Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve in pregnant women. Exercises and massage to relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Nerve root pinching does not occur very often during pregnancy. Often women mistake pain from fatigue for pinching.

The difference between such unpleasant symptoms and the real problem is that the pain goes away after rest and returns after exercise.

But if the discomfort does not go away, and it becomes more and more difficult to move every day, then we can say that the pregnant woman’s back is really pinched.

Weight gain

The load on the spine during gestation increases not only due to the growing uterus, but also due to the fact that the joints and ligaments of the spinal column and pelvis become softer over time. This leads to pain.

Unpleasant sensations appear after 20 weeks. They are caused by constant pressure on the nerve endings. Such pain occurs in almost all pregnant women.

To relieve pressure and release the nerve in the back, you should wear.

  • Get on your knees.
  • Rest your elbows and forearms on the floor.
  • Stay in this position for a while.

This exercise helps relieve stress on the spine. Should be performed for 20 minutes several times a day. The exercise is completely safe for the baby, but before starting it is better to consult with your doctor. It is possible that a pinched nerve has occurred.

Problem requiring immediate treatment

If a nerve is pinched in the back during pregnancy, immediate treatment is necessary. This occurs because the nerve root is compressed by the intervertebral discs.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed in pregnant women who have previously had similar back problems. And especially often in women with a history of spinal column pathologies.

This condition can be provoked by:

  • severe weight gain,
  • polyhydramnios,
  • swelling,
  • multiple pregnancy.

The phenomenon occurs due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the spine. As the weight continually increases, the spinal disc can slip out of place and pinch a nerve.

In this case, it can be argued that the pregnant woman has a pinched nerve in her back. Most often this occurs in the lumbar and sacral regions.

Types of problem

The main signs of a pinched sciatic nerve are:

  • severe unilateral pain;
  • lumbago in the lumbar region, going down to the tailbone;
  • discomfort when returning to a standing position from a sitting position;
  • muscle weakness.

In pregnant women, this problem can cause problems with bowel movements and urination.

First aid

What to do if your back gets pinched during pregnancy? In this case, it is necessary to relieve the pain syndrome, which can harm the condition of the mother and child.

When a woman is in an interesting situation, she should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription and consultation.

Therefore, the first step is to contact a specialist who will prescribe adequate and safe treatment.

It is better to choose drugs of natural origin that do not penetrate the fetoplacental barrier.

To prevent this condition, you need to do yoga for pregnant women, swimming in the morning and wear a bandage.

All physical activity can be given to the body only with the permission of a doctor and provided that the pregnancy proceeds without any complications.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy (neuralgia or sciatica) is one of the common problems of the third trimester of pregnancy. With an increase in the size of the uterus, neighboring internal organs are displaced, pressure is placed on the pelvic bones, as well as blood vessels and nerve trunks. Let's look at how to recognize neuralgia, and what should women do if their sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy?

Why does the sciatic nerve hurt during pregnancy?

As already mentioned, the main cause of discomfort associated with damage to the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is compression by the enlarged uterus. Pinching of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women can occur with arthritis (inflammation of the joint) and. Pain may intensify with movements, turns, bends and movements of the fetus. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is the second cause of pain. Inflammatory damage is associated with hypothermia, a complication of acute respiratory viral infection and trauma.

Pinched sciatic nerve - symptoms during pregnancy

Since the sciatic nerve is responsible for sensitivity, the symptoms of its damage are corresponding. The first symptom is pain, which can be aching, burning, or shooting. Pain is localized in the lower back and can radiate (radiate) to the buttock on the corresponding side, knee, or back of the thigh. Sometimes expectant mothers complain of numbness, tingling and burning. These pains impair the motor function of the lower extremities and interfere with sitting and sleeping.

Damage to the sciatic nerve - treatment during pregnancy

If the expectant mother notices all of the above symptoms, then you should not self-medicate or ask a friend for advice. You should seek help from a doctor, because lower back pain can be a symptom of other diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis). The difficulty of treating neuralgia during pregnancy is that not all medications are harmless. Most of them can harm the baby. With such a problem, a woman should seek help from a neurologist.

Among the methods of treating pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy, traditional and non-traditional methods are distinguished. Traditional ones include alcohol rubs, medicinal gels, ointments, tablets and injections. The safest of them are external medications, since they act locally, are minimally absorbed into the blood and do not reach the fetus. Alcohol rubbing Menovazin, which has a local anesthetic effect, has a good therapeutic effect. Its composition includes menthol, anesthesin and novocaine.

