortunately, you can only understand for sure what color you will get when mixing a natural pigment with such a dye only experimentally by applying it to a small strand. Even high-quality dye will look bright and rich on some hair, while on others the color will be more muted and have a slightly different shade.

Advice!You should not purchase cheap tint compositions. Often they are colored unevenly and the hair looks piebald.

Wealth of choice

A high-quality dye should not only color your hair evenly, but also be as safe as possible. The most common tinted shampoos include:

  • "Loreal": a fairly high-quality product that has a cumulative effect, after each repeated use the shade only becomes brighter; the effect disappears after the 5th or 6th wash; the most popular are chocolate, cherry and red shades; in combination with a balm from the same company, you can significantly improve the structure and quality of your hair;
  • "Estelle": provided in 17 shades; has protection from ultraviolet radiation and is resistant to fading; the composition includes a nourishing balm with mango extract; finally removed after the 6th or 7th wash; According to reviews, tinted shampoos for both dark hair and those intended for light strands of this brand stain evenly;
  • "Tonic": relatively harmless and high-quality tinted shampoo at an affordable price; has a pleasant aroma and a wide palette of colors;
  • "Iris": long-lasting toner with conditioning effect;
  • "Rocolor": the main feature of tinted shampoos from this manufacturer is the presence of bright coloring pigments, so keeping it on for too long is not recommended;

  • "Capus": compositions with plant extracts; spectacular shades from light light to juicy and bright are combined with healing properties; has UV filters to protect against fading; If you look at reviews of Life Color shampoo for tinted hair of this brand, you will be convinced that the quality of this product is also at its best.

More expensive but also higher quality formulations include brands from Brelil, Grayban Hair Darkening, Matrix and other European manufacturers. In addition, the composition of such products includes natural plant extracts and vitamins, as well as balms - compositions that even out the hair structure. Therefore, they can also be used when caring for damaged or depleted strands.

Advice! To prevent tinted shampoo from drying out your hair, its pH level (acid-base balance) should be as close to neutral as possible and be in the range of 5.5–6.

What should not be in tinted paint?

Unfortunately, even the highest quality formulations contain quite aggressive components. Cheap products may contain even the strongest carcinogens that can cause harm to health.

Foaming surfactants (abbreviated surfactants) are part of any shampoo. There are several types of such peahens:

  • ammonium lauryl or laureth sulfate: act most aggressively, are strong carcinogens;

  • sodium lauryl sulfate: has a more gentle effect, but can dry out hair,
  • Magnesium lauryl sulfate or TEA: gives a milder reaction when dissolved in water; are included in the highest quality products; act more gently.

Advice!If the shampoo foams too much, it means it contains aggressive ammonium lauryl or laureth sulfate. According to reviews, tinted hair shampoos containing them, if used for a long time, can have a very negative impact on the health of curls.

The most dangerous preservatives include:

  • formaldehydes: can not only significantly worsen the health of the skin, but also the condition of the organs of vision and breathing; unfortunately, some manufacturers “hide” dangerous compounds under other names, for example, quaternium-1 or Imidazalidol urea are isomers of formaldehyde;
  • parabens (ethylparaben, propylparaben, methylparaben, etc.): can accumulate in tissues, which leads to changes in hormonal balance; there are suggestions that their use can lead to the growth of malignant tumors; often cause allergies;
  • sodium benzonate (E211): a natural preservative found in quality shampoos;
  • phenoxyethanols (glycol ethers): the safest is to use butylene glycol; Propylene glycol is considered more toxic to the body.

How to apply tinted shampoo?

The principle of operation of tinting compositions from different manufacturers may not be the same, so before dyeing you should read the instructions.

Dyes should be applied to slightly damp strands. The amount of paint and exposure time depend on the desired effect.

Tint compositions can be used not only for coloring natural hair, but also previously colored hair, including highlighted hair. However, when painting, you must take into account their structure.

For example, on bleached hair, tinted hair shampoos like “Estelle” (see reviews) “take on” faster, so such formulations should not be left on for more than 2-3 minutes.

Since many dyes can cause allergies, they must be tested before first use. To do this, apply the tonic to the sensitive area of ​​the skin behind the ear and leave it for a while. If no reaction occurs, the composition can be safely used for hair coloring.

It is better to distribute the product evenly throughout the hair using a comb: in this case, more paint will remain at the roots, and at the very ends the hair will be only slightly tinted.

After the time specified by the manufacturer has passed (according to reviews, tinted shampoo for light brown hair should not be left on the hair for more than 5–10 minutes; formulations for dark hair can be left on longer), the head must be thoroughly rinsed. It is better to do this under running water. If there was not enough time for staining and the color is not too bright, the procedure can be repeated.

