If breast milk is not expressed - what to do and whether it is necessary. Breast pain and pumping - what could be the consequences? Breast pain after pumping

    Heaviness and pain in the breast are the first signs of milk stagnation. If a nursing mother does not hurry up to take action, then the temperature may rise further, and compacted and painful areas may appear in the chest. Lactostasis, or stagnation of milk, is a misfortune that few nursing mothers avoid. However, this happens to some often, sometimes literally every month, and some mothers are surprised to encounter the phenomenon of stagnation only in the second year of feeding or not even with the first child. In any case, if you know what to do about it, you can deal with it literally within 24 hours and without any consequences.

What is it?..

The very word “lactostasis”, which is translated as “milk stagnation”, completely explains the essence of the phenomenon. Congestion occurs when there is no milk movement in some part of the breast. A milk plug is formed, blocking the exit of newly formed milk, under the influence of tension from which swelling of the breast tissue occurs. This is followed by compaction, soreness, redness and fever.

The causes of lactostasis may be different. Of course, the most common is too long breaks between feedings, when the milk literally stagnates in the breast without any movement. Sometimes a problem arises if a mother feeds her baby in the same position, or sleeps all the time on one side, because it is on this side that her baby sleeps - and this leads to the fact that in some areas of the chest (usually , armpits) the movement of milk stops. Or underwear that is unsuitable for feeding may press on; or cleaning with repetitive hand movements (especially chores like hanging curtains or working with a vacuum cleaner) can do the trick. Other causes of lactostasis include general fatigue and lack of sleep; using a pacifier, due to which the baby begins to latch on to the mother’s breast less well and prefers not to work too hard to empty it; a mother can overeat fatty foods, such as nuts - and this affects the viscosity of the milk and can contribute to stagnation... Quite often, for reasons that are not entirely clear, the breasts react to changes in weather - when the pressure changes sharply, the temperature outside “jumps”, then any active consultant will confirm , that handling of lactostases is sharply increasing. And in the summer, stagnation occurs especially often in hot weather, when women forget to drink enough and the body lacks moisture.

Another reason, which is not so rare, is pumping after each feeding, which “experienced grandmothers” insist on. Mothers of current mothers remember very well how they themselves were scared of mastitis if they did not constantly pump, and they - of course, wishing only the best for their daughters! – convey to them “time-tested” information. The recommendation to pump both breasts after each feeding dates back to the same times when mothers were strictly told to feed the baby once every three hours, no more often, and even with a night break, and at the same time give the baby only one breast each time. In fact, it turned out that with this rhythm of feeding, each breast was emptied once every six hours! And if you did not express milk additionally, then milk stagnation and mastitis became a very real threat. However, the mother feeds the baby on demand, so there is no need for such measures! In the first weeks of a baby’s life, it sometimes happens that after feeding there are still lumps or heaviness in the chest, then the mother can massage a little - just until relief! - Express the remaining milk. If the breasts are soft after feeding, then there is no need to do this. After all, milk is produced in response to stimulation of the breast, and if the baby sucks, and then the mother pumps additionally, then the body “understands” this as the need to increase milk production. The mother finds herself in a “vicious circle”: the more she pumps, the more milk comes in again, and it is quite difficult to bring the situation back to normal when milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs - without a single lactostasis...

What no need do for lactostasis

- stop feeding the baby . Stagnant milk itself cannot harm the baby in any way, and no other method empties the breast as effectively as the baby does.

- warm the breasts between feedings , unless you are going to immediately feed or express - any exposure to heat will provoke a rush of milk, and if there is stagnation, this will further increase the discomfort in the chest.

- limit fluid - total milk production still depends on breast stimulation, and not on the volume of fluid consumed. On the contrary, if a nursing mother tries to drink less, she may develop dehydration, which in itself leads to an increase in temperature and a deterioration in milk flow. Therefore, you must drink, and as much as you want - but it is advisable to drink a cool drink, because hot liquid, like other exposure to heat, can provoke a flow of milk.

- smear the chest with alcohol, Vishnevsky ointment, camphor. All these drugs not only further complicate the flow of milk, but also penetrate into breast milk and can lead to the baby’s refusal to suckle, and if he still agrees to feed with such a sharp change in taste and smell, this can negatively affect his health. In addition, Vishnevsky ointment in practice often leads to the problem area being encapsulated and an abscess forming - a cavity filled with pus, which requires surgical intervention. And camphor can completely stop milk production in the proportions to which it was applied.

To endure, hoping that everything will go away “somehow on its own.” The sooner you take action, the better. If you notice that the problem has been going on for about a day, and there is no relief, it is best to invite an experienced lactation consultant who will help with pumping the breast. And if you have a fever and last longer than two days, a visit to the doctor is required, since a fever that lasts for such a long time indicates the development of mastitis, which can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed that are compatible with breastfeeding; stopping breastfeeding is not required! If you delay this too much, you may need hospitalization, including breast surgery. So don't wait, start acting!