Another effective drug that is recommended for use when the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy is Diclofenac (Voltaren). This drug can be used externally - in ointments and gels, as well as internally - in the form of tablets, suppositories and injections. Long-term use of Diclofenac in tablets and ampoules can lead to inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, so local use is more appropriate.

The following non-traditional treatment methods can be used:

So, we see that pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is a common problem, the treatment of which is often symptomatic, since in most cases the discomfort disappears immediately after childbirth.

Pregnancy, if desired, is a happy period in a woman’s life. But sometimes there are complications. Acute back pain, tingling and a feeling of numbness in the legs may indicate such an unpleasant phenomenon as a pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy.

Causes and symptoms

Pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy can most often develop in the second half of pregnancy. The sciatic nerve (one of the largest in the human nervous system) runs in the lumbar region, and the growing uterus puts pressure on it. And when the fetus turns its head down, the sciatic nerve may become pinched.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy most often precludes the use of a traditional set of medications, since in most cases, immediately after childbirth, unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace.

In addition, the sciatic nerve sometimes becomes inflamed during pregnancy for reasons beyond its control:

  • injuries;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases - all this can cause pinching of the sciatic nerve.

A woman learns that a pinching has occurred by severe pain in the back area, radiating to the back of the thigh and leg. The baby's movements become especially active in the third trimester, increasing pain.

The nature of the pain that occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy manifests itself differently in different women. Pain manifests itself:

  • acute attacks, gradually subsiding;
  • lumbago, which deprives the pregnant woman of the ability to bend over and straighten up; move without assistance;
  • scorching burning sensations;
  • rolling, exhausting waves.

In some cases, the inflammation of the sciatic nerve is so severe that the woman is only able to lie down - any movement causes severe attacks of pain.


If the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy, the woman may panic. The expectant mother understands perfectly well that traditional treatment of the sciatic nerve is contraindicated for her.

But treatment is necessary. All organs of a pregnant woman are especially sensitive and vulnerable, and pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is not only excruciating pain. Inflammation of the nerve has an adverse effect on the entire musculoskeletal system, which is already under increased stress due to the increase in the body weight of the woman carrying a child and reducing her motor activity.

An inflamed sciatic nerve during pregnancy complicates its normal course, worsens not only the physical but also the emotional state of the woman, the pain depresses and suppresses the woman, so treatment should begin as soon as the first signs of the disease appear.


Timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid complications and prevent the disease from becoming chronic. Only a doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Since an inflamed sciatic nerve during pregnancy causes a lot of trouble, treatment is required; it depends on the degree of the disease and has some features.

Considering that not only the condition of the expectant mother, but also the one she is carrying within herself depends on the quality and methods of treatment, in no case should you self-medicate. Traditional and reliable diagnostic methods, such as tomography and radiography, are prohibited from using in cases where the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy - radiation can have a negative effect on the fetus. There is hope for a correct diagnosis and, therefore, correct treatment when it is made by a specialist, and not read on forums on the Internet.

Treatment of sciatica in expectant mothers is specific, because in such cases, one of the main medical principles is especially important - do no harm.

If a woman’s condition is extremely severe, of course, conventional anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy is used and, in exceptional cases, even surgical treatment.

But most often, treatment is limited to the following measures to combat pinching:

  1. A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles helps relieve inflammation.
  2. Manual therapy helps relieve compression of the sciatic nerve and eliminates the discomfort associated with back pain.
  3. Massage helps relieve muscle tension. And the weakening of muscle tone, in turn, leads to a decrease in pain.
  4. In the early stages of pregnancy (up to 3 months, in later stages the procedure is contraindicated), after mandatory consultation with a doctor, salt baths are taken to relieve pain.
  5. Warm compresses on the lumbar area help relieve muscle spasms and reduce pain.
  6. Local use of alcohol rubs, ointments and gels helps relieve pain. A neurologist will tell you which of them are safest for a woman and her unborn child.

When the sciatic nerve is pinched, do not forget about such simple but very important things as a flat, hard bed, a comfortable pillow and comfortable shoes with low, stable heels, which can significantly reduce the load on the spine.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is not so rare. Severe back pain is one of the most common complaints of women during this period. Their essence lies in the natural restructuring of the body and a significant load on the spinal column.

