What you need to get pregnant with a girl. Diet and other proven ways to conceive a girl. Genetic diagnostic method


When a man and a woman think about having a child and plan to conceive, sometimes they discuss who they would like - a boy or a girl. This is especially true if they have a child or several. For example, there is an older son, and the parents want another daughter.

In modern literature you can find an incredible amount of different information that allows you to predict the gender of the planned child. The books describe a huge variety of methods, from folk to purely scientific, that will help married couples with this. The task itself is not difficult, provided the right approach is taken.

Scientific method of planning the gender of a child

According to science, what gender the unborn child will have depends on the presence of X chromosomes in the sperm that fertilized the egg. Their number is always smaller and they are less mobile, but their life expectancy is longer. This means that the main task in order to become pregnant with a girl is for the X chromosomes to reach the egg.

To do this, it is desirable to reduce the amount of sperm released as much as possible and create the most acidic environment in the vagina. In this case, sexual contact between future parents should take place a day or two before the start of ovulation, so that sperm with the X chromosome can reach the egg, and the more mobile Y chromosomes have time to die.

The days of maximum ovulation can be calculated in several ways: using an ovulation test, ultrasound examination, monitoring basal body temperature. The most favorable period is a couple of days before ovulation. It is also believed that in order to achieve the desired result, sexual contact between a couple should be quick (maximally shortened foreplay), while the woman should not experience orgasm.

Conceiving a girl by blood

To try to predict the conception of a female child using the blood renewal method, you need to know several nuances. Firstly, male blood renewal occurs once every four years, and female blood renewal occurs once every three years. Secondly, if one of the spouses underwent surgery with sufficient blood loss, the years should be counted from this period. Thirdly, the child will be born of the gender whose blood from the parents was later renewed.

  1. The number of years of the expectant mother must be divided by 3 and remember the number that remains as the remainder.
  2. The number of years of the future dad must be divided by 4, and remember the remainder.
  3. Compare two digits of the remainder after division. Whose number is lower, the sex of the child should be expected.

Another way to find out the future sex of a child by blood is the method of determining the Rh factor. A girl is more likely to be born to parents whose Rh factors match. And if they are opposite, then most likely you should expect the birth of a boy. True, this method does not explain how the same parents give birth to children of different sexes after a certain period of time, because the Rh factor is an indicator that does not change with age.

Ways to conceive a girl using tables

Experts have developed many tables that can be used to calculate the gender of the unborn child and predict the conception of a girl. According to these tables, you can even find out the month in which you should conceive a baby, so that it is sure to be a girl. For example:

Ancient Chinese table. Wise Chinese have created an algorithm in which you need to use the mother’s age and the month in which conception is planned. In the leftmost column is the age of the expectant mother, but when trying to find yours, you need to add one to it. This is due to the fact that in China a person’s age is calculated from the moment of conception, that is, together with the pregnancy period. The upper horizontal line contains the months of the year in which conception should occur. If you draw two perpendicular lines, at their intersection there will be the letter “m” or “g”. It is this letter that will determine the gender of the unborn child. Using the table, you can choose the optimal month when it is best to conceive a girl.

Ancient Japanese table. This table is slightly different from the Chinese method. The top row lists the man's birth months, and the vertical column lists the woman's birth months. A number will be located at the intersection of two perpendicular lines. Then you need to move on to the second table. For example, your number turned out to be 11. In the table you need to find the number 11, as well as the estimated month of conception. In this case, there is a high probability of conceiving a daughter in July.

Diet to help conceive a girl

Experts say that by adhering to a certain diet, the expectant mother will be able to influence the sex of the child. There is a specially selected list of foods that need to be consumed in order for a girl to be born:

Certain foods create favorable conditions in a woman’s body for the activity of sperm with the X chromosome. Therefore, if you stick to a diet, you can increase your chances of conceiving a girl.

Folk signs for conceiving a girl

Folk “experts” have also developed several working methods, using which one can predict the birth of a girl in a family. Here are some of them:

  • five days before sexual intercourse, a woman should drink a glass of apple or plum juice every evening before bed;
  • during sexual intercourse, feminine accessories should be in or near the bed, this could be a mirror, cosmetic bag, etc.;
  • to conceive a girl, sex must be on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday;
  • to increase the likelihood of conceiving a female child, the expectant mother should bandage the right little finger on her hand with regular thread;
  • if a man and a woman make love under the branches of a young birch tree, this guarantees the conception of a girl.