How to cope with lactostasis?

The first thing you should do if you think that congestion has formed in your breast is to start offering this breast to your baby more often, and change the position of the baby when feeding. When suckling, the baby works most actively with the lower jaw, and therefore sucks milk best from the part of the breast where the chin points when feeding. This is what you need to focus on if you need to cope with stagnation.

If tightness and heaviness in the chest are felt in the area of ​​the armpits (this is the most common variant of stagnation), then it is best for the baby to resolve it in the position from under the arm.

Feeding lying on your side will help to cope with congestion in the middle of the chest, but not traditionally - with the lower breast - but with the upper one. The baby will quickly deal with overflow in the lower part of the chest if you sit him for feeding astride his mother's lap, facing him.

But in order for the baby to resolve the relatively rare lumps that occur in the very upper part of the chest, you will have to give the breast in a non-standard position, which is used specifically for this case: placing the baby with his legs away from you on the bed or changing table, bend over him in an inverted position in relation to the usual position .

Restoring normal milk flow in the breast is facilitated by more frequent feedings, especially from the affected breast (it is better to feed in small portions, but often, every 1-2 hours). It is best to sleep with your baby so that you can feed more often - at least every three hours, even at night.

Sometimes these measures are quite enough to get rid of lactostasis, but most often additional breast pumping is required. If there is no temperature or it appeared very recently (no more than a day ago), pumping is carried out in the following sequence:

- first apply a warm compress- you can, for example, wet a towel in hot water and apply it to the area of ​​congestion for 5-10 minutes - or take a hot bath or shower - this will promote good milk flow. (Attention, you should not warm your breasts at a temperature, this may contribute to an even more rapid development of inflammation!);

- next step - carefully and very carefully massage the area of ​​congestion towards the nipple, helping the movement of milk. Lubricating the skin, for example with baby oil, helps prevent it from being damaged by rubbing;

- express milk, focusing on the obstructed lobe;

- apply a cold compress for 5-10 minutes to reduce tissue swelling. The sequence should be exactly like this!

It would be ideal if you give the baby the breast immediately after pumping; babies usually suck out the remaining stagnation very well. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat pumping, but in any case this is done no more than 3-4 times a day. If you are not very good at expressing by hand, you can use a breast pump.

Between feedings, you can make compresses to relieve pain and help resolve congestion. The simplest thing is the same regular cold compresses. The following options also help:
- compresses from a cool fresh cabbage leaf, beaten a little so that the juice comes out (it is cabbage juice that has a healing effect, just make sure that it does not get on the nipple area - this is not good for the baby’s digestion);
- honey cake– honey and flour, preferably rye, are mixed to the consistency of a stiff dough and applied to the painful area.

Also, according to reviews from mothers, homeopathic ointment “Arnica” or cream Traumeel C (sold in pharmacies, they simply lubricate the affected area between feedings) are good for relieving swelling and reducing compactions.

Finally, try to get plenty of rest. Lack of sleep itself sometimes provokes stagnation. Household chores can wait a little, health is more important!

While stagnation makes itself felt only by pain in the chest, there is no need to worry at all, just follow the given scheme. When your temperature rises, follow the recommendations especially carefully; if you have the opportunity to call a breastfeeding consultant, do so. If the temperature lasts for a long time, longer than two days (and in the first month of the baby’s life - more than a day), be sure to consult a doctor, gynecologist or mammologist. The same thing applies if there is no fever, but the lump in the chest does not decrease for several days, or it decreases, but does not completely go away for more than a week. Typically, in such cases, physiotherapy is prescribed; if it comes down to mastitis, they may prescribe antibiotics, and you can almost always choose ones that are compatible with breastfeeding. So everything is not as scary as it seems, the main thing is not to start the process!

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      Minced meat or chicken
      This semi-finished product is even more sensitive than chicken: you have no more than 12 hours to prepare it - provided that the minced meat was stored in the refrigerator. Don't have time? Better freeze the product.
      Chicken eggs
      When purchasing eggs, carefully look at the production date, not the packaging date, and count 3-4 weeks. Naturally, eggs need to be stored in the refrigerator, and when the expiration date expires, mercilessly throw them away.
      Soft cheese
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      All these simple asanas will take only 15 minutes. You will spend very little time, but at the same time you will get the opportunity to gently awaken, activate all internal processes and tune in to a positive day.
      So, the morning complex is in nidra, the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness.
      1. Move all pillows aside and stretch thoroughly. Do it smoothly and naturally - as you are used to. Stretch your shoulders towards your ears and stretch out your socks, or vice versa - pull your socks towards you, pushing out your heels. Try also stretching out on your left and right sides. Determine the duration of execution yourself - you should be comfortable.
      2. Place your arms at your sides. Resting your elbows on the bed, lift your chest and bend over with pleasure. Perform the exercise several times until the bend becomes pleasant.