Advice! To obtain a slight coloring effect, the tonic can be added to regular shampoo when washing your hair and left for about 2-3 minutes. To ensure that the shade you like doesn’t wash off so quickly, you can rinse your hair after washing with water and lemon juice.

Is it possible to cover gray hair with tinted shampoo?

Unfortunately, tinted shampoos for gray hair (see reviews) are not able to completely cover gray hair - when using colors close to natural, it can only be made less noticeable. Most of these coloring compositions are only capable of shading such strands by 30–40%.

If you don’t want to use strong coloring compounds, you can go to a salon and ask the hairdresser to select for you a gentle coloring pigment that is suitable specifically for your hair type. To tint them at home, it is better to use high-quality compounds:

  • Brelil (Italy): with enhanced pigment;
  • Grayban Hair Darkening: a tint composition that stimulates the production of natural pigment;
  • Matrix (Spain): able to neutralize the unwanted yellow tint, very often present in gray strands;
  • 3D Men Gray: Can handle coarse men's hair.

Of course, the cost of such tinted shampoos is exactly an order of magnitude higher than usual, however, believe me, the result is worth it. Less expensive ones that can cover gray hair include L'Oreal (see reviews) or Londa hair shampoos.

Advice!If you have a lot of gray hair, you should not use too bright shades - they can play a cruel joke on you. After all, against their background, gray hair will be even more striking.

What if you don’t like the new shade?

Of course, over time, the tinted shampoo is washed off. But if you are not satisfied with the color of the tonic, this process can be accelerated. To do this you can:

  • wash your hair daily - the tint will disappear within a few days;
  • apply a mixture of kefir and burdock oil to your hair and leave it on for 15–20 minutes; such a mask will not only heal your scalp and your mane, but also help remove paint;
  • use a special composition to remove tinting dyes;
  • if the composition turns out to be too persistent and the previous tips did not help (unfortunately, this very often happens when dyeing previously bleached hair), you can try to tint the unwanted shade using high-quality ammonia-free dye.

Advice! You should not apply toner immediately after perm or lightening - the effect can be unpredictable. It is better to wait a couple of weeks after visiting the salon. Unsuccessful shades are also obtained when applying tint compositions to strands dyed with henna or hair already tinted in a completely different shade.

Tinted shampoo is considered an extremely popular product among many girls. With its help, you can give your curls a beautiful color without harming them. Modern compositions are perfect for brunettes and blondes. The main advantage of the product is the fact that it does not disturb the structure of the hair, since it covers its surface with a thin film. In addition, the product contains no ammonia or harmful substances, which is also considered an important advantage.

What is a tinted hair shampoo?

Such shampoos were invented to make the natural shade of hair more fresh and beautiful. When selecting this composition, you should not expect that it will be able to radically change the shade of your curls.

Such cosmetics have a restorative effect, give the strands a radiant shine and give them amazing strength. The effectiveness of this product is associated with the presence of vitamins, microelements and proteins.

If you are in doubt when choosing the tone of the product, it is better to pre-paint only the back of the head. When the hair is dry, you can compare the final result and choose the appropriate shade.

How to choose the color of shampoo with a tint effect

To create a holistic and harmonious image, you need to choose the right color of the product. This must be done taking into account the main hair color.

For dark hair

To achieve shine, brunettes should choose tinted shampoos designed for dark hair. If you want to get reddish notes, you should use copper or titian. To obtain a brighter and deeper red tone, it is recommended to apply the composition for a longer time.

If you are going to give your hair a black color, you need to think carefully. This shade is not suitable for everyone. In addition, black shampoos are difficult to wash out of your hair. Therefore, returning to the usual shade will be quite difficult.

For fair ones

Lightening shampoo is perfect for fair-haired beauties. Thanks to this, the curls will acquire a beautiful shade of the sun. If you want to emphasize the natural shine of your curls, you should choose a shampoo with golden tones. The duration of the procedure is literally a few minutes - it is strictly not recommended to overexpose the composition.

To achieve a pure tone on light curls, you need to use purple. It will compensate for yellowness. However, you can’t keep it on your strands for too long - your hair may turn ashy.

For dyeing gray hair

For those with gray hair, the product will not help much - the shade will become more pronounced. In general, such a product will be able to cover no more than 30% of gray strands. However, dark-haired beauties with gray curls will be able to get original reddish curls.

How to use and apply toner

Tinted shampoos are not too difficult to use. In this case, consistency in their use should be observed. The accuracy of the required result depends on the precise execution of the instructions.

First you need to test your skin's sensitivity to the components of the shampoo. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the palm and wash off after a quarter of an hour. If redness does not appear, this means that the product is suitable.