There are several other methods that increase the likelihood of conceiving a female child, which are worth considering separately. These include the following methods.

You have decided - “I want to conceive a girl”! Well, for many parents the gender of the unborn child is very important, and they try in every way to achieve the desired result. Since ancient times, a variety of folk tricks have been used for this, which sometimes help.

How to calculate when to conceive a girl? Influencing genetics and deceiving nature is not an easy task, but now you can find many different methods for planning the desired sex of a child. If this is so important to you, read and apply.

Chinese calendar

Sometimes it is fundamentally important for parents that a daughter be born. According to statistics, boys are born much more often than girls, so the likelihood of giving birth is much greater. To know what day to conceive a girl, you first need to do careful planning and the Chinese calendar can help with this.

Chinese sages were sincerely confident that at any age, on strictly certain days of each month, a woman could conceive children of a certain gender. Their gender planning table has now become very popular, since the percentage of matches on it has been very high for two thousand years.

For you - a Chinese table on how to conceive a girl:

How to conceive a girl according to the table? There is the age of the mother at the time of conception and there is, say, the month of planned conception. We look for these dates in the table and look at the result at their intersection. If the desired window shows a boy, then the day of conception must be postponed to another month.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese calendar is no less popular. It is a little more complicated and consists of two tables. To determine gender using this calendar, you need to know the exact date of birth of both parents.

First, we look in the first table for the intersection figure of the birth months of the intended future parents and remember it:

And the month of the girl’s conception itself is determined by the second table of the calendar. First, we look for the month of planned conception, then the resulting figure from the first table, at their intersection you find a specific gender:

How to conceive a girl by blood?

The method of conception by blood is surprisingly simple, but the percentage of coincidences is quite high. It is based on the cyclicity of blood changes in both parents. In women, blood change occurs after three years. And for men, such a change occurs every four years. When calculating, it is taken into account which of the parents has younger blood, and it is that gender that the child will inherit.

In order to get a girl, you need to count which of the parents had the last blood renewal. If it’s your mother’s, then expect a daughter. But it must be taken into account that blood change is considered not only from birth. If there were major blood losses (surgeries, abortions, childbirth, etc.), then you need to count from them.

What does science say?

Scientific methods of conceiving a girl are based on the distribution of chromosomes. They are divided into Y-chromosomes (male) and X-chromosomes (female), whichever one reaches the goal first and takes root in the uterus, this will be the gender of the child. It is known that Y chromosomes are much more mobile than X chromosomes, but their lifespan is much shorter. And to conceive a girl, it is necessary for the X chromosomes to take root.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation? You need to know exactly the day when it will happen and stop making love 3-4 days before ovulation. Then, by the right day, there will be practically no Y chromosomes left in the woman’s body, and the X chromosomes will gain their strength.

If everything is calculated correctly, then the birth of a daughter is guaranteed. This scientific method has been successfully used in pregnancy planning in many European countries and has been used for long enough to confidently speak about the veracity of the method.

What to eat to give birth to a daughter?

For those who do not trust science and tables, there are many other folk methods that help plan the gender of the child. But all of them do not have a big guarantee, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use them or not.

The question is often asked: what should I eat to have a daughter? For this reason, a special diet is especially popular, which must be followed several months before the baby is expected to be conceived.

If your goal is to have a girl, you need to completely exclude foods such as meat, salt and sugar. It is recommended to eat fish, eggs, rice, milk, fruits (except peaches and bananas), and vegetables.

This food is believed to help create an environment that favors X chromosomes. But this diet is not entirely healthy, especially when planning pregnancy, so you should weigh everything carefully before using this method.

Slavic folk way to conceive a girl

You can again use calculations. If a woman is an even number of years old at the time of conception, then she needs to conceive a daughter only in even months of the year.

You can add the mother's age with the number of the month of conception. If the number is even, it will be a girl; if the number is odd, it will be a boy.

