Should I wash my newborn baby girl? Hygiene of girls from birth to adolescence. Features of hygiene of a newborn girl

No matter what gender you have a baby, it is important to regularly monitor his or her intimate hygiene. But the actual care for a boy and a girl is somewhat different, since the structure of their genital organs is different. How to properly wash a newborn baby girl? This will be discussed in the article.

How often to wash: looking for a middle ground

A newborn girl should be washed regularly, and not occasionally. However, this does not mean that you need to wash your genitals every time the opportunity arises. It turns out that excessive love for cleanliness can play a cruel joke. What can happen with frequent “ablution”?

Colonies of beneficial bacteria live on the skin and mucous membranes of our body. And they are important for maintaining a healthy intimate sphere. When a mother actively, several times a day, washes these places for the child, especially with soap, all the beneficial microflora is washed away. Thus, the genitals of a newborn girl remain unprotected and vulnerable to infection. It is also unacceptable to wash as “deeply” as possible. Getting soap and other care products into the genitals leads to the development of vaginitis in babies. Since the soap is not washed out in such cases, it irritates the vaginal walls, causing an inflammatory process.

Therefore, we wash after defecation and during bathing in the evening. Of course, we change diapers in a timely manner, with an interval of 2-3 hours, so that pathogenic microflora has no chance to reproduce. Soap, which is essentially lye, and wet wipes are used only for external hygiene, that is, for the outer labia area.

About water, soap and foam

What is the best way to wash? Running water is a suitable means for bathing newborn girls. The water should not be “stagnant”, especially when you are cleaning the skin of feces. Otherwise, the bacteria, being washed away, again enter the genital area.

If it is not possible to use running water (for example, you are on the road or at the dacha), sanitary napkins designed specifically for children come to the rescue. It is recommended to wipe the intimate area with unilateral movements in the direction from the pubis to the coccyx. At the same time, the risk of infection in especially female areas is minimized.

Soap for children should be “childish”, that is, completely adapted to delicate skin

When choosing wet wipes for children, make sure that they do not contain alcohol or any antiseptics. Please note the age at which their use is permitted. In our case, napkins for newborns are suitable.

Soap, various foams and bathing gels are used, as mentioned earlier, no more than 3 times a week. Because any such cosmetics, even the most pH-neutral ones, can be harmful if used frequently. Use similar products during evening exercise.

We focus your attention on the fact that the soap should be for children, preferably liquid, intended for the intimate hygiene of a child. You should not endanger the genitals of a newborn girl by using ordinary alkaline soap.

The washing process itself

Place your baby's back on the elbow of your bent arm so that the baby rests on your forearm. Use your hand to secure it, holding it by the left thigh. This is the most comfortable position for washing from front to back.

Be sure to check the water temperature before starting the process. Do not direct the jet directly at the girl’s body to avoid burns.

This is how they wash little girls

What are synechiae

Synechiae means inflammation of the labia minora, leading to their adhesions, or fusion, above the entrance to the urethra. An estrogen deficiency state can provoke the formation of synechiae. However, if you often wash your intimate parts with soap, or put tight clothes on your daughter, which leads to friction in the genital area, synechiae may also appear. They definitely need to be treated. In this case, they turn to a pediatric gynecologist for help.

If synechiae appears

First of all, do not try to separate the labia yourself. If the need arises, as your doctor will tell you, then the procedure is done using special ointments containing estrogens. In rare cases, it is necessary to resort to surgery.


After birth, you may see a peculiar cream or light gray coating on your daughter’s labia. These are the remains of the original lubricant, smegma. When there is only a small amount of it, you don’t need to make any special efforts, it will be absorbed into the skin itself. But thick plaque can be delicately removed using a gauze swab dipped in boiled oil.

Excessive cleanliness is harmful: it can lead to the formation of synechiae

Vaginal discharge

In the first week of life, a mucous-bloody discharge may come from the vagina of a newly born girl. This condition is called a hormonal crisis of newborns and does not pose any particular danger. It goes away on its own after a few days.

But if the discharge is purulent and the skin around the genitals is red, consult a doctor immediately. Normally this should not happen.

Mammary glands, care features

Hormonal changes also cause the baby’s mammary glands to swell and may turn red a few days after birth. Sometimes there is a discharge similar to colostrum.