Before starting, you need to wear protective gloves. Using scissors, it is recommended to cut off the corner of the bag and insert the contents into the dyeing container. Curls should be slightly wet and wiped with a towel. This should leave them slightly damp.

Apply tint shampoo to strands and leave for a certain time. To achieve a light tone, 5-15 minutes will be enough. If you want to get a brighter and richer tone, you should wait 30-40 minutes. To estimate the required time, you must first do a test by coloring one strand.

After the end of the period, the curls should be rinsed well with warm water. It is very important to remember these precautions:

  1. The product should not get into the eyes or mucous membranes.
  2. Tinted shampoo should not be used to color eyelashes or eyebrows.
  3. To protect your hands, you should wear gloves.

Which tinted shampoo is better to choose: review of brands

There are many effective products that can make the natural color of your hair brighter and more saturated.

Irida-M Classic (Irida)

This is a very popular product among those girls who prefer to conduct safe experiments with their own curls. Moreover, it is not too expensive. The shampoo does not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, and therefore it is absolutely harmless to hair.

The color obtained after dyeing will withstand 15 washing procedures. The shampoo perfectly coats the hair, helps remove yellowness or smooth out the results of unsuccessful dyeing.

The undoubted advantage of this product is the fact that it is washed off gradually, without forming sudden transitions. Also, the composition does not fade and looks good even after a long time.

Rocolor “Color Shine” with lamination effect

This is a strong enough shampoo for those who want to radically change their hair color. Blondes are not recommended to leave the product on their hair for longer than 2-3 minutes. However, cosmetics are very easy to wash off, so even a bad result won’t ruin your mood.

For dark-haired beauties, the product will help get rid of the reddish tint. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Estel Solo tone (Estelle)

This product perfectly eliminates yellowness and is perfect for brunettes. By using this shampoo, it will be possible to achieve a more even shade of hair, giving it a healthier and more attractive appearance. The composition is perfect for regular use. It is especially useful to supplement it with the application of balm for colored strands.

Problems can only appear if the girl does not follow the instructions and keeps the shampoo on her strands for too long.

Hair coloring tonic

This is a fairly strong remedy that has a reasonable price. It allows you to radically change the shade of your hair. In addition, this shampoo is perfect for non-trivial experiments, since it is washed off quite quickly.

It is very important to carefully prepare for using this product, since it can stain not only your hair, but also your hands, skin, and objects. It is worth considering that this composition cannot be constantly used, since it dries out the hair greatly.

Kapous Professional Life Color (Kapous)

This is an excellent choice for all owners of thin and dry hair.

This brand offers 6 beautiful shades, so every girl can choose the best option.

This shampoo perfectly renews the tone of colored hair and makes the natural color brighter. Through systematic use, it is possible to give the curls a deeper shade.

L'OREAL Gloss Color (Loreal)

This shampoo copes well with yellowness, gives hair a healthy shine and makes it more attractive. It can be used as a tinting shampoo for damaged and weakened curls. It is also great for covering gray hair.

How to remove tint from hair

To make the tone more invisible, it is enough to wash your hair 3-6 times - the exact amount depends on the chosen tone and the characteristics of the coloring. If the chosen shade absolutely does not suit you, you need to use shampoos designed for deep cleansing. Emulsions are also excellent for removing paint from strands.

Video about tinted shampoos for blondes against yellowness

After dyeing your curls in a light tone, they may become slightly yellowish. To neutralize yellowness, you can use Estelle hair shampoo and conditioner, which have a rich purple color. But it is worth considering that such products dry out the hair greatly and do not always give the desired effect. More detailed information is presented in the video:

Yellowness is a frequent accompaniment of unprofessional blonde dyeing. The expected result of the “blonde effect” turns into the “chicken effect” for some girls. What remains to be done in this case? Just fix the situation. And you can do this with the help of anti-yellow shampoo for blondes.

Let's figure out how this product works and which brands are the best.

How does anti-yellowing shampoo work?

For blondes, the treatment for yellowness is that the resulting yellowness is “covered” with the help of special components. Such components are silver or violet pigments. When contacted with yellowed hair, the pigments begin to interact with the hair structure, suppressing yellowness and giving the desired platinum shade.

Tinted shampoos for blondes against yellowness contain a whole range of additives: vitamins, essential oils and herbal components and extracts. Therefore, in addition to their main function, such products nourish curls and give them shine, strength and softness. But most washing shampoos cannot give this effect.

