The law of attraction and how to use it. The law of attraction, its secrets and practical application. Impact on others

Dear friends, if you decided that this article is devoted to the principles of gravity, then you are mistaken, because we will be talking about a different type of attraction. This article is especially for those who want to be the creator of their own life and attract only good events into it.

After the release of the film “The Secret,” probably everyone in our country already knows how the Law of Attraction works! However, every person manages to interpret the same things in his own way, based on personal life experience. And not so much from experience, but from the limitations that it has. These kind of prohibitions and prohibitions, living with which is not very pleasant or easy.

The film "The Secret", of course, is useful in its own way and is worth watching at least once. But the trouble is, even after watching it and acting as indicated there, for many, nothing good comes of it. Why? Let's figure it out and work on the mistakes, but first of all, it's worth deciding how the Law of Attraction works. After all, having learned its principles, many things will immediately fall into place, and therefore, you and I will be able to qualitatively improve our own lives.

Basic Laws of Attraction

The first law is simple as hell, and you all know him: like attracts like! You've probably heard about this more than once, but you just haven't given it much thought. A person who always complains that he is unlucky in life will multiply and multiply this bad luck, without realizing that flawed statements and complaints are the number one reason for all his chronic failures. The more he talks about it, the more of this “good” remains in his life. Those who like to dwell on the topic of their own illnesses - this also applies to you. What kind of health can we talk about if all your thoughts are about the same thing: “no health”, “yesterday there was a stabbing sensation on the lower left, today on the right and above”, “and the day before yesterday my legs fell off, and with them my tail”... The more Your attention is concentrated on the problem, the larger it becomes. A person who constantly whines that he doesn’t have money won’t see any money at all. After all, he always says that they don’t exist! And if they don’t exist, then where will they come from?! Thanks to this law, the poor become even poorer, but the rich - well, you yourself understand everything...

The second law is as simple as the first. The Universe does not know what the word “No” is! Whether you like it or not, what is happening in your life now is all of your own making. Of course, this is not a very pleasant discovery. I don’t even want to agree with him! It’s much easier to blame everything on the party, the government, neighbors, parents, villainous fate and God knows who else. Of course, blame me, continue in the same spirit, because no one can forbid you from doing this, and besides, you are so used to it, and you don’t know anything else. However, it is worth knowing and remembering that by filling your own space with detailed thoughts and statements, you are doing yourself a disservice. You yourself are literally bringing negativity into your life by the ears. Instead of focusing your attention on WHAT YOU WANT, you, on the contrary, shout about what YOU DON ' T WANT. And since the word “NO” or “I DON’T WANT” does not exist for the Universe, then the output you get is exactly the opposite. By saying: “I don’t want to get sick,” in fact you are giving yourself the following message: “I want to get sick.” And this happens every time! Isn’t it easier to say: “I want to be healthy”, “With each new day I am filled with strength and health, I am getting better and better, and I feel like I am getting better.”

Of course, you need to understand and accept the fact that the process, let’s say recovery, is not some kind of miracle that will happen to you the very minute you announced it to the world. The intention to recover is positive, but its implementation will require a certain unit of time. That is, your desire should materialize, alas, but the Universe works precisely according to this principle, and not any other way. Actually this is what it is third law: the realization of desire does not happen immediately. But maybe this is a good thing? Otherwise, what would have happened?! Before a person had time to think about what he wanted, it would immediately fall on his head. This is hardly the best possible scenario. This temporary buffer exists for a reason; it seems to protect a person and everyone who is near him from possible negativity. It is not a fact that all people, without exception, would direct their own thoughts to creating something good. Surely there would be those who would thirst for harm to their neighbors or those far away. It is from their messages that the postponement of execution protects us all. Thus, there is always a time gap between the moment when the desire was announced and the time of its actual fulfillment. You need to know this and you need to respect it.

In order for only the desired changes to occur in your life, and not God knows what, your own thoughts, and especially desires, must be under strict control. Actually this is what it is fourth law of attraction. Probably, to some extent, this law can be called the most difficult. After all, curbing your thoughts and making them flow in a new direction is not at all an easy task. True, many people can do it if a person understands and knows why he needs it. If you want to change your life, change your habits and your character. There are many sayings, all kinds of sayings and even parables about this. Agree that all of them did not arise out of nowhere either. Working on yourself is the hardest, hardest work in the world. But at the same time, she is the most grateful! For what a person receives in the process of this labor cannot be purchased with any money. So, to summarize, if you were able to take control of your own thoughts, then in the near future you will begin to notice how your life has begun to transform. At first slowly and timidly, in small steps, but some time later - confidently and purposefully, irreversibly and magically. Human thought is a light and ephemeral substance, the essence of which boils down to a very simple idea: thought, despite all its lightness, is a heavy thing and it is capable of working miracles! It is she who is the very engine on the basis of which the realization of desire becomes possible.