Do not massage baby's breasts or try to squeeze out the contents. All that is required of the mother is to ensure that clothes do not rub in this area. Everything will go away on its own in two or three weeks. If the mammary glands have increased in size and the redness is pronounced, be sure to go to the doctor.


Bathing a newborn girl (not washing) is not particularly different from bathing a boy. At first, it is desirable that the water temperature be close to body temperature, that is, 35-36 O C. In subsequent days, when actively bathing the baby, you can lower the water temperature by 1 degree every week. Until the umbilical wound has completely healed, the procedure is carried out in a special baby bath. Later you can move to a larger bath. After a year, it is advisable to use a shower.


  • running water is the best means for washing the female genital area;
  • soap and other means for washing should not be abused. Once a day, at a maximum, it is permissible to use them 2-3 times a week;
  • hygiene products are used exclusively for washing the outside; it is better if they are in liquid form;
  • we wash the girl with clean hands, using one-sided movements from the belly to the butt;
  • after washing, blot the intimate area with a towel, avoiding friction;
  • panties should be loose, white, made from natural fabrics;
  • show the girl to a gynecologist once a year;
  • As she grows up, teach your baby how to properly perform ablution procedures.

Protect your girls by taking care of their intimate health. After all, these are future mothers who, in a couple of decades, will delight you with grandchildren.

A newborn girl needs to be cleaned every time she poops, even if you use special diapers for newborns that absorb liquid stool. Throw away the diaper, wash the girl under running water (in the bathtub under the tap) with gentle movements from front to back (from the “squeeze” to the anus, and not vice versa). Do not press or rub too hard! If, after washing, feces remain in the folds of the skin or on the genitals, they should be carefully removed with a warm, wet cotton pad, but do not rub, but do this with a blotting motion.

How to properly wash a girl

There is no need to wash your little girl every time she pees and every time she changes her diaper, unless she poops.

  • In newborn girls, you may notice a whitish lubricant on the genitals: it does not need to be washed off, it has a unique protective function, and if it is removed, the risk of inflammatory and infectious diseases will increase.
  • Wet wipes and soap can only be used externally: you cannot spread the labia and clean them there with wipes, much less wash them with soap. If feces particles get behind the labia, you can carefully wash them off with water and gently blot them with a wet cotton pad.
  • Do not leave the girl crap, neither in diapers nor in diapers: 10-15 minutes after a bowel movement, spent in an unwashed state, will result in irritation. If irritation does occur, we recommend using Bepanten cream or a special diaper crepe on the outside, which relieves redness and soothes. If obvious allergic redness of the genital organs is detected, especially behind the labia at the entrance to the vagina, you should show the child to a pediatrician and, if necessary, a pediatric gynecologist as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to wash the girl only with warm (37 degrees!) running water under the tap! No “circulation” of bacteria in the pelvis should be allowed.

Excessive enthusiasm for washing can lead to beneficial bacteria being washed away from the mucous membranes of the genital organs, so you need to wash your baby no more often than she poops. When washing, you cannot use soap every time, it irritates the walls of the vagina: soap getting on the genitals is the cause of 80% of cases of vaginitis in girls. The main means of hygiene in infancy and later is ordinary running warm water.

  • You cannot use adult hygiene products when washing a girl.
  • A variety of foams, gels, mousses for newborns, including, cannot be used more than 1-2 times a week, even “soft and gentle with a neutral PH,” as most pediatric gynecologists recommend. We repeat: even then, only for external hygiene of the genital organs, without washing behind the labia!
  • Do not use potassium permanganate to wash the girl, even in slightly diluted form! You can burn the mucous membranes with your own hands, dry them out and then get long-term serious problems, including hospitalization.
  • If you are on a walk, visiting a clinic, and the girl poops, you need to immediately change the diaper and carefully remove any remaining feces from the genitals with wet wipes in the direction from the pubis to the anus. Choose wipes without alcohol or antiseptics!
  • Do not use oil, cream, powder, or greasy cream under diapers - they negatively affect the mucous membrane, do not allow the skin to breathe, and increase the risk of infections and diaper rash under the diaper. Modern diapers do not require powder!
  • After washing your butt and pussy, you just need to gently blot it with a towel, without wiping or rubbing anything!

You cannot wash the girl using washcloths, sponges or other mechanical means! Only fingers with nails cut short, in the direction from the pubis to the tailbone.

What kind of soap can you wash a girl with?