All these are rather psychological tricks, because it has long been known that what you want most and desire with all your heart, that’s what happens. And folk methods allow you to clearly formulate your desire and wait for a miracle, and it will definitely happen if you believe in it.

In fact, the birth of a child is already a great gift of fate. Even if a boy is born instead of the desired girl, this is not a reason for disappointment, but a great joy in the birth of a new person.

Have you decided to get pregnant and dream of a daughter? Did you know that there are special diets designed to help you get pregnant with a girl? We will tell you how to eat to conceive a girl.

Diet for conceiving a girl

Conception is a real mystery, because it is at this moment that the future gender of the baby is determined. And it is almost impossible to predict what gender the future child will be. But what if you want to have a girl? Modern parents are trying to resort to various methods of sex planning, control the number of sexual acts, select various positions, follow popular advice, etc. Perhaps you have tried these methods too. In addition to all this, there is a special diet, namely a diet for conceiving a girl.

French diet for conceiving a girl

French scientists have conducted a number of studies on families planning the gender of their child. During the analysis, a certain relationship was established between what future parents eat and what the gender of the newborn will ultimately be.

The French diet for conceiving a girl is a diet that partners must follow 4 weeks before the expected conception. Scientists Jean Laurent and Joseph Stolkowski believed that the diet before conceiving a girl should be based on the maximum content of calcium and magnesium ions in food. In this case, ingredients containing sodium and potassium should be excluded or their consumption limited. The French diet, necessary in order to become pregnant with a girl, is based on a change in the ratio of microelements in the body. As a result, the content of estrogen in the blood increases, and testosterone decreases, which plays a decisive role. The results of this diet were amazing; 80% of couples had a child of the gender they planned.

What products are needed to conceive a girl?

What diet do you need to follow to conceive a girl? There is a certain list, and it is advisable for you to adhere to it.

So, the main products for conceiving a girl:

  • Fruits. It is best for you to give your preference to mangoes, apples, lemons, quinces, strawberries, pineapples, pears, raspberries, watermelons and peaches. You should not eat plums, oranges, melon, currants, apricots, or cherries.
  • Vegetables. This could be: carrots, eggplants, cucumbers, beets, boiled tomatoes, asparagus, peas, peppers, lettuce, champignons and green beans. It is necessary to limit the amount of potatoes in the diet, especially fried ones. You should also not eat any cabbage, spinach, zucchini, lentils, white beans, or canned vegetables.
  • Meat. You can eat beef, lamb, pork and veal, but in moderation, in small portions. The fish can be frozen or fresh. It is necessary to exclude ham, smoked meats, corned beef, and dried other fish products from the diet.
  • Dairy products. Milk, cottage cheese and sour cream are excellent for consumption, but cheese and ice cream should not be eaten.
  • Beverages. You can drink natural juice from berries and fruits allowed by the diet. In addition, you can drink tea, coffee, cocoa and water with a high calcium content.
  • Bakery products. You can only bake homemade baked goods without salt and yeast.
  • Cereals. Rice and semolina porridge will do. You need to exclude corn grits.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. You can eat peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds, but exclude other dried fruits.

This is all you need to eat to get pregnant with a girl. At the same time, we must not forget that there are foods that should be avoided. Now you probably know how to eat to conceive a girl.

What can a man eat to conceive a girl?

It was previously mentioned that if you want to conceive a child of a certain gender, you need to follow a diet. The foods that a man needs to eat to conceive a girl are no different from the foods that the expectant mother will eat. Therefore, as a supplement to your diet, try making love a few days before or after ovulation. This can be explained by the fact that sperm carrying the female chromosome are slower and reach the egg later than sperm carrying the Y chromosome.

There is a caveat that predisposition is not a factor in the direct transmission of a malignant disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, natural feeding, immunity, and a healthy lifestyle can prevent pathology from developing. Doctors do not provide a 100% guarantee of birth of the desired sex, however, by using available methods of conception you can significantly increase your chances.