But there are also disadvantages to such a product that is beneficial for hair:

  1. The chemical components of anti-yellow shampoo for blondes can deprive the hair of moisture and dry it out, so it is not advisable for girls with dry hair to use this product.
  2. After using the product, your hair may be difficult to comb because it becomes tangled.
  3. There may be marks left on your hands and scalp after using anti-yellowing shampoo for blondes, because it contains pigments that are strongly absorbed into the skin and are not immediately washed off.
  4. If after dyeing you get a rich yellow color, then you should not expect a positive result from the shampoo. In this case, other, radical measures will be required, which must be carried out by a specialist.

What to look for when choosing a product

Since shampoos for yellow hair should help blondes as much as possible, plus not damage the already damaged hair structure, the first thing you need to pay attention to when buying them is the composition and tone. When choosing a product, do not be lazy and pay attention to the following:

  • This high-quality anti-yellow tint shampoo for blondes does not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. These are very strong, the chemical components are not intended to be eliminated
  • There are marks on the packaging of the products indicating the color of the shampoo. If the product contains a silver pigment, then the bottle will say Silver, Gray Shampoo, “Anti-yellow”. By the way, this pigment is the most gentle, and its use does not cause the appearance of any other tones on the hair.
  • Anti-yellow shampoos for blondes that contain a purple pigment (and have a corresponding color), on the contrary, dye the strands purple if you leave the product on the hair. But this minus does not detract from its effectiveness as a shampoo that copes with yellowness. The main thing is to follow all the instructions indicated on the packaging.
  • Before using the anti-yellowing product, you should pay attention to the table of tones and the final result after using the shampoo.

Rules for use

It is worth considering that tinted shampoo is a specific product and is not suitable for daily use. Its composition differs from ordinary hair washing products, so following the rules when using it is guaranteed to lead to the expected result.

  1. You should use tinted shampoo at least 1-2 times a week. This periodicity is ideal so that the new layer of pigment has time to attach itself to the previous one (after the previous application), thereby creating a beautiful, even shade without a hint of yellowness.
  2. Apply shampoo to damp hair over its entire length. But first you need to rub it in your palms (for ease of application).
  3. At the very first use, the product should be kept on the strands for only 1-2 minutes. After the hair has dried, you need to evaluate the result to understand whether you need to increase the exposure time next time.
  4. After rinsing off the shampoo, it is necessary to apply moisturizers to the hair, since the components of the products have the ability to dry out the strands.

What brands are the most purchased?

For those who have never used such products, choosing the best anti-yellow shampoo for blondes will be problematic.

Based on the results of surveys and customer reviews, a list of the best brands was compiled, which are often purchased because they have proven themselves only on the positive side:

  • "Estelle" is a shampoo for blondes against yellowness, which, thanks to reviews, is included in the rating of the best products. According to buyers, the result of use is visible after the first use. The pigment contained in this shampoo gives the strands a noble silvery tint. Visible effect for little money - here is a brief description of Estelle shampoo.
  • "Schwarzkopf" is a shampoo for blondes against yellowness, also in demand in cosmetic stores. The color of the substance is violet-blue. Its components do their job perfectly. True, the price of the product is high, but it is justified by the high quality and visible results.
  • Concept is a purple product that has a thick consistency and is well distributed over the entire length of the hair. The holding time is marked on the packaging from 3 to 15 minutes. But for the first time it is better to limit it to 2 minutes.
  • L’oreal also belongs to the category of expensive products, but it lightens strands perfectly. In addition, in addition to its main function, shampoo makes the hair structure softer, gives shine and smoothness to the hair along its entire length.
  • "Tonica" is a tinted shampoo that is inexpensive, but does its job 5 points. In addition, the product has a biolamination function.

In addition to these shampoos, there are many others that differ in price and composition (they are made based on natural ingredients or only with their addition). But the brands presented above have repeatedly confirmed and continue to confirm their effectiveness. Therefore, let's take a closer look at each of them.

Shampoo "Estelle"

Anti-yellow tint shampoo for blondes "Estelle" can be purchased in cosmetic stores at a price of 290 rubles for a volume of 250 ml.

This product belongs to the category of professional, evening out the tone of colored hair. The specificity of the shampoo is aimed at combating yellowness, adding shine, and also protecting curls from exposure to sunlight.

Thanks to its thick and non-spreading consistency, the product is well distributed over the entire length of the hair and does not drip, allowing the main pigment to cope with the task. A completely tinted shampoo will wash off after 6-7 uses. It is absolutely safe for regular use, as it contains many natural ingredients.

Another advantage of the shampoo is that it contains a balm that allows you to easily comb your hair after washing.


Schwarzkopf coloring shampoo is one of the most expensive products. Its cost is around 460 rubles per 250 ml. However, this indicator does not slow down its sales, since the product has proven itself to be the most effective in eliminating yellowness.