Let us remind you once again: use soap only on the outside, without getting behind the labia, without spreading them, no more than 1-2 times a week. Soap is suitable “for children of the first year of life”: liquid or solid. Moreover, such soap is ideal not only for properly washing a baby girl, but also an older one and even a teenager. Because the most stringent production requirements are imposed on this hygiene product.

Why regular soap is not suitable: because girls' genitals are 85% mucous membranes, and soap, at a minimum, will cause itching, irritation, burning, drying out, and at most - vaginitis and other diseases of the genital organs. The main means of hygiene is clean running tap water.

It is advisable for a girl to wear white panties without dyes (some dyes react with sweat and cause irritation), “loose”, not tight, not constricting the genital area: it does not matter what age the girl is, whether she is 1 year old or 10 years old. Tight underwear is not acceptable!

Do diapers have a bad effect on girls?

It is important not only to wash girls properly, but also to use diapers - modern hygiene products, as they:

  • reduce the amount of feces entering the genitals due to high absorption capacity;
  • reduce the likelihood of feces particles getting into the vagina by immediately changing clothes as soon as the girl poops,
  • Since the introduction of diapers into the “self-evident” care of newborns, the number of registered severe infectious diseases of the genital organs in girls has decreased several times.

Remember that girls should never sit on cold surfaces: the floor, benches, window sills, decorative tiles, iron swings and other “icy” seats. This will lead to local hypothermia of the genital organs, which can result in inflammation. Even 10 minutes on a cold bench can lead to consequences, convey this information to your daughters!

How to wash a girl with synechiae fusion

Fusion of synechiae occurs in approximately 1.5-3% of girls under the age of 3 years and is a physiological phenomenon. What to do if sticking of the labia minora is detected, and how to properly wash the girl in this case:

  • The fusion of synechiae is caused by an extremely low number of estrogens - sex hormones. If a phenomenon is detected or suspected, you need to show the baby to a pediatric gynecologist, he will prescribe special estrogen-containing local ointments that will quickly and without negative consequences allow you to cope with the fusion.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to separate it yourself, using a jet of water or any other mechanical means! Such intervention is fraught with emergency hospitalization for the child, and for you - an article of the Criminal Code.
  • How to properly wash a girl with adhesive synechiae: the rules are the same as for a girl with “everything fine”: running tap water, baby soap only outside once a week, no “neutral” cosmetics.

How to properly wash a newborn boy

In terms of how to properly wash a boy, everything is somewhat simpler. First of all, the hygiene of newborn boys is a standard rule: wash the baby immediately after he poops and change the diaper.

How to wash a boy:

  • running tap water, temperature 37 degrees;
  • a minimum of cosmetics, it is advisable to use only soap for children in their first year of life, no more than 2 times a week;
  • You should start washing from the head of the penis, but you should not pull back or move the foreskin (especially during 1-2 months of the baby’s life!): this will lead to hospitalization and surgical intervention!
  • after the head, lightly rinse the penis;
  • then we wash the scrotum;
  • I wash my anus last;
  • if after washing there are residual feces on the skin, you should remove them with a wet cotton pad using a blotting motion;
  • Wrap the boy in a towel carefully after washing, do not rub or rub anything!

At first glance, it seems that caring for a newborn baby cannot cause any difficulties. However, incorrect actions of parents can lead to health problems for the baby. You should be especially careful when it comes to hygiene. If you wash a girl incorrectly, you can dry out the delicate skin, disrupt the microflora, and cause an infection.

Physiological features of a girl

The structure of the genital organs of an adult woman and a newborn baby is significantly different. There is a difference in the structure of the reproductive system in children of different sexes. Therefore, boys and girls are washed differently.

A newborn girl's labia majora are always swollen. They almost completely cover the labia minora. A fold is formed in which discharge from the uterus, fecal residues, diaper pellets, etc. can accumulate. Refusal of hygiene procedures will lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

In a newly born girl, the length of the urethra does not exceed 1 cm. This anatomical feature can cause cystitis or other diseases of the urinary system. To avoid pathological microflora entering the urethra, the girl should be washed correctly.

The correct selection of hygiene products is also of great importance. The delicate skin of a newborn baby is vulnerable to cosmetics used by an adult. Even tap water can cause irritation. Diaper rash in a newborn also appears with prolonged contact with feces. Therefore, the baby should be washed every time after a bowel movement.