      3. Having tied your hands in a finger lock and grabbed your head from the back, carefully stretch your neck. We have a detailed neck traction technique here.
      4. Place your hands on your chest and stomach for better control of your diaphragm. Gently expand your inhalations and lengthen your exhalations, engaging your stomach, chest and collarbones. Breathe like this for 3-5 minutes until your breathing becomes naturally full - we have a detailed technique for yogic breathing here.

      5. Grab your right knee with your hands and slowly pull it towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back. Hold your leg in this position for 5-10 breathing cycles.
      6. Lower the captured knee (for example, the right one) to the left side onto the bed, holding it with your left hand. Point your right hand and face to the right. Relax in this position for 5–10 breathing cycles. Then repeat the exercise in a mirror manner.

      7. Grasping the big toe of the same foot with two fingers, stretch your leg to the side and lower it onto the bed. Don't stretch too much - do this exercise according to your body's capabilities. Try to relax in this position for 5-10 breathing cycles.
      8. Place your foot in the crook of your hip. Holding it with your hands, as you exhale, slowly and carefully push the knee of the captured leg towards the straight line. Inhale and relax for 5–10 breathing cycles.

      9. Do steps 5–8 on the second side.
      10. Stretch your arms and legs vertically upward. Try to relax and lightly press your lower back into the bed. Stay in this position for 5-10 breathing cycles.

      11. Sit on your shins, spread your knees wide and lean forward, stretching your back with your arms. At the same time, push your knees slightly to the sides. Continue the movement for 10–20 breaths.
      Now the morning will be really good.

  • Milk stagnation: what to do when your breasts hurt?

Often during lactation women have a problem: breast pain during or after feeding. Painful sensations can be due to various physiological reasons. But this condition is not always the norm. In some cases, discomfort in the chest becomes a sign of a particular disease or occurs due to an incorrect feeding regimen, improper technique, or non-compliance with the rules of caring for the mammary glands.

There are physiological factors why breasts hurt during feeding. When a woman is pregnant, her mammary glands gradually begin to prepare for the process of natural feeding of the baby. They enlarge, the nipples become darker, and sometimes colostrum is released from them.

When a newborn appears, transformations in the body accelerate significantly. The main role is played by prolactin and oxytocin - hormones involved in the production and secretion of milk, which replaces colostrum. It is at this time that many mothers complain of discomfort, which can be caused by the following reasons.

  1. Adaptation for sensitive skin on the nipples. This process manifests itself when the nipples hurt during breastfeeding. Cracks may form on the nipples.
  2. Rush of milk. Often women talk about this condition as bloating or slight tingling, and sometimes pain occurs.
Chest pain can be caused by physiological processes occurring in the body during lactation

Full development of lactation will take 3 months from the moment the baby is born. This means that the “flushes” and “leaks” of milk will remind you of themselves all this time.

During hot flashes, pain is felt in the mammary gland and lower abdomen. Over time, the body develops a reflex in which milk comes only during feeding. When the feeling of fullness begins, it is recommended to lightly express the milk.

If a woman gives her baby food on demand and monitors proper attachment, the discomfort quickly goes away. If it persists and progresses, you should urgently visit a doctor to determine the cause.

5 causes of acute pain

Gynecologists classify several causes of pain. Some listed above are physiological. But there are also dangerous ones that require special attention and specific treatment.

The causes of pathological pain that occur during lactation include:

  1. cracked nipples;
  2. lactostasis;
  3. mastitis;
  4. vasospasm;
  5. candidiasis.

There is no need to attribute chest pain to milk influxes. Problems can be much more dangerous, and in case of any discomfort it is better to play it safe and consult with your doctor.

Only a specialist will be able to determine exactly why the breasts hurt after feeding or while latching on the baby.

Cracked nipples

Due to lack of experience, a young mother may develop painful cracks in her nipples. This happens under the influence of the following factors:

Cracked nipples are a common cause of breast pain.

  • Incorrect nipple latching - when only part of it, without the areola, gets into the baby’s mouth. This provokes the formation of mechanical injuries and, as a result, cracks.
  • Washing your breasts too often - water removes the protective lubricant and causes dry skin, which leads to cracks.
  • Violation of pumping technique. Sometimes, when forced to leave without a child, during a period of illness and taking medications, or when breastfeeding is completed, a woman needs to express milk. You should not press hard and perform manipulations only in the area of ​​the nipple. It is recommended to use a breast pump for expressing, and the main rule is not to overdo it.
  • Abrupt interruption of feeding - cracks appear when, at the end of lactation, the mother suddenly pulls the breast out of the baby’s mouth. To stop the process, it is recommended to insert a clean little finger into the baby’s mouth and carefully remove the nipple.

Medicines for the treatment of cracks

Every woman after the birth of her baby should understand what to do if her breasts hurt during feeding. The most effective and popular remedies for cracks include preparations based on dexpanthenol or pure lanolin, and sea buckthorn oil.

If the cracks are very deep, the doctor may prescribe powerful healing agents - Actovegin, Avent, Solcoseryl.