Fifth Law of Attraction– this is real magic in action. It seems to consist of a certain magical formula: formulation of a desire - its visualization (including feelings) - release. Yes, that's exactly how it works! It is very important to allow your own desire to come true. But whether to allow it or not is up to the person himself to decide. Believe me, no one can solve this issue for him! If you believe in yourself, in your Higher Self, you understand that you yourself are the Creator of your own life - for in you there is a Divine Spark, which is in every person (though not everyone knows how to consider it or awaken it in themselves, calling to life), then any miracles become possible! Positive thoughts from which light emanates are realized very quickly. The main thing is to be able to guess them correctly and let them go.

Sixth law: trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself! After all, you have also heard this phrase more than once! If not this one, then this one: “God has no other hands but ours.” What's this all about? Yes, it’s not enough to just think “about the good,” it’s not enough to just “visualize,” it’s not enough to just “hope and believe,” it’s not enough to “be able to afford it.” We also need to act. Of course, thought has power! But any thought that is not supported by action is only half the success. This is what the film “The Secret” does not talk about. It’s a pity, because this puzzle, in our opinion, the main one, is precisely what is missing for many who have tried to move along the path proposed in the film. If you want your wish to come true, then you should understand that you need to do something to realize it. A sick person lying on the couch and wanting to get well will probably get better someday, for example, in the next life. But if he wants to get better in this life, then he needs to know that just thinking about health is not enough. In addition to thoughts, there must be actions. Methodical actions, supported by thoughts, will create a real miracle!

The Law of Attraction and the power of thought in action

Now we will share with you one very effective initiative, thanks to which you can become the Creator of your own life.

For this task you will need paper and pen. On the first sheet, at the very beginning, you need to record your most cherished desire.

For example, “I want to buy a house.” And below, under the written desire, you need to answer the question: “Why do I need it?”

It is important to list all the benefits and benefits that you will receive if your dream comes true. You can and should write whatever comes to your mind and exactly as much as you consider necessary. After all, you are writing for yourself, therefore, only you can decide how many reasons for joy you will have if your wish comes true.

Once you have conscientiously completed this work, you will have to answer one more question: “Why do I believe that my wish will come true”? Here, too, slowly, you need to list all your arguments.

And finally, the third and last question to which you have to write an answer: “What can I personally do to make my wish come true and WHEN am I ready to start realizing it”? Actually, in this section, you will write a plan according to which you will move forward. This plan is your Golden Key, without which any stories about the Law of Attraction are just a beautiful fairy tale.

Law of attraction of money

The same thing happens with money! If you, lying on a soft sofa and picking your nose, are waiting for a bag of money to fall on you only because you have rearranged your own thoughts, and instead of the previous: “There is no money!”, you began to think that there is some, your financial the situation is unlikely to improve. No, of course, you have a chance to win the lottery! But, again, for this happy event to happen, you need to get off your butt and at least get to the kiosk where this very ticket is sold. Alas, many are not even capable of such a “feat”. It’s much more pleasant to continue stinking and do nothing else.

The algorithm of actions to improve your financial situation is exactly the same as in the example described above. You need to announce your own desire. Next, answer in writing the question why you need the money (what issues will you solve with the help of it, what will you spend it on, etc.). Immediately after this, you will have to answer the question: “What can I personally do to make my wish come true and WHEN am I ready to begin implementing my plans?” True, the answer is still not enough. We need to act. Are you really ready for this?

Does the law of attraction actually work or is it just another fiction? It is this law that we will talk about in this article. As you begin the process of forming ideas about the life you would really like to have, what thoughts come to your mind?

What questions arise?
What doubts creep in?

At this stage, many people tend to put up obstacles to ignore the law of attraction, usually without even realizing it. Thoughts and ideas that settle in our heads (and sometimes we may not even suspect their existence) prevent us from taking advantage of emerging favorable opportunities and getting from life what we would like.

We are talking about, for example, thoughts and ideas:

I'm afraid of something;

I do not know how to do it;

I have never succeeded in this before, and it is not clear how this case differs from all previous ones;

Who am I to think that my life can have everything I want?

For my dream to come true, I must have much more money than I do now;

What if I invest money in this venture and it fails?

What if I don't succeed?

What if I make a mistake?

What if I spend a lot of time and effort, but nothing comes of it?

What if my partner doesn't agree?

What if I fail?

Doesn't it sound very familiar?

Look back at your past life and remember all the favorable opportunities or situations that, alas, did not develop further. Remember all the endeavors that turned out to be a failure for you, and try to recall your thoughts and feelings at that moment.

Were these thoughts and feelings positive or negative?

Most likely - negative (fear, annoyance, indignation, confusion, hopelessness, bitterness or simply resignation to fate).

Now think about all the favorable opportunities or situations that ended well for you.

Remember the times when you... As in the previous case, try to recall in your memory the thoughts and experiences that visited you in these situations.

Surely you felt that everything was very easy for you. Everything that was associated with these situations seemed delightful, joyful, pleasant, cheerful, conflict-free, natural, completely without problems. It’s possible that things were going so well that you didn’t even think about the reasons for your success.