How to care for the genitals of a newborn girl: washing rules

Both adults and children need hygienic care every day. However, in the case of newborns and infants who do not yet know how to go to the toilet on their own, special rules apply. The girl must be washed every time after a bowel movement, as well as in the evening during her next bath.

You shouldn't overdo it. Modern diapers absorb moisture very well. Therefore, washing after each urination does not make sense. In addition, frequent exposure to the baby’s delicate skin can be harmful. Even high-quality water often causes disruption of the vaginal microflora. Not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria live on the mucous membrane, which are necessary for the normal development of the baby.

Use soap or special cleaning wipes with extreme caution. Deep penetration is unacceptable. It is necessary to treat the skin only from the outside (in the area of ​​the labia majora). Under no circumstances should you try to get into the vagina or treat the labia minora with soap! Thus, the mother washes away the unique protection and disrupts the healthy microflora.

Soap should only be used under running water. It is not advisable to bathe a newborn baby in a bubble bath. The soap solution may get into the vagina.

Neonatal vaginitis is a common disease that occurs due to improper hygienic care of girls. When soap gets into the vagina, it is not washed out completely. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

When washing a newborn girl both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For hygiene of the labia, exclusively running water is used. Bathing in the bath is carried out for hygiene of the whole body in the evening before bed. To bathe the baby, you should use boiled water until the umbilical cord is completely healed.
  2. To avoid disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane, soap should be used not more than once a day, but preferably three times a week.
  3. Before washing the girl, an adult must wash his hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. The baby should be held facing the stream of water, and movements should be made in the direction from the vagina to the anus. This prevents bacteria that may be contained in feces from entering the vagina.
  5. A soft, ironed towel should be used for drying. First you should blot (do not rub!) the area of ​​the vaginal slit, then the labia and anus. The internal genital organs should not be wiped to avoid disturbing the microflora or irritating the delicate mucous membranes.
  6. The water temperature for washing or bathing should be in the range of 34–37 degrees Celsius.

Air baths are an excellent prevention of skin diseases in newborns. At least once a day after washing, you should leave the baby without clothes for 5-10 minutes. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Video: proper washing of a newborn baby

Problems of the genital organs that may occur in an infant

Immediately after birth, the baby’s body adapts to new conditions. In this regard, problems often arise that can frighten a young mother. Experienced nurses and neonatologists will always come to the rescue. However, a woman should familiarize herself with basic information even before giving birth.

Plaque on the labia

Many mothers notice a white or gray coating in their newborn babies, both girls and boys, in the genital area. These are the remains of smegma (original lubricant). If the secretion does not have a thick consistency, it is absorbed into the skin within a few hours after the birth of the baby. But if the grease is thick, it must be removed. Otherwise, the remnants of smegma can lead to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

You can remove vernix with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. If the secretion is thick enough and is removed in pellets, you can wash it off in several steps. After 2-3 days, the vernix lubrication completely disappears.

Hormonal crisis

Within a few days after the baby is born, the mother may notice mucous discharge from the vagina mixed with blood. This is a manifestation of the hormonal crisis of newborns, which is more pronounced in girls. During pregnancy, the baby’s body receives from the mother all the substances necessary for normal development, including hormones. After birth, the child must adapt to autonomous development. Bloody discharge is a consequence of changes in the body.

When mucus is detected, the mother’s actions should be the same as when removing vernix lubrication. Discharge should be carefully removed with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.

Diaper dermatitis

Rashes on a child’s skin can appear from the first days of life, as an allergic reaction to the components contained in the diaper. If you have to deal with unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to properly treat the affected skin of the baby. For this, antiseptic solutions of Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin can be used. Hydrogen peroxide is affordable and safe. These products are good because they do not cause burning on the treated skin of the newborn.

An antiseptic solution can be prepared by diluting a Furacilin tablet (0.02 g) in boiled water at room temperature.

Video: washing a newborn under running water

Intimate hygiene products

To carry out proper hygiene procedures, the mother will have to purchase all the necessary products in advance. Some of them will be useful already in the maternity hospital.

Disposable diapers

This remedy is necessary not only to make the mother’s life easier, but also to maintain the health of the newborn girl. Modern diapers are made from special materials that instantly absorb moisture. This allows you to avoid an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of a newborn girl.

Frequent diaper changing is the basic rule of baby care. You should avoid using this product around the clock. Ideally, the diaper should be worn at night and for walks.