Products containing dexapanthenol:

  • ointment or cream for cracks Bepanten (smearing wounds is recommended when chest pain develops after feeding);
  • Panthenol spray with a high content of vitamin B (sprayed on the chest after the baby has eaten, on cracks from a distance of 10–20 cm).

Topical products containing pure lanolin perfectly protect the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness:

  • Kornegregel gel (applied after feeding);
  • Videstim ointment (rub into nipples between feedings).

The simplest and most easily accessible means of treating and preventing cracked nipples is breast milk. After lactation is completed, you need to lubricate the nipples with a drop of milk, leaving it like that until dry.

Should I stop breastfeeding?

Special silicone or latex pads help reduce pain during feeding with cracked nipples

It works as a barrier between the baby's lips and the nipple, thereby significantly reducing the intensity of pain and the risk of injury.

To ensure that the process of using the pad does not cause inconvenience, it is important to choose the correct diameter..

If the cracks are very deep and blood is released from them, then the pads will not be beneficial. In order to treat deep injuries, breastfeeding will have to be interrupted. At the same time, empty the mammary glands, carefully expressing, and give the baby milk from a spoon or pipette. After the wounds have healed, full feeding should be resumed.

If you notice that your baby is being capricious and refusing to feed, the tips in this article will help you find the causes of this problem.

If there is severe pain during breastfeeding, the process of suppuration begins in the cracks, the temperature rises and general health worsens, you need to urgently tell your doctor about it.

Causes and signs of the development of lactostasis

Lactostasis or blockage of the milk ducts turns lactation into a real torment. With the development of this pathology, an obvious compaction forms in one or several alveoli at once. The mammary gland becomes hard and hot, but the body temperature does not increase.

Stagnation of milk often causes pain. If your breasts are hot but your body temperature remains normal, cool compresses may help. To cure lactostasis, you do not have to give up feeding. And even, on the contrary, it is better to put the baby to the breast often and for a long time - this will help to quickly overcome congestion. It is important to understand that painful sensations are caused precisely by lactostasis. If there are no obvious lumps, the chest may simply be cold.

Source of pain – mastitis

Acute postpartum mastitis usually develops as a complication of lactostasis

Mastitis is an infectious inflammatory process that can lead to an abscess. Often the pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of blood and pus in the milk.

If the pathology develops and worsens, surgery may be required on the damaged mammary gland.

The development of mastitis is promoted by:

  • breast injuries;
  • hypothermia;
  • penetration of infection through cracks in the nipples;
  • advanced form of lactostasis.

Symptoms and methods of correcting vasospasm

Vasospasm is pain that occurs immediately after feeding. A disorder can be suspected by a change in the shade of the nipple caused by spasm of the blood vessels.

Vasospasm occurs due to a change in temperature at the moment when the baby releases the nipple. The spasm blocks the flow of blood and a burning pain develops. With frequent vasospasms, a woman is recommended to undergo examination to exclude the development of diseases with Raynaud's syndrome.

To prevent such violations you need to:

  • try to keep your chest warm;
  • immediately after finishing feeding, close it;
  • give up strong brewed tea and coffee, which can provoke vasospasm;
  • undergo several chest massage sessions.

If candidiasis develops

The cause of pain may be thrush, caused by reproducing fungi of the genus Candida.. The disorder can be identified by a whitish coating on the nipple and in the child’s mouth.

In this case, the breasts hurt during feeding and during pumping. The baby may refuse to breastfeed and cry constantly.

When a fungal disease affects not only the nipples, but also the milk ducts, the breasts hurt not only during, but also after feeding. Such situations occur very rarely and are associated with poor functioning of the immune system and poor hygiene. Thrush should not be treated on your own; it is better to seek qualified help from a professional.

Learning the technique of proper application

It is the incorrect grip of the nipple, according to doctors, that is considered the most common cause of breast pain during feeding. In addition, incorrect application technique leads to the development of complications - cracks and mastitis of an infectious nature.

If the grip is incorrect, the woman feels acute pain at the very beginning. When even slight discomfort is felt, you should not continue - it is important that the baby takes the nipple again, but correctly. This is the only way the mother will feel comfortable and the baby will be well fed.

The correct grip technique involves sequentially performing the following actions.

  1. Wait until the child opens his mouth well. You can help him with this by running the nipple along his lower lip - the child’s unconditioned reflex will work.
  2. Pull the baby's head towards you. After grasping the nipple, a small part of the areola should remain in the field of view. With proper grip, the nipple in the mouth is located at the level of the root of the tongue and is not injured.
  3. If the grip is incorrect, you should tighten the skin of the areola: place your thumb on top of the areola, and your index finger on the bottom, this will form a fold that is placed in the baby’s mouth.

The woman's actions are not affected in any way by the feeding position. The baby quickly gets used to it and grasps the nipple correctly, thereby not causing the mother any discomfort.

When attaching a baby, many mothers experience pain. This happens mainly due to improper nipple latching. In this case, it is better to remove the breast with your little finger and give it again, but this time correctly.