A brief excursion into the biological process

Progesterone produced by a man combines sperm of types X and Y. A woman produces only X eggs, which have unique genetic material. It turns out that the male half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the Y chromosomes show their activity, a boy will be born, but if male and female X meet, then the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

The success of conception is determined primarily by the chromosomal composition of sperm. Carriers with the female chromosome are leisurely and viable, sperm carriers of the “boy” are nimble and die quickly, their activity period ranges from several hours to two days. If the intimacy was three days or more after the expected ovulation, there is a high probability that a baby will appear. If the moment of conception occurred during ovulation or on time there will be a boy.

In order to use this method, a woman must keep a calendar of her cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. The calculator will tell you how to conceive a girl by ovulation. Knowing your cycle length, for example, 28 days, divide it by two and get the approximate date of ovulation, this is day 14;
  2. Measuring your basal temperature over several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The preovulatory period is characterized by a temperature of 36.2–36.9 degrees. The day when the rectal temperature showed 37.0–37.5 means the day of Ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented certain gynecological diseases and abnormalities. The reason for contacting a specialist will be a blurred schedule or the inability to calculate the day of ovulation. Remember, a healthy body works according to the same pattern, like a clock.
  4. Medicine has stepped forward, and now in a pharmacy at affordable prices you can buy express tests to determine ovulation, and later calculate how to conceive a girl. The principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test;

Advice! Now it is clear that it will not be possible to conceive a girl during ovulation. You should begin preparing for conception a couple of days before the estimated release of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

Conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar 2017, the calculation method is extremely simple. The length of a month is 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is dependent on the Moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron saint of such ladies is the sun. And also to establish gender, you need to take into account zodiac features. If conception occurred during the sign period:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • fish;
  • scorpion.

The chances of finding out about the arrival of a girl increase. In all other cases it will probably be a boy.

Astrologers say: if you calculate the lunar date of the mother’s appearance, in tandem this will give a 100% guarantee for conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way to conceive a baby

The advantage of this method is its compatibility with other means. Nutritionists note that the basis of nutrition for conceiving a girl lies in creating an acidic environment in the mother’s body. It's important not to overdo it. It is imperative to first consult with your doctor, who, based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. It is better to start a few months before the planned period of conception.

So what should you eat in order to conceive a girl:

  • Let's start with the drinks. Drink caffeine-containing teas and coffee no more than 2 times a day. Mineral water is useful, but you will have to give up carbonated drinks with fillers;
  • exclude the male set of meat products, such as smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages. Add veal and beef to your diet;
  • fish in any form, fresh or frozen, is useful for the expectant mother due to the presence of necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to frequently eat fish with different types of processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. You should refrain from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • Bread and pastries are allowed in moderation. It is better if these are products without salt with the addition of grains. You'll have to forget about industrially made saltine crackers for a while;
    Cereals should be present daily on the menu of those wishing to conceive a girl. Recommended cereals are rice and semolina, corn is prohibited;
  • The vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplant, and asparagus. You need beets, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes. Eat foods containing starch in small portions. Exclude all known varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also beneficial to the body during the planning stage of a girl. It is advisable to add nuts to your diet without salt. Leave dried fruits aside;
  • pears, apples, white cherries, citrus fruits are recommended for consumption, with the exception of bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All flavor enhancers in the form of salt, ketchup, and seasonings are not suitable during the period of planning the conditions for conceiving a girl. It is better to eat honey, jam or preserves.


A method that still causes a lot of controversy to this day. A vinegar solution will help create an acidic environment for type X chromosomes. Before starting sexual intercourse, in order to get a girl, you need to douche.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the expectant mother.

For a liter of distilled water you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of food vinegar. The bulb for douching must be pre-sterilized. How to conceive a girl using douching:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • insert 250 ml of liquid into the vagina;
  • insert only the spout.

This washing creates suitable conditions for the disappearance of Y spermatozoa.

This technique does not guarantee a 100% result, and is also doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, incorrect preparation can lead to burns to the genital organ of the expectant mother.

The "first time" method

The only method of all listed that gives the desired effect the first time, statistics confirm this. If others only guess how to properly conceive a girl, then preimplantation genetic diagnosis knows exactly the answer.