This product was created to keep the baby clean when there is no water nearby. However, napkins should not be a substitute for proper washing or bathing. You should only purchase them in pharmacies, having first studied the composition. You need to be prepared for the fact that your baby may have an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product.

Despite the fact that bathing a baby with soap is often not recommended, this product should be present in a young mother’s cabinet. It is also worth purchasing it at a pharmacy. It is better to give preference to classic solid baby soap without fragrances.

This product will be needed to remove smegma, treat the skin with antiseptic solutions (if necessary), remove mucus, etc. For the hygiene of a newborn girl, sterile cotton wool in the form of pressed balls is perfect.

Antiseptic solution

You don't have to use the product every day. An antiseptic is necessary if the baby develops a rash or irritation on the skin. Solutions of Chlorhexidine or Mirasmistin are suitable for caring for a baby. You can use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with a dispenser.

Baby oil

With this product, you will need to treat the folds in the area of ​​the baby’s labia majora to avoid dryness and irritation of the delicate skin. It is also recommended to purchase baby oil at a pharmacy. Some mothers use regular sunflower oil. This is absolutely not allowed! Only sterile product should be used.

Baby oil is also useful for treating folds throughout the baby’s body, as well as for massage.

Water thermometer

The baby should be bathed in water whose temperature is comfortable for the child (34–37 degrees). To accurately measure, you need a special device.

You can approximately find out the temperature of the water in the bath without a thermometer. To do this, just put your elbow in the bath. If there are no sensations, the temperature in the container is equal to body temperature. This water is ideal for bathing a baby.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

If your baby has diaper dermatitis, special products from the pharmacy will help quickly restore the delicate skin. Excellent results are shown by creams Bepanten, Rescuer, Desitin, etc.

Baby care products - gallery

Wet wipes are a convenient hygiene product that should not replace proper child care. Desitin will speed up the regeneration of the baby's irritated skin.
A water thermometer is needed to carry out the correct procedure for bathing your baby.
Cotton wool is an essential attribute of a children's first aid kit.
Treating the skin with baby oil will help avoid irritation. Baby soap is necessary for hygienic care of a newborn. Diapers will help keep the baby’s skin dry.

Video: girls hygiene - Dr. Komarovsky’s school

Hygiene of a newborn girl, carried out in accordance with all the rules, will not cause difficulties for the young mother. A little time will pass, and the woman will carry out all actions automatically, without causing harm to her child.

From the first days of life, a newborn baby requires careful hygienic care. A young mother will have to learn a lot: how to hold a newborn correctly, how to clean a baby’s nose and ears, how to trim a baby’s nails, how to swaddle a newborn and put on diapers, and much more.

One of the most important points in caring for a baby is bathing and washing him. The baby's skin and body must be kept clean and dry at all times, and therefore the baby is bathed daily. But in addition to taking a bath, which in most cases occurs in the evening, the child also needs to be washed several times during the day: always after each bowel movement, and if there are diaper rashes and irritations under the diaper, also after urination.

Caring for the genital organs of a newborn baby has some differences depending on its gender. It is necessary to approach a girl’s intimate hygiene with special delicacy and responsibility: firstly, the baby’s skin and mucous membranes in this area are overly vulnerable, and secondly, the structure of the girls’ genitals makes it easy for infection to spread inside.

Despite the fact that every modern woman adheres to the rules of personal intimate hygiene, with the advent of a little daughter, many of us are lost: the baby’s labia are not yet fully opened, very often white vernix lubricant accumulates inside the genital slit, various vaginal discharges may appear - and that’s all This is a little confusing for us.

Let's listen to what pediatricians and gynecologists advise loving mothers and learn from them how to wash a newborn girl correctly.

How to wash a newborn baby girl under the tap

In reality, everything is very simple, and after doing the procedure several times, you will immediately get better, as they say. But doing everything exactly right is extremely important, because water with feces and microbes very easily flows into the vagina, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.

So let's get started. The baby should be placed on the changing table (or whatever replaces it) and undressed. When removing the diaper, make sure that feces do not fall into the vaginal area, then use a baby wipe or a gauze cloth soaked in warm water (which is much better and safer for the skin of a newborn) to remove the remaining feces, moving from top to bottom - that is, in the direction from the pubis to the anus. If necessary, repeat wiping, take a new napkin.