Correct grip may be hampered by a frenulum that is too short or abnormalities in the structure of the upper palate.. When the grip seems to be normal, but pain is still bothering you, you should consult a pediatric dentist. Pathologies of the structure of the palate are diagnosed extremely rarely, but often the baby’s frenulum turns out to be too short. In the latter case, it can be trimmed - the operation is performed within a few minutes by a qualified doctor.

You can learn the correct feeding technique and find out answers to common questions by watching the video:

8 rules for pain prevention

To prevent problems with the mammary glands, women need to follow a number of rules:

  1. maintain hygiene (take a shower at least 1-2 times a day);
  2. check the condition of the nipples every day to see if they have any microscopic damage or injury;
  3. feed the child on demand, and not strictly according to the clock;
  4. express milk correctly;
  5. avoid hypothermia;
  6. give a second breast only after the first is empty;
  7. regularly feel the mammary glands for lumps;
  8. Visit a specialist every year to monitor the condition of the mammary glands.


The causes of pain in the chest are varied and not always safe. Sometimes the smallest cracks can cause serious problems. To prevent the development of dangerous complications, it is important to consult a doctor promptly. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of the pain and select the optimal treatment.

How to avoid breast problems during breastfeeding, and what to do if they do appear? A family and perinatal psychologist and lactation consultant answers the questions:

I want to talk about lactostasis. It just so happened that I had to seriously try several times to solve this problem. The first time it got to the point of mastitis and an abscess, and I even had a minor operation.

The problem of lactostasis, unfortunately, does not bypass any nursing mother (with rare exceptions). But it needs to be prevented and overcome as soon as possible so that the entire breastfeeding process is not upset. Of course, there is enough information on this issue, but I want to talk about the knowledge that was useful to me - I read a lot of literature and forums, and chose what was close to me, and, thank God, I solved the problem of lactostasis.

Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk duct, which is caused by poor emptying of the breast or part of it. The breast consists of lobes (according to various sources - from 12 to 20), and each lobe has its own duct in the nipple. When you feel that some part of the breast is thickened and hurts, sometimes redness and swelling occur. If you express your breasts, you will see that milk flows from the nipple in fewer streams or from some part of the nipple it flows little by little, while from other parts it may still flow in streams.

Causes of lactostasis

To prevent lactostasis you need to know the reason why it occurs.

Lactostasis often occurs due to the following points.

  • The mother does not often feed the child, either by the hour, waiting for precise periods of time.
  • The baby does not latch onto the breast correctly. Therefore, there is poor milk flow in a certain lobe of the breast.
  • Mom holds a certain part of the breast with her finger while feeding. It often happens when a mother holds the dimple near the child’s nose with her finger so that he has something to breathe - you just need to find and take a position in which the chest does not hang too much and put pressure on the child, but this skill does not always come immediately. Or the mother incorrectly offers the breast to the child - she squeezes the breast between the index and middle fingers, thereby squeezing some breast lobe or duct, and this happens as a habit - constantly.
  • Mom wears a tight bra.
  • Feeds the child for a short amount of time, for example, fearing that the child will suck at the breast or overeat.
  • Sleeping on your stomach can cause a blocked milk duct.
  • Minor chest contusion, microtrauma.
  • Stressful situation, overwork - of course, breastfeeding is not such an easy process, so don’t forget about your own rest!
  • Lack of night feedings while the breasts are filling.

At the first symptoms of lactostasis, you may feel good, without fever or redness of the breasts, but if nothing is done in this situation, the temperature may rise and uninfected mastitis may begin (high temperature - more than 38, all other symptoms of lactostasis are aggravated).

Treatment of lactostasis

As a rule, to treat lactostasis, and even sometimes it is enough to learn how to properly put the baby to the breast and do it as often as possible (as an option - every hour or more often when the baby is not sleeping, and if it’s really hard for the mother, you can wake him up and slip the breast to the sleepy baby) ) - with this approach, the symptoms of lactostasis disappear within 24 hours. But if, even with frequent breastfeeding, the symptoms of lactostasis do not go away, then you will have to express about 2-3 times a day (more is also not necessary, so as not to force a lot of milk into the breast). But there is no need to express after each feeding, as this will send incorrect information to the brain about how much milk the baby needs. In this case, more milk begins to arrive each time, and the child will not be able to eat that amount of milk. It will turn out that you will have to pump all the time, or a successive series of lactostasis will arise - one passes and another immediately begins. Unfortunately, I struggled with this for quite a long time.

Before pumping, you need to apply a warm compress to the breast (not hot at all!), in order to provoke the oxytocin reflex, so that milk is released from the breast more easily. To do this, take a napkin and wet it in warm water. Place on your chest and hold until it cools down. Then, with light circular movements, massage the breast from the base to the nipple, paying special attention to those lobes that are stagnant. And after that, start pumping. You need to express specifically, that is, exactly the area that hurts, and it is better to do this under a warm shower.