"Schwarzkopf" contains a complex of several pigments (silver, blue and lilac), which give the hair a cool tint.

The constituent elements are gentle, they do not harm or spoil the hair structure. Therefore, its frequent use is absolutely harmless, but you still should not overexpose this shampoo on your hair, since the strands may turn blue. Schwarzkopf shampoo has another valuable quality - it cleanses hair perfectly.


In cosmetic stores, L'Oreal tinted shampoo can be purchased for 625 rubles for a volume of 250 ml.

In addition, the L'Oreal line contains several varieties of coloring shampoo in different tones.

The high price is completely justified, because this product, in addition to the main pigment, contains vitamins, herbal supplements and extracts that nourish the hair, enhance its growth, give it softness and smoothness.

Another advantage is that the action of this shampoo is aimed at protecting hair from sunlight, and the color does not fade for several weeks.

The maximum effect of the shampoo can be achieved if you use it together with a balm from the same company.

Concept Blond Explosion

"Concept" is one of the popular tinted shampoos, which can be purchased at a price of 600 rubles per liter bottle.

"Concept" is a whole line of coloring shampoos, not only tinted ones. All tinted shampoos of this brand are completely safe, do not contain ammonia or peroxide, but contain a highly coloring violet-blue pigment. Therefore, if rinsing (overexposure) is not done in a timely manner, the curls will turn the appropriate shade.

Many customers are attracted by the fact that the product is sold in 1 liter volume, which is very economical. This bottle can last for more than 2 months of regular use.


"Tonica" is an anti-yellow tint shampoo for blondes, reviews of which are mostly positive.

"Tonic" is sold in 150 ml bottles, the cost of which is 145 rubles per 1 piece. The low price makes the shampoo attractive for those who like to lighten their hair regularly, because it will not greatly affect their budget.

Efficiency and very low price make this product incredibly popular with most customers. Its rich color palette, which includes a variety of shades, is also attractive. But statistics show that tinted shampoo for blondes is the most purchased product of this brand.

Keratin is one of the elements that make up Tonic. Thanks to it, the hair structure is restored, split hairs are smoothed out, and the hair is given smoothness and volume.

The structure of "Tonic" is thick, so after application the shampoo does not flow from the hair, but is firmly held, allowing the required holding time to be observed.

This shampoo not only eliminates unwanted yellowness, but also gives color-treated hair richness and brightness. The product is very concentrated in pigments, so it instantly penetrates the scalp and hands. You need to wash it off the skin immediately, since it is difficult to remove afterwards. But this disadvantage is typical for shampoos of other shades. The light shade is not as visible on the skin.

If you mix "Tonic" with regular washing shampoo, you can slightly reduce its concentration, and your hair will acquire a not too obvious shade.

Tinted shampoos for blondes: customer reviews

Tinted hair shampoos prove, thanks to photos of girls before and after the procedure, that they can safely change the shade. Such shampoos do not affect the hair follicles and do not harm their health.

Women appreciated the benefits of tinted shampoos.

  • There is no ammonia in the composition, which means they do not spoil the quality of the hair;
  • Safe even with regular use;
  • Allowed for use on any hair type;
  • Easy to use;
  • Covers gray hair;
  • Has a wide range of shades;
  • Some shampoos contain substances, oils and vitamins that are beneficial for hair.

If we talk about the disadvantages of a cosmetic product, we can highlight several. First of all, using tinted shampoo requires skill, especially when used on light hair. If applied incorrectly, the color will apply unevenly.

The second disadvantage is the instability of color. The tone lasts up to 1-2 shampoos, and therefore, frequent washing with the product will be required.

How to use and rinse - instructions

The tube of tinted shampoo has instructions that must be followed. This allows you to get a beautiful color and not spoil your hair. You cannot wear makeup after a perm, as there is a risk of getting a completely different tone.

Before applying the product to your head, be sure to do an allergy test: a small amount of shampoo is applied to the elbow. If after 15 minutes no reaction appears, the product can be safely used.

General instructions for using tinted shampoo:

  1. Wear rubber gloves on your hands, as shampoo can stain the skin of your hands;
  2. Wet your hair with running water and pat lightly with a towel;
  3. The tint product is poured into the palm of your hand and gently, with massage movements, applied along the entire length of the hair to form a rich and lush foam;
  4. The time for which the product is left on the curls depends on the desired result, but should not exceed 40 minutes. The optimal time is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging;
  5. Then the hair is thoroughly washed, using a mask or balm to soften it.

Before using tinted hair shampoo, you must study the instructions, which may include photos before and after the procedure. Some manufacturers recommend using the product on dry curls and this must be taken into account before use.