While the baby is taking an air bath, adjust the water in the tap - its temperature should be between 36-37 degrees, which can be checked with the back of your hand. Keep your baby in your sight: Even a newborn baby can roll over and fall, so always keep him in sight.

Then place the baby on your arm: place the head in the bend of the elbow, and place the back along the forearm on the arm. With the palm of this hand, lightly fix the girl’s hips so that she does not slip out; with the other hand we will wash her.

Bring the baby to the stream of water, but first cover your pubis with your palm so that the water from the tap first hits your hand and then the girl’s skin. In any case, the stream of water should not be strong and should be directed directly at the child’s genitals.

Start making washing movements from the lower abdomen, moving through the vagina to the perineum. At the very end, rinse the anus using baby soap. Rinse only the area of ​​the external genitalia, without spreading the labia majora too much.

After washing, throw a flannel diaper over the baby, wrap the legs and transfer it back to the changing table. Blot your baby's skin, also moving from top to bottom, paying attention to the skin folds so that no moisture remains inside them.

Soak a cotton swab in sterilized vegetable oil or Vaseline oil, squeeze it out and wipe the genital slit with very light pressure. Do not make any effort to clean out the white discharge.

If there are diaper rashes and irritations, then the baby’s skin should be treated with baby cream (oil is also suitable for this). By the way, in this case, instead of water for washing, you can use herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula, strings), if the child is not allergic to them. Not all children are suitable for talcum powder, but if you use it, never sprinkle it directly on the skin - first apply the powder to your palms, then distribute it over the body.

You can dress up a beauty!

How to clean a newborn baby girl on the changing table

It is not always possible or necessary to use a tap with water to wash the baby. In this case, water can be brought to the changing table in a bowl or ladle.

Her temperature should also be equal to body temperature, and in principle, all your actions will be the same as in the first case, with a slight difference: the girl will lie on the table during the procedure, and not be on your arm.

So, the baby was laid down and undressed - let's start washing. Soak a cotton ball in water, squeeze it a little so that it doesn’t drip, and start rinsing the perineal area: make the first movement from the pubis to the anus in the center, rinsing the genital slit and lips. Second, wash the folds on the sides. Then with one hand we lift the baby’s legs and wash the buttock folds and anus area with cotton.

With each new washing movement, always take a new cotton ball.

After washing, the child’s skin must be blotted, removing all droplets of moisture. For this, it is very convenient to have specially prepared (clean, sterile) gauze wipes. Make sure that you do not wipe different intimate areas with one part of the napkin. It is best to cover the child’s perineum completely with it, blotting the pubis with the upper part, the perineum with the middle, and the buttocks and anus with the lower part. Don't forget about the folds. And then everything is exactly the same as after washing under the tap.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl: features of care

Caring for a girl’s genitals is not particularly difficult, but the white coating inside the vagina causes some confusion. These are residues of vernix that should not be removed with diligence.

Gynecologists also explain white discharge in the vagina of a newborn girl by the fact that in the first weeks and months after birth, the concentration of the mother’s sex hormones in the child’s body remains quite high. This phenomenon is not only safe, but also has benefits: maternal hormones and the “plaque” that forms inside the vagina protect the baby from infection entering inside. Hormonal mucus acts as an antiseptic, killing enemy pathogenic flora.

However, this phenomenon is temporary: natural protection quickly weakens, and in the future everything will depend on the correct hygienic care of the child.

The mother of a newborn girl should know that all hygiene procedures can and should be performed only with clean hands; it is better to cut the nails short.

All objects and devices that come into contact with the baby’s skin and mucous membranes must be sterile. It is better to iron diapers and napkins with an iron (steam).

It is clear that choose only soft towels and only from natural thread so that they absorb moisture well. Each time after water procedures, take a clean towel or diaper.

Soap for caring for a child’s genitals must be special for children with the correct Ph level. It is better to wash the skin around the anus with soap, and as for the perineum, it is better to just use clean water. From time to time, the skin outside the labia majora should also be washed with soap and water.

A newborn girl must be washed every time the diaper is changed, at least twice a day, and if necessary, as often as necessary. Instill in her the right habits from infancy. And don't forget to introduce your princess to personal hygiene rules when she gets a little older.

Let her skin be clean, soft and velvety, and her health strong! Good luck to you!