It’s also good to express over steam (if you have steam, it helps a lot). Also regarding the massage - you need to be very careful with your breasts - you cannot knead them too much and do a professional massage. A massage therapist, kneading stagnant areas, can compress the milk ducts. And lactostasis can occur in other areas of the mammary gland.

Alcohol compresses should not be applied to the chest, as they block the release of oxytocin. Although many say that they make it easier, this is a double-edged sword. The warming moment of the alcohol compress will do its job - the ducts will expand and the milk will be redistributed in the breast, but this milk and the new one arriving will be more difficult to flow out (the release of oxytocin, which is responsible for the “flow out” of milk, is blocked). And if you stimulate the production of more milk or you initially had a lot of it, you will get a new lactostasis, only probably stronger and more extensive.

After you have pumped your breast “to the last drop,” it is very important to place your baby on the affected breast so that he can suck out the remaining milk and, possibly, stagnant lumps that can be difficult to express by hand. But a high-quality breast pump is a big help in this!

There is no need to ask your husband to help “suck” stagnant milk - the child sucks milk in a special way, which an adult is no longer capable of, because he has long lost the skill. The baby does not suck, but removes milk from the areola area with his tongue, and then swallows. But the husband will not be able to do this - he will pull the milk like a cocktail through a straw and thereby injure the affected nipples even without it. In addition, in the mouth of any person there is a certain microflora with various bacteria, including pathogenic ones (for example, caries). And he will pass on these bacteria to you when he “sucks” the milk. And if you have a crack on your nipple, then this is a direct path for infection.

Do not expect that after complete pumping, the pain and some swelling of the affected lobe will immediately go away. All this goes away on the 2nd or 3rd day. The redness goes away at the last moment. You should stop expressing your breasts on the 2nd - 3rd day. Sometimes one such complete pumping and then frequent application of the baby to the affected breast is enough to get rid of lactostasis.

Treatment of mastitis

"Uninfected mastitis is a more complex form of lactostasis, the symptoms are approximately the same, but with greater intensity. The state of health worsens sharply, the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature of 38 degrees and above, pain in the area of ​​​​the lump increases, can be felt when walking, when changing body position" .

Treatment is the same as for lactostasis. High temperatures are brought down with antipyretic drugs, and after pumping, if the red area becomes hot and swollen, it is recommended to apply ice to this area for several minutes. It is better to choose a feeding position such that the baby's chin is directed towards the affected area. Because this will allow the baby to empty that part of the breast more efficiently. When feeding, the mother can massage this duct to make it easier for the baby to empty it from the base of the breast to the nipple.

On the 2nd day we should see some improvement. But if the symptoms of uninfected mastitis remain severe for two or more days, an infection may enter the chest and then it develops into infected mastitis.

In addition, the causes of infected mastitis can be cracked nipples, since they are a route for infection to enter the body, and this problem must be taken very seriously. Remember! A crack is a direct path for infection to enter the mammary gland and develop an abscess. There are many ways to treat cracked nipples, but the main thing is to properly attach the baby to the breast. The cream also helped me a lot.

Mastitis can also be a complication after an illness. For example, if a woman has been ill, she may develop infected mastitis in about 2 weeks - you need to keep this in mind and take additional care of your breasts.

Infected mastitis is already an inflammatory process and its treatment should be medicinal and timely. As a rule, a course of antibiotics is prescribed that are compatible with breastfeeding - do not give up breastfeeding at this point, otherwise you may never return to it. There is no need to be afraid of antibiotics - the disease is much more dangerous for both you and the child. In addition, you must continue to pump. Without pumping, drug treatment will not be effective.

Expressing should not be done manually to prevent infection from spreading to adjacent lobes of the breast. It is better to use an electric breast pump for this. If you have infected mastitis, you should not apply warm compresses, as they can cause an abscess. If all mastitis treatment measures are effective, then pumping is completed on the 10th day.

But I still had an abscess. Lumps of stagnant milk did not disappear, and a purulent sac appeared inside. The main thing with an abscess is not to panic because you can only feed from one breast. You will be able to feed your baby with this one healthy breast - and the required amount of milk will be produced, you may just have to feed a little more often.

A drain is placed on the sore breast to remove pus from the purulent sac, and again a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Medicines are also selected that are compatible with breastfeeding. Expressing continues with a breast pump (to avoid affecting the purulent sac, manual expression is not recommended). Pumping is also necessary so that lactation in the affected breast does not fade away, and after the end of treatment you can return to feeding the baby from both breasts.

Self-medication of mastitis is unacceptable, but lactostasis can be dealt with on your own; the main thing is to carefully monitor your breasts and take timely measures.

I wish all nursing mothers never have to face this problem! But forewarned is forearmed!

Happy New Year to everyone! May our children be healthy and happy!

Breastfeeding mothers often pump for a variety of purposes. This can be either to increase its volume or to create a reserve. But sometimes such a nuisance happens when a woman is unable to express milk with her hands or with a device - nothing comes of it. Of course, if milk is not expressed, a lactation consultant or appropriate doctor will help you figure out what to do. But it is not always possible to turn to them.