How to choose the right color

The right choice of tonic allows you to get the desired effect.

Tint shampoo is selected depending on the original hair color.

For dark hair

Girls with dark curls will not be able to radically change their appearance. Tint shampoo can only add a slight tint and shine to the hair. To see changes, you need to keep the product on your hair for the maximum amount of time.

Before and after photos allow you to see the effect of using tinted shampoo to change the hair color of red beauties, which allows them to think before experimenting with shades. Copper and reddish tones suit them.

For blonde hair

Blonde girls, using tonic, will be able to make their curls more beautiful and impressive. The most popular shade is platinum. It eliminates yellowness, gives hair shine and silkiness.

Girls who bleach their hair are not recommended to use tinted shampoos.

However, if you want to get a bright color, it is better to choose a product that is washed off after the first two shampoos.

For gray hair

Owners of gray hair need to choose shades that can tint them evenly.

Gray hair tends to take on a very bright color after dyeing, so using tinted shampoos will not give you a uniform shade.

Review of the best brands

Tinted hair shampoos, the before and after photos of which are presented by manufacturers, differ not only in price, but also in quality.

"Joanna Multi Effect Color"

Joanna Multi Effect Color is produced in Poland. It is used at home to enhance the shade of natural or colored hair.

One sachet weighing 35 g is enough for one application for long curls or two for short ones. The downside of the packaging is that once opened it is difficult to store.

Shade palette:

  • Sand, pearl and natural blonde;
  • Red raspberries and red currants;
  • Cherry red;
  • Deep burgundy;
  • Juicy eggplant;
  • Walnut;
  • Chestnut.

Tinted hair shampoo allows you to see changes in the before and after photos after use, that the curls have become more elastic and shiny. After dyeing, you do not need to expect that the color will be saturated; the tinting properties are quite weak.

Parli Cosmetics

Parli Cosmetics tint balm is suitable for blondes. It allows you to eliminate yellowness and give your hair a noble, cool shade. The tonic is available in a volume of 500 ml, which means it is enough for a large number of uses. It is worth noting the low price of the product - 205 rubles per bottle.

The shampoo has a dark purple tint, but after rinsing it does not leave that color on the hair. The consistency of the product is liquid and creates a lush foam on the curls.

Advantages of using Parli Cosmetics:

  • Gives hair shine and silkiness;
  • Makes combing easier;
  • Eliminates yellowness.

To get a beautiful cool shade you will need 2-3 washes with a tinted shampoo. It does not dry out hair and is suitable for frequent use.

"Concept Blond Explosion: anti-yellow effect" ("Concept")

Yellowness in the hair after dyeing is a problem for most blondes. To get rid of it, experts recommend using “Concept Blond Explosion: anti-yellow effect,” which is designed specifically for blond hair.

The product is available in 1 liter volume. The price is quite low - 500 rubles per liter bottle. The consistency of the tonic is quite thick, the color is purple. The smell of the balm does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

Use tinted shampoo immediately after washing your hair with regular shampoo. In this case, the balm must be mixed with conditioner or hair mask in a 1:1 ratio. Apply along the entire length of the hair and rinse off after 2-3 minutes. It is important to take time, because if you wait too long, your hair will turn lilac.

Women who have used Concept Blond Explosion: anti-yellow effect on their hair note a cumulative effect. To maintain the shade, use the product once a week.

"Indola Color Silver Shampoo"

Tinting shampoo to give your curls a silvery tint. The manufacturer promises blondes and those with gray hair a silvery tint after using the product.

The shampoo simultaneously uses violet and blue pigments, which help get rid of yellowness. Nutrients saturate hair with essential amino acids and give it a healthy shine.

The product is available in two forms: 300 ml and 1.5 liters. The bottle is convenient, has a stylish and memorable design. The average price for 300 ml is 360 rubles.

According to girls' reviews, Indola tinted shampoo is easy to use and economical. After use, hair becomes very soft and does not tangle.

Three minutes is enough for tinting. After rinsing, it is imperative to use masks and hair balms.

The only disadvantage of the Indola Color Silver Shampoo tonic is that the shade lasts until the first wash.

"L'oreal Professionel: Expert Silver" ("Loreal")

Photos before and after using tinted shampoo show that this product is indispensable for light hair.

After use, the yellowness disappears, the curls become more manageable and shiny.

The shampoo is produced in 250 ml bottles. The average cost of the product is 850 rubles. According to the manufacturer, it is suitable for gray and bleached hair, as well as natural blonde.

The consistency of the shampoo is slightly thick, dark lilac in color. Forms a lush foam on the hair and washes off well with water.