Sciatica (as this disease is also called in medical reference books) usually manifests itself in the late stages of pregnancy, when a significantly enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs. They, in turn, also move from their places and affect the bones, spine, blood vessels, and nerves.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is possible in the first two trimesters, but it usually occurs for a number of reasons not related to the woman’s position. At this time they may become:

  • injury;
  • injury;
  • spinal disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • cold;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • constipation

These negative factors cause certain symptoms. They are manifested by displacement of the vertebrae, the development of an inflammatory or infectious process, and severe swelling.

There is unbearable pain in the lower back. It often radiates to nearby areas and also causes numbness in the sacrum and lower extremities. The patient feels as if she has small goosebumps running down her legs.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve during late pregnancy is no less painful. This period is already very difficult for a woman, and besides, she also experiences constant pain.

As a result, significant overloads arise for her, which lead to severe dysfunction of internal organs. Blood vessels, nerve endings, and muscles suffer. The woman has difficulty moving.

The growing belly puts a lot of pressure on the spinal column, causing her condition to constantly worsen. This gradually leads to degeneration of the nerve root, and with it to the development of various associated pathological manifestations.

Signs of the disease

The main symptoms of sciatica usually clearly indicate its development. These include:

  • severe pain stretching from the sacral area to the foot;
  • involvement of neighboring areas;
  • significant numbness of the lower back;
  • painful burning of the thigh surface;
  • difficulties with changing body position;
  • constant constipation;
  • sharp pain in fingers;
  • problems with urination.

These pathological symptoms are associated with degradation of the nerve roots, irradiation of pain to all neighboring areas, and severe circulatory impairment in the sacral area.

However, you should not immediately think about spinal diseases. While carrying a child, a woman should closely monitor her health. Such signs may also occur with arthritis, kidney or heart failure.

Sometimes radiculitis can occur in an almost latent form. Very often, an experienced doctor determines the presence of the disease by the patient’s complaints that her feet and fingers of the lower extremities are very numb. Sometimes sensitivity is impaired so much that it becomes difficult for a woman to walk.

In the third trimester, radiculitis often becomes a real problem. Sometimes a pregnant woman is forced to lie down for a long time, as it is difficult for her to move.

Therefore, in this case, it is better, without delay, to consult a doctor who can cure this pathology of the sciatic nerve while bearing a child.

This must be done, since the progression of the disease greatly complicates a woman’s life. If the necessary measures are not taken, severe complications may occur that will make childbirth very difficult, as well as the life of the young mother after it.

Features of the treatment of sciatica in pregnant women

Such symptoms require a thorough examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist, neurologist and vertebrologist.

You should not try to get rid of pain on your own. While carrying a child, any careless act, taking any medications not prescribed by a doctor, intense massage or powerful heating can significantly harm the woman and the fetus. Of course, it is necessary to get rid of unpleasant sensations, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of sciatica in pregnant women is very difficult. This is explained by the fact that it is difficult to choose a specific method of therapy that could relieve her pain without any side effects.

It is useful to use physical therapy, external remedies, lotions, and home treatment.

In cases where the disease has progressed too far, surgical intervention may be prescribed. Then the disc or pinched part of the cartilage tissue is removed. They try to make the operation as less traumatic as possible. If there is a significant narrowing of the spinal canal, then braces are used.

The benefits of home treatment for sciatica in later stages

The difficulty of helping a woman during this period is that the doctor is significantly limited in treatment methods. Analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants are strictly prohibited. What could be corrected with a course of injections at another time must now be subject to completely different methods of treatment.

During pregnancy, the use of folk remedies comes first. The most commonly used:

  • sheep wool belt;
  • warm lotions on the sacral area;
  • physiotherapy;
  • baths with the addition of sea salt;
  • manual therapy;
  • aromatherapy.

In addition, a pregnant woman with sciatica needs to monitor her general condition. To do this, you should first avoid overeating.

These home methods make it possible to relieve swelling of tissues, eliminate muscle spasms, and relax them. They help reduce pain, restore blood circulation, stimulate the tone of the vascular network, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

However, even they should be used only after consultation with a specialist, with his full approval. He must not only analyze all the methods of influencing the spine, but also advise how to use them correctly.

In addition, a pregnant woman with sciatica needs to monitor her general condition. To do this, you should first avoid overeating. It is the rapid increase in kilograms that becomes one of the risk factors for its development. You should eat small portions, plant and dairy products, as well as foods rich in fiber and B vitamins.