The main thing is to understand the reasons for such a problem as the inability to express. They can be different and almost all of them can be solved:

  1. Narrowed ducts of the mammary glands. Most often this happens in first-time mothers. But this is also possible if a spasm of the milk ducts has occurred.
  2. Incipient lactostasis or mastitis. In this case, the fatty hind milk itself blocks the exit.
  3. Severe stress.
  4. Insufficient amount of incoming fluid.
  5. Lack of milk at all (hypolactation). This case is very rare, occurring in only 5% of women who give birth, but it is quite possible.

If you were able to pump before, and suddenly a failure occurred, then it’s worth considering what happened recently. You may have been lying on your stomach (that is, on your chest), which is causing the ducts to be pinched. Or you were in the cold, so a spasm occurred and the ducts narrowed.

The mother should have a comfortable and calm environment at home; scandals and quarrels are not allowed. In everyday life, you should also rely for the most part on help from your husband and other relatives.

Methods for solving the problem

The best way to solve breast problems is to consult a specialist. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to analyze why this could happen.

There are no medical methods to solve the problem. Even doctors recommend old folk recipes:

  1. Cabbage leaf. Beat the cabbage leaf a little so that it becomes soft and releases its juice. And it is important that it is warm. Then apply it to your chest. Change the sheet as it dries.
  2. Warm towel. A soft terry towel is placed in slightly hot water (it should not burn, the temperature is pleasant to the body). Then he is given a good squeeze and placed on his chest. You need to lie down like this for 20-30 minutes. But you can feel relief earlier.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. It should be warm. It is also good to drink soothing infusions and herbal teas. Mint, lemon balm, chamomile, and valerian are especially effective.
  4. The mother should not have any stress. This also promotes better milk flow.
  5. Another important factor is that you should never overcool your chest. This provokes spasms of the ducts, as a result of which milk is not expressed.
  6. And of course, be sure to put the baby to the breast. You may not be able to pump, but the milk is there and your baby will suck it out. Thus, he will develop ducts.

Also, when expressing milk, you should not do it completely, to the last drop. Express in a calm, relaxed environment. All this will create a favorable mood and improve milk flow. Drink warm milk tea 20-30 minutes before the process.

It is necessary to sleep and get enough sleep as much as possible. You can also use such a folk remedy as honey cake (rye flour is mixed with honey until plastic) or various homeopathic ointments that relieve swelling and remove compactions. But if you experience any pain, you should consult a doctor.

What not to do

If pumping is difficult, there are a number of prohibitions:

  1. You can't stop feeding your baby.
  2. There is no need to warm your breasts unless you plan to pump or feed your baby immediately afterwards.
  3. You can’t limit yourself to the amount of water you drink, thinking that it will make things easier.
  4. It is forbidden to smear the chest with various warming agents, such as Vishnevsky ointment, alcohol or camphor alcohol. This can lead to a child’s refusal to suckle on the treated breast (due to taste and smell), also provoke an inflammatory process and a general cessation of lactation.
  5. Under no circumstances leave everything as is. It is necessary to take measures, since stagnation of milk subsequently leads to deterioration and mastitis. And in this case, the only solution to the problem is surgery.

Causes/Methods of treatmentfrequent application
to the breast/pumping
cabbage blowing
breath of warm
calm down
narrowing of the ducts+ + + + +
lactostasis+ + +
stress, depression+ + + +
dehydration+ + +
lack of milk+ + + +

Expressing milk

Previously, a woman would pump after each feeding. This was done on the recommendation of doctors and in order to maintain lactation, since they advised feeding on time every 3 hours. This method is currently not supported. It is believed that this will most likely cause the milk to go to waste. It's actually not that bad, it has its advantages. Therefore, even now, some experts advise constantly pumping.

The safest method is considered to be the manual method. It is less painful, more anatomical. However, if this method is used correctly, cracks in the nipples will not form. Another point that most mothers will not like is the duration of the procedure. It can take from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, and hind milk flows with difficulty. Considering that most mothers also need to deal with everyday issues, this becomes simply impossible. However, some problems can only be solved by hand expression. With lactostasis, it is best to express this way. The same method is necessary for incipient mastitis, which in the initial stages can be resolved conservatively.

Another disadvantage of expressing milk by hand is that hind milk does not flow. It is fattier and difficult to obtain. Therefore, it is best to do this with a breast pump. The choice should be turned towards piston mechanical or electrical. They are less traumatic and take little time to work (15 - 20 minutes).

If there is a lot of milk and it is very stagnant, then there will most likely be pain when expressing. This is very unpleasant, but they must be endured in order to alleviate the condition. Therefore, you first need to help yourself with your hands, and then use a breast pump. If you can’t express yourself due to severe pain, then you need to resort to the help of loved ones - husband, mother, sister, etc.