A special medical laboratory conducts research on the biological material of men and women, later selecting healthy embryos according to existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the embryo’s life, after fertilization of the egg with sperm has occurred. Biopsy of molecules provides complete information about the embryo. This technique identifies possible pathologies at an early stage, which distinguishes it from others. In such cases, screening occurs and the desired chromosome set is selected. Healthy cells are placed in the woman’s uterus, after which all that remains is to wait to see whether the foreign body will take root.

This method is more often used by spouses in the medical history of whom there are hereditary ailments and abnormalities. Another reason is the high price of this technique.

Positions for couples when conceiving a girl

The favorable conditions for the appearance of a girl will be in the evening, even better if it is a full moon. In what positions is it possible to conceive a girl:

  • cowgirl position;
  • classic stand;
  • the woman lies on her side, the man behind her;
  • “sandwich” the guy lies on the girl, at this moment she should lie with her back up.

Such poses help control the depth of entry, the movements are progressive, without jerking. These simple rules will help you conceive a girl, because this increases the chance of slow and long-lived sperm from “girls” reaching the egg.


As the great sages say, everything in this world is material, even thoughts. The easiest and most enjoyable way. What should you do to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine their future daughter in the smallest detail. The founders of the method claim that nature sooner or later transforms all thoughts into reality.

Folk signs of conceiving a girl

For many married couples, the experience of our ancestors becomes an undeniable argument, with the help of which the chance of conceiving a baby increases.

Some popular facts:

  • Before going to bed with a partner, a woman should tie a thread around her right little finger;
    A day before the desired date of becoming pregnant, drink apple or other sour juice;
  • The optimal days for planning a girl are Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • A folk sign says that there will be a girl if conception coincides with a winter cold or blizzard;
  • You need to sleep with the back of your head facing south;
  • According to legends, after 30 years of age, the gender of the first-born is usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors, collected over centuries, will help us achieve the desired result and conceive a girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple tips.

Blood renewal method

Nature has it this way that the human body systematically renews its blood. For men, this process occurs once every four years, for women every three years. The formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl based on blood renewal looks like this:

(Dad's age + mom's age)*4:3

The age at which conception will occur.

If the answer is a number with a tail of 1, then it will be a girl. With other answers it's a boy.

This method is influenced by many external factors, such as previous surgery or blood transfusion. Experts also recommend planning to conceive a girl during the period of renewal of the future father’s blood. All calculations today can be done using online child conception calculators.

Japanese table for calculating the conception of a girl or boy

Two tables are given. It is not known for certain who created this method. However, there are opinions that this knowledge has been passed on since ancient times. All that is needed for the first table is the month of birth of the parents.

Mom forums speak positively about the Japanese table, talking about multiple coincidences when conceiving children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous surveys have revealed the reliability of this method; it is recommended in many communities of experienced mothers. The question remains what to do for women over 45 years old; the conception calendar is not suitable for this category of people.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question of when exactly you need to conceive a child in order to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, using different methods does not always bring success. The ovulation method is considered the most reliable among gynecologists; the rest are only of an auxiliary nature.

In war, all means are good! Likewise, when planning a girl, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the available ways to have a daughter. A good mood, a positive attitude, the chosen method and a positive result will not take long to arrive.

The desire to have a daughter is quite understandable. The girls are beautiful, gentle and obedient. They are usually closer to their parents than sons. Every mother wants to have a friend and like-minded person next to her, with whom she can discuss fashion and share secrets. And in families where several tomboyish boys are already growing up, the birth of a daughter often becomes the most cherished dream.

It is generally accepted that the one “whom God sends” will be born. Of course, it is very difficult to argue with nature. However, it is quite possible to tip the scales at least slightly in your direction, and today there are many methods for planning the sex of a child.

Many people dream of conceiving a girl. But if you rely only on nature, then the chances of having a son are much greater. After all, for many centuries the sex ratio has remained unchanged - 105-106 boys are born for every 100 girls. Therefore, before conceiving a girl, it would be useful to do detailed planning.

The Chinese gender planning chart is now very popular. If you believe the data of numerous surveys, the percentage of agreement on it is quite high. The sages of ancient China were sure that at every age, on certain days of the month, a woman could conceive a child of a certain gender.