Therefore, if there is an infringement in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back, then this problem can be dealt with even when carrying a child. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Complete treatment helps restore joint mobility, stabilize the innervation of organs and tissues, and normalize general sensitivity.

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body. It originates in the lumbar region and reaches the very feet. The sciatic nerve can suddenly become inflamed in a healthy person. It is especially unpleasant if this happens to a pregnant woman. Due to the ban on taking medications, there are special exercises and other methods that help eliminate painful symptoms.

During pregnancy, you may experience lower back pain.

To understand that sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve) has appeared, you need to pay attention to the location of the pain. It makes itself felt in the lumbosacral spine. Also spreads to the back of the thigh, lower leg, and foot.

Inflammation can affect the nerve on one or both sides.

News line ✆

During pregnancy, it is especially difficult to endure pain, since in addition to your own weight, the weight of the child adds to the load. A pinched nerve leads to shooting pain that occurs when sitting and lying down.

Sciatica appears when:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • joint inflammation;
  • pinched nerve;
  • hypothermia of the nerve;

When diagnosing the body, pregnant women are not prescribed tomography or X-ray examination. These methods have a negative effect on the fetus.

Treatment of sciatica: massage

Pregnant women are prohibited from taking any medications, so exercise and massage will help relieve pain. The best way to relieve pain due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is manual therapy.

Manual therapy is carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training in this area. This helps relieve muscle spasms, improve microcirculation, which leads to a reduction in inflammation.

Manual therapy should be accompanied by therapeutic exercises, which will be discussed further.

Massage can also help relieve the symptoms of sciatica, but massage does not work the body as deeply as chiropractic therapy. Muscle tension subsides, pain subsides.

Before starting a massage course, consult your doctor for advice.

Massage can be used even during acute inflammation. It does not cause any harm and does not contribute to a greater aggravation.

If there is lumbosacral radiculitis, which led to damage to the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, then the lumbar, gluteal regions, hips, legs and feet are affected. During the acute phase and during pregnancy, it is not recommended to massage using force.

The movements should be stroking in nature, using a rubbing technique. Vibration or, even more so, kneading can increase the pain. Only during remission can you do cupping, acupressure or reflex-segmental massage.

The use of essential oils will be much more beneficial for the nerve and the body as a whole. Massage with irritating ointments will also have a therapeutic effect.

It will take about 10 sessions for the pain to become less pronounced. Each of them should last no more than half an hour.

So, massage during pregnancy solves the following problems:

  • a distraction from pain;
  • blood flow to inflamed areas;
  • relieving muscle spasm;
  • activation of the process of lymph outflow;
  • release of active substances in tissues that relieve inflammation.

Exercises during pregnancy to relieve pain and inflammation

There is no way to prevent sciatic nerve disease. However, if a woman regularly exercised before pregnancy, sciatica will not be so pronounced. Exercise can reduce pain directly and during illness.

Exercises used are:

  • strengthens the back muscles;
  • stretch and relax muscles;
  • stretch the spine.

Exercises for pregnant women are simple but effective.

First you need to get on all fours, arch your back, lower your head. Then return to the starting position: straighten your back and raise your head. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

This exercise can be done standing. Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hips move forward. For balance, you can use support or simply stretch your arms forward. In this position, the back arches forward and returns to its original position.

After this, you can stand near the wall, touching it with your lower back. In this case, you need to tense well, feel all the muscles involved. Next comes relaxation. The exercise is repeated several times.

Gymnastics has additional benefits. It allows the muscles of the back and abdomen to prepare for childbirth. Yoga and swimming in a pool in warm water will also have a positive effect on the inflamed sciatic nerve.

You need to do squats every day. This should be done to avoid discomfort, but at least 10 times. You need to squat slowly, the muscles will always be in good shape. If your pregnancy is advanced and it is difficult to maintain balance, then you can hold on to a support, for example, the back of a chair.

You can do the following exercises while lying on the floor. Pull your knees towards you and grab your buttocks with your hands, hold for 30 seconds, return to the starting position. Naturally, this can only be done in the early stages.

After this, you need to lie on your side and pull your legs to your chest, while pulling your socks well. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

To relieve pain, you need to stretch the surface of the back of the thigh. To do this, you need to stand in front of a chair or other object that will serve as a platform. One leg is placed on the platform. After this, you bend forward, while you need to feel how the back of the thigh stretches, your back is straight. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Before starting such therapy, you should consult your doctor. If the pain intensifies, classes should be stopped and replaced with treatment by other methods.

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