Each method has its positive and negative aspects. No matter how great the desire, if you have this problem, you should not give up feeding your child naturally and switch to artificial formula. This is advised by many “well-wishers” and even doctors, saying that if you can’t express milk, it means it’s not there at all. But it happens that mommy just has one of the above problems. Do not be upset if the milk is not expressed - you already know what they do in such cases. Try different solutions and everything will work out. The amount of expressed milk does not indicate its full volume. After all, no matter how much you do this with the help of your hands and other devices, the baby receives as much milk as he needs at the moment.

There are many persistent myths and misconceptions surrounding breast pumping. Now medical workers do not recommend getting carried away with such a procedure, but in some situations a nursing woman cannot do without it.

The most accessible and most natural technique is hand expression. That's why new parents need to know how to properly express breast milk by hand and when to really do it.

Breastfeeding is, of course, a natural process, so the composition of milk secretion and its volume are adjusted to the needs of a particular newborn.

If a woman constantly puts her baby to her breast (especially at night when the release of the hormone prolactin is at its maximum), the glands become empty. But in certain cases, expressing milk will help normalize a woman’s well-being.

Optional Terms

Before expressing the breast, the mother needs to consider whether she really needs this procedure. Breastfeeding experts are skeptical about the necessity of artificial stimulation of the mammary glands, considering the following reasons far-fetched.


The cases in which it is permissible to express milk are few, but every new parent should remember them. This will eliminate unnecessary procedures and help you make the right choice.

In other situations, there is no need to express milk during natural feeding. If the child eats well, is not hungry, develops normally, and the mother feels fine, unnecessary procedures will only do harm.

Two main hormones are responsible for the process of formation and secretion of milk secretion. It is on their “work” that the course of lactogenesis depends; a woman’s diet or drinking plenty of water is practically not involved in lactation.

  • Oxytocin. This hormonal substance provokes an influx of milk when exposed to certain “stimulants”. For example, oxytocin is activated when a newborn is applied to the breast, when the smell of the baby is felt, or when the glands are stimulated. If oxytocin is released, the milk flows out on its own without requiring any effort.
  • Prolactin. This hormonal substance is intended to control the volume of milk secretion. It “counts” the amount of milk removed from the breast and returns the same volume. Due to this, the breasts are practically not emptied during lactation.

Breast pumping will be effective if these hormones begin to work. To “turn them on” and cause a flow of milk to the glands, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

It may include the following activities:

  • applying towels to the chest, previously soaked in warm water, or standing under the stream of a non-hot shower;
  • drinking warm, weak tea or any other liquid (it is important that the drink is heated);
  • light and gentle massaging of the mammary glands;
  • stimulating milk flow, for example, by bending down.

When performing these activities, the mother should think about her beloved newborn baby. The ideal option is to sit next to the baby to feel him better.

The flow of milk secretion will be more effective if you offer one breast to the baby and strain the other. This technique is good because when the baby sucks, milk will flow into both breasts at once.

Marmet and other pumping methods

How to “get” milk with your own hands after childbirth? To simplify the pumping process, breastfeeding experts offer several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is specially designed for nursing mothers. Since this procedure is not completely natural for women's breasts, it is necessary to carefully study all the intricacies of the process and follow the following steps.

In addition to the Marmet technique, there are other techniques that help to obtain milk from their mother's breast. They are usually used if the previous method did not bring results.

Warm bottle method

This method is used if the nipple is tense and the mammary glands are inflamed. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to get milk, and it is impossible to latch on to the baby.

To express milk with your hands or to relax the breast to such an extent that the baby can take the nipple into his mouth, a bottle is used. This container with a neck width of at least 4 centimeters must be heated with boiling water and the upper part cooled.

Then the area around the nipple should be lubricated with Vaseline and a container should be placed on it. The papilla will begin to retract into the bottle, and the milk will begin to flow out. As soon as the streams become weak, the bottle is removed.

Nipple compression method

If the nipples begin to become rough, and pain is felt when pressing them, a special method will be required, which involves the primary release of milk.

To implement this method, you need to place all your fingers directly on the nipple and press on it for three to four minutes. Such actions soften the mammary gland and make the pumping process less painful.

Possible errors

Expressing breast milk will only be effective and painless if you follow all the steps correctly. The following errors are possible during the procedure.

Breastfeeding experts also include refusal to pump as an erroneous action if during the very first procedure the woman felt pain or did not receive milk. You need to try - choose the right time, the best position and a favorable mood. In this case, the return of the white product will not be long in coming.

Before expressing milk secretion, a woman should understand how to use it and how to use it. Recommendations from specialists on natural feeding of newborns will help with this.

Do not heat expressed milk in the microwave. Such a product turns out to be unevenly heated, and this is fraught with the presence of excessively hot parts in the container and a burn to the oral mucosa.

Expressing milk manually is a procedure that can only be mastered after some time. If a nursing woman is unable to express her breasts, she should consult a doctor or natural feeding expert for advice. And although experts recommend not to get carried away with such a procedure, pumping will allow the mother to stock up on healthy products and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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