Tables will help

To do this, it is enough to know the full number of years of the mother at the time of conception and the month of conception - at the intersection of these two values ​​the sex of the child is indicated.

The Japanese gender planning calendar is no less famous today. It already consists of two tables, and it requires not only the mother’s date of birth, but also similar information about the father. In the first table, at the intersection of the birth months of the parents, a number is looked for that will help plan the gender. How to conceive a girl according to the calendar? To do this, you need to find a cell in the second table at the intersection of the resulting number and the estimated month of conception. It will indicate the gender of the child (the more crosses for a particular gender, the greater the probability).

table No. 1

table No. 2

Blood method

Recently, the method of planning the sex of a child by blood has become widespread. If you are thinking about how to conceive a girl, you should definitely pay attention to it, because the match rate is surprisingly high. The method is based on the cyclicity of blood changes in parents. For women, the length of this cycle is three years, for men four. Which of the future parents will have younger blood at the time of conception will pass on their gender to the baby. How to conceive a girl by blood? Everything is quite simple here. Simple arithmetic operations are enough - just calculate whether mother’s or father’s blood was the last to be renewed. You just need to keep in mind that the countdown is carried out not only from birth, but also from major blood losses, such as operations, childbirth, abortions, blood transfusions, etc.

What does science say?

Some methods of planning the sex of a child are based on scientific facts, and therefore they are quite reliable. We are talking, first of all, about how to conceive a girl by ovulation.

Everyone knows from school that the sex of a child depends on the chromosome of the sperm that fertilized the egg. If the carrier of the Y chromosome reaches the goal first, a boy will be born. In the event that everyone has the X chromosome, the long-awaited girl will be obtained. And now the most important thing. It has been scientifically proven that “boy” sperm are much faster than “girl” sperm. But “girls” live much longer, and, based on this fact, it’s worth trying to conceive a girl. So, if sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, then the chances of having a daughter are almost zero - after all, the nimble “boys” can never be overtaken by the “girls”. Therefore, everyone who wants to conceive a girl is recommended to stop active planning about 3-4 days before ovulation. In this case, by the desired day, there will be almost (or even completely) no carriers of Y chromosomes left in the woman’s body, but tenacious carriers of X chromosomes, on the contrary, will be in their prime. This method significantly increases the chances of having a long-awaited daughter; it has already helped many couples plan their gender.

Other methods

In addition to the above, there are many more ways to plan the sex of a child. There is no exact data on their reliability. However, if the desire to become parents of a lovely daughter is great, it would be useful to try all possible methods.

So, how to give birth to a girl?
There is an opinion that a special diet helps in this matter. So, several months before the conception of the little princess, it is advisable to limit the consumption of salt, sugar and meat. It is recommended that the expectant mother’s food be enriched with calcium and magnesium. A woman’s diet should be dominated by foods such as milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits (with the exception of bananas and peaches), boiled fish, and rice. It is believed that such a diet allows you to create an environment inside the body of the expectant mother that is conducive to the life of “girlish” sperm. But opponents of this method of sex planning argue that the intention to create a deficiency of some substances and an excess of others on the eve of pregnancy is not beneficial for the health of the unborn baby.

Since ancient times, all kinds of “counting tables” have come down to us, allowing us to plan the gender of the unborn child. So, for example, if a woman is of an even number of years, then she can conceive a daughter only in even months of the year, and vice versa. Or another option is to add the mother’s age at the time of conception and the serial number of the month of conception. If the number turns out to be even, a daughter will be born, if the number is odd, a son will be born. Such methods belong to the category of folk signs - their accuracy is low, and sometimes the “counting tables” generally contradict each other.

At all times, parents have tried to influence the choice of the child's gender. What seemingly absurd things did future mothers do to get their long-awaited daughter - sprinkled sugar on the windowsills at midnight, put a ribbon under the pillow, waited for hot weather... Today, women have even more methods in their arsenal to plan the desired gender of the child. However, we should not forget that you cannot argue with Nature. None of the known methods gives a 100% guarantee. And even if a son appears in the family instead of a daughter, this should under no circumstances be a reason for disappointment. Every child is a miracle and a gift of fate.

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