Use the product as a regular shampoo to wash your hair, but leave it on your head for at least 5 minutes.

After application, a cooler shade is obtained. The amino acids that are included in the composition nourish the hair and give it a healthy shine.

"Irida-M Classic" ("Irida")

Toning products have a wide palette of shades. Irida shampoo does not contain harmful ingredients, is easy to use and is suitable for all hair types.

Thanks to its gentle composition, the tint shampoo acts superficially on the hair without destroying its structure. The advantage of “Irida-M Classic” is that the color lasts for up to 10 hair washing procedures.

With regular use at least once a week, a cumulative effect occurs and the shade stays on the hair for a long time.

The palette includes shades for all hair types:

  • Luxurious blond;
  • Golden;
  • Amber collection;
  • Natural shine;
  • Chocolate collection;
  • Captivating reds.

Every girl will be able to choose the optimal shade for herself. Tonics help change the appearance of your hair without harming it.

"Matrix Total Results Color Obsessed So Silver"

Photos before and after using “Matrix” tint shampoo for colored hair show that it eliminates yellowness, gives shine and brightness to the hair. You can purchase the product at a professional hair cosmetics store. The average price per bottle is 600 rubles.

After use, it brightens yellow hair. It is recommended to keep the product on for 3 to 10 minutes after application. If you overexpose, light strands may acquire a purple tint.

The consistency of “Matrix Total Results Color Obsessed So Silver” is similar to regular shampoo. It is thick, easy to apply to curls and foams well. Gives hair a light cool shade with a pearly tint.

The downside of this product is that it dries out your hair. After washing with tinted shampoo, the manufacturer recommends using a moisturizing mask.

"Lisap Milano"

A distinctive feature of the tinting balm is that it does not contain ammonia. The pigments of the product envelop the hair and give it a rich shade and healthy shine. The composition also contains caring components such as jojoba oil, peach kernel extract and citrus essential oils.

The use of the product is quite simple:

  • The head is moistened with water;
  • Apply tint shampoo over the entire length of the hair and leave for up to 20 minutes;
  • Rinse thoroughly with water and enjoy the result.

Lisap Milano balms have 10 shades in their palette, such as:

  • Golden copper;
  • Red-copper;
  • Red fire;
  • Violet-red;
  • Intense chestnut;
  • Anthracite gray;
  • Black;
  • Brown satin;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Silver.

To obtain the desired color, you can mix different tones of toner together. The girls note that the balm smells nice. After use, the hair retains its rich color and shine for up to 5 shampoos.

"Constant Delight"

The composition of Constant Delight shampoo includes two types of pigments: silver and purple. Thanks to this, the product eliminates the yellowness of colored and natural hair.

After use, the curls become shiny, with a slight silver tint. Caring components, namely camellia extract, make them stronger and more elastic.

Use the product on a clean, damp head. Apply a small amount of shampoo along the entire length and leave for at least 5 minutes. Wash off with running water and dry the curls in the usual way.

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging that frequent use of shampoo is allowed. The product is suitable for blondes. Thanks to the fruit acids included in the composition, after using the shampoo the hair will not become dry.


The wide palette of Estelle tinted shampoos allows every woman to choose her favorite color for dyeing. The composition of the product does not injure the hair structure, while qualitatively changing the shade of the curls. Ultraviolet particles in the shampoo protect your hair in the summer.

The cost of the shampoo is low, the average price per bottle is 100 rubles. This makes it accessible to every girl, but at the same time the product is of high quality. Estel tonic has a natural composition that has a positive effect on hair health.

The duration of color retention depends on the frequency of shampooing and the quality of the hair structure. On average, the brightness of the shade lasts up to 6 washing procedures. To maintain color, shampoo is used once every 2 weeks.

The downside of the product is that the change in hair color will be minor and short-term. Also, girls note that long hair requires a large amount of tinted shampoo.

The Estelle color palette includes shades for gray hair, blondes, brunettes and red-haired beauties. If used correctly, a girl can easily change her image for a short period of time.

"Rocolor: Shine of Color"

A distinctive feature of Rocolor shampoos is their composition, which gives the hair lightness and silkiness. At the same time, the product gives the curls a bright shade.

Tinted shampoos "Rocolor" have a wide palette of shades. The composition does not contain ammonia or harmful substances that affect the structure of the hair. Coloring pigments carefully envelop the surface of the hair.

The use of Rocolor: Shine of Color does not require the use of masks or balms. The shampoo does not dry out the hair, but on the contrary, makes it more manageable and smooth.

Girls who have used Rocolor tint products note the affordable price, ease of use, and a long-lasting and bright shade. When used correctly, the product gives your hair a light lamination effect.