Especially for - Elena Semenova

How to bathe a child correctly? All young parents ask this question. If the rules are not followed, the child may be harmed. The body of a newborn girl cannot protect itself from infectious diseases. A girl’s intimate hygiene is a very important point that requires special care and attention.

Since any mistakes can provoke infectious diseases, mechanical damage, synechiae, irritation in the labia area, and problems with urination. You can bathe your baby the same day you arrive home from the hospital. Until the umbilical wound has healed, it is necessary to boil water for bath procedures, and it is not recommended to use any herbs.

Are water treatments different for babies of different sexes?

The only difference in the bathing procedure is intimate hygiene. The structure of male and female intimate parts requires different methods of care.

How to properly bathe your baby for the first time at home?

The first bath always causes fear; the parents’ experiences are passed on to the child, so The calmest parent should bathe a newborn. Then both you and the baby will enjoy the procedure.

Preparatory stage

You will need:

  • Baby bath.
  • Water thermometer.
  • Baby hygiene products.
  • Baby cream or oil.
  • Comb-brush for washing hair.
  • Boiled water (until the navel heals).

Now let's talk in more detail about the requirements for hygiene items:

How to wash your genitals?

It is recommended to bathe a completely newborn girl with soap once a week., and wash it once a day, from top to bottom, preferably in running water. Since frequent exposure to alkaline impurities worsens the condition of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Inner lips

If there is no urgent need, then you need to spread the inner labia as little as possible. If powder or cream collects there, use a cotton swab to remove it very carefully. The stick must be moistened with sterilized oil or purchased at a pharmacy. Boiled water may be used.


The most comfortable position is when the baby lies on his left hand with his head to the elbow, and his butt is on the elbow, and he washes it with his right hand. Rinse all folds well, preferably with a ladle or under low pressure of water, so that tiny cracks do not form. When washing the external genitalia of a newborn girl every day, do not use regular soap, only Ph-neutral baby soap.

  • Hygienic cosmetics dry out children's skin, thereby destroying the protective functions of the skin. Therefore, use potassium permanganate solution and other hygiene products as little as possible for up to a year.
  • Dry with a soft cloth or sterile cotton wool in the following order: vulva, labia, inguinal folds, skin, perineum.
  • Rinse the girl after each trip to the toilet, and wash her with soap after bowel movements.
  • Bathe your baby with the bathroom door open to avoid hypothermia when leaving the bathroom into a cool room.
  • Adjust bath time to suit your child.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

Upon arrival home, it is enough to bathe the girl in clean warm water for 2-3 weeks, using hygiene products once a week. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes, then 3-10 minutes.

Advice: Talk to your baby while bathing, smile, sing songs, this will calm her down and relax her.

We recommend watching a video on how to properly bathe a newborn girl:

Actions after washing

Parents should pay attention not only to caring for the baby’s skin, but also his nose, nails and eyes. Your baby's nose needs to be cleaned every day, and if necessary, several times a day. For cleaning you will need cotton swabs; you can twist cotton wool into strands yourself. To avoid damaging the mucous membrane of the nose, the cotton wool should be moistened with water or boiled oil.. Gently insert into the nostril and swirl.

It is better to cut your baby’s nails after a month, when they are a little stronger. It is advisable to purchase separate scissors with rounded ends for your daughter. This procedure is done for babies once every 7-10 days.

To wipe the eyes you will need warm boiled water and a cotton swab or gauze.. Wipe from the corner of the eye to the nose. If your eyes turn sour, you should consult a doctor. Before the navel heals, it is necessary to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.

How to dry a child?

You cannot rub the baby with a towel, this can harm the delicate skin, you need to gently blot it dry.

How to care for folds?

To wipe the folds you will need special baby oil or baby cream and a cotton swab. The body can be treated with your hands using gentle massaging movements. As for the genitals, apply oil to the sponge and slowly, parting your lips, wipe from top to bottom (you can also use a cotton swab for this procedure). Do it very slowly and carefully so as not to cause pain or discomfort to the baby.

Removing water from ears

If water gets into the ears, hold the child upright, the water will flow out. Using a cotton swab or thin cotton wool, remove the residue; wipe the entire ear.

Other actions

If you bathed your child with various herbs, then there is no need to pour clean water over it. Just wrap your baby in a towel. After bathing is over, do not rush to unwrap your child; let the water soak into the towel, since it will freeze more likely if it is wet.

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