"Kapous Professional: Life Color"

The tint product “Kapus” was developed in Spain. They are suitable for all hair types as they contain fruit acids. Tinted shampoo will highlight the natural shade and change it slightly.

The product gives a slight toning effect, since it is primarily aimed at cleansing and healing the hair. The manufacturer recommends using a balm of the same brand for a brighter shade.

Kapous Professional: Life Color products are considered soft and suitable for dry hair. After use, the curls acquire a healthy shine. Apply the product like a regular shampoo, first apply over the entire length and rinse off after 5 minutes.

The “Kapus” palette is wide enough, so every girl can choose a shade to match her hair color.

"Schwarzkopf Proffesional: Bonacure Color Save Silver" ("Schwarzkopf")

Tinted shampoo from the Schwarzkopf brand nourishes hair thanks to herbal ingredients. Using the product does not harm the curls, but qualitatively changes their shade.

The main advantages of “Schwarzkopf Proffesional: Bonacure Color Save Silver”:

  • Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Allowed for use once a week;
  • Can be used on all hair shades.
  • We must not forget that tint tonics are not as durable as paint. To maintain hair color, you need to use the product regularly.

The palette of shades allows you to use the tint product on dark, light, red and chocolate hair. Application is quite simple, so it does not require special skills from women.

Hairdressers advise girls to use tinted shampoos instead of dye to avoid damaging their hair.

  • You need to choose the color wisely. There is no need to radically change your hair tone right away. To begin with, just choose a tonic that differs by 1-2 tones;
  • Do not leave the tint on your hair too long. This will cause the curls to look like straw;
  • It is recommended to apply the product along the entire length, starting from the crown and ending with the ends of the hair;
  • To make the color more durable, add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the water when rinsing;
  • After the dyeing procedure with tinted shampoo, be sure to use caring hair masks and balms to make the hair softer.

By following these simple tips, girls can easily change their hair color using tinted shampoos and get vivid photos before and after the procedure.

Photos before and after using tinted hair shampoos

Tinted shampoos are a unique development for women who do not want to use dye and harm the health of their hair. They help change the shade of curls to short

Videos: tinted hair shampoos. What you need to know

Tinted hair shampoos. What is this:

The specialist will tell you everything about tinted hair shampoos. Video with before and after photos:

A large selection of tinted shampoos for both blondes and brunettes. ✓ Promotions and bonus program. ✓ Reasonable prices. ✓ Free delivery within Moscow is available. ✓ Official store.

How to choose a shampoo for hair tinting?

Tinted balms and shampoos are care products containing coloring pigments. They do not violate the structure of the hair shaft and do not penetrate inside, but only envelop its surface, changing the color of the hairstyle by 2-3 tones. The acquired shade lasts until the next wash, so it needs to be “refreshed” by regularly using toning shampoos. These products have the following advantages:

  • Simple application that does not require professional skills.
  • Possibility to shade highlighted strands.
  • Tinting removes yellowness.
  • A coloring tonic for brunettes, red and light brown hair that emphasizes the natural beauty of curls or gives them an unusual coloring.
  • The structure of the hair shaft remains unchanged, which means the strands are not damaged.
  • Absolutely harmless, can be used even by pregnant women.

To choose a hair tinting shampoo that's right for you, pay attention to your original color. On dark strands the shade will not be as rich as on light or previously bleached ones. It should also be taken into account that the tonic makes the existing color brighter or “darkens” the hairstyle, but does not lighten it (however, fair-haired women can choose preparations that eliminate yellowness).

Professional shampoos for dark, blond and gray hair

If you want to achieve the desired tone without unpleasant surprises, we recommend using professional tint balms and shampoos, for example:

  • Schwarzkopf Blondme or Bonacure– the best options for blondes, allowing you to maintain warm tones or give the strands a noble silver color, removing an unwanted yellow tint (suitable for bleached and gray hair).
  • Wella Color Recharge– preparations with the effect of eliminating yellow shades, refreshing blonde hair and maintaining the balance of pigments.
  • Ollin Copper Hair– maintains the richness of red hair, makes the hairstyle brighter and more radiant.
  • Kapous Life Color- a series of toning products with six colors that are suitable for bleached, dark and light brown hair.

Don't know where to buy good quality tinted shampoo? Pay attention to the assortment presented in the online store “Hair Market”. We are ready to please you with reasonable prices, bonuses and discounts. Goods are delivered throughout Moscow (by courier service) and throughout Russia (by postal mail).

bonus program

Registered customers are credited with 4% of the check amount to a bonus account in their “personal account”. Bonus rubles are awarded on all products (except for special offers), and you can use them to pay for up to 50% of your next purchase.

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