All this points to a universal law of attraction, like a magnet, which is constantly in action. Every time you get a hundredfold exactly what you focus on, regardless of your desire. You attract into your life everything to which you pay increased attention and on which you spend your energy.

Look back at your past and notice the correlation between your thoughts and feelings at that time, on the one hand, and what you received from life, on the other.

Now look at yours today - and make the same comparison. Are there any areas in your life at the moment in which we are getting undesirable results?

Maybe you have old dreams that still remain unfulfilled?

Are you worried that your desires are still not satisfied?

Don't we think that achieving these dreams has really been difficult until now?

If you think this way, how should you change the status quo to get what you want?

How do you intend to overcome the existing obstacles?

First of all, you need to understand: you attract to yourself everything to which your attention is directed and to which your “emotional charge” reacts.

Think about it.

The law of attraction has no exceptions at all. Not a single exception! This is a law of physics. Having understood the essence of the law of attraction and its role in your life, you can begin to consciously and purposefully change any idea and any thought that in one way or another limits your reality.

The most important thing here is that you are the master of your own destiny.
Do you think everything is too simple? That's right, the law of attraction only gives you what you want.

Too good to be believed? Hmm, how to say...

Notice what you're focusing on when you ask this question, and try to look at it from a different perspective. In fact, it's really simple! So simple that sometimes it is difficult for us to realize it! The good thing is that when we begin to put this universal law into practice and see how it affects our lives, it becomes easier and easier to use.

The first step: try to become aware of the ideas and thoughts that in one way or another limit your life, as these ideas and thoughts arise in you.

Second step: purposefully switch your thoughts from what is undesirable for you to what you really want.


Negative direction of thoughts. My boyfriend left me. There are no suitable guys in this city. I will never be able to have a groom.

Incredible facts

When you understand the law of attraction and begin to put it into practice, you will begin to notice amazing changes that will happen in your life.

What is the law of attraction?

In simple words, the law of attraction states that your thoughts and feelings attract events that arise in your life. Thus, positive thoughts and feelings bring positive experiences into your life, and negative ones bring negative events. In a broad sense, you create all the experiences you have.

It is quite difficult to imagine that you yourself are the creator of all the events that happen in your life. What about illness, unhappy relationships, wars, crime and poverty? Proponents of this theory believe that all of these experiences resonate with your "frequency."

What is the basis of this law?

The Law of Attraction and the Power of Thoughts

The Law of Attraction works on the basis that every thought or emotion has a certain energy frequency. Although this description sounds too abstract, science confirms that our thoughts (which originate in the brain as a result of neural activity) are accompanied by emotions (a physical reaction in the body) that trigger certain chemicals in our brain and body.

For example, dopamine responsible for motivation and productivity, oxytocin is produced during intimacy and affection, and serotonin And endorphins when experiencing joyful events.

Therefore, if you are afraid of the word "energy", consider these chemicals to be the equivalent of those very subtle changes that happen to you depending on your thoughts.

But how does the frequency of your energy create the circumstances and events that appear in your life? There are several basic rules by which the law of attraction works.

    You are constantly creating physical reality based on the vibration of your frequency.

    Whether you are aware of your thoughts or not, your psycho-emotional state is a magnet that attracts situations, people, events, objects and changes.

    The situations or people you “invite” resonate with your energetic frequency.

    By changing your thoughts from lack and lack to abundance and joy, you can attract the necessary changes that are needed to achieve what you want.

    Even when you see something you don't like, try focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. This will clear space for the experiences you truly deserve.

    Be grateful. Feeling grateful for what you have increases good feelings and speeds up the approach of what you want.

    When you encounter beauty, success, abundance, joy along your path, acknowledge it and be happy for others. The universe is infinite. When you celebrate the successes of others, you recognize that there is enough goodness for everyone in this world. Envy and jealousy are signs of limited thinking.

How to attract what you want into your life? There are several ways.

How to make a wish come true with the power of thought

1. Decide what exactly you want.

Many people live their lives chaotically because they don't really know what they want. They do not have a clear idea about their life, but simply hope for the best and go with the flow.

Sometimes a person knows deep down what he wants, but believes that he does not deserve it. For example, he believes that he will never get rich because he grew up in a poor family, and chooses poverty so as not to be a black sheep. Or you may be afraid of relationships because you believe that you will definitely be abandoned and subconsciously destroy existing relationships.

If you don't have a clear idea of ​​what you want, you can't take action to make your desire come true. To bring your dreams closer to fruition, you must know what you want.

New job? Husband/wife? Money?

For example, you want a car, but your wish may come true in such a way that you get an old car with a non-working engine.

Be more specific in your desires.

2. Be eager to get it.

To attract what you want, you need to truly want it in your life. It must be a burning desire that comes from deep within. It is very important.

The stronger the desire, the stronger the vibration it sends out, and the more motivated you will be to achieve it.

You can write down for yourself the reasons why you really want this in your life.

3. Tune in to positive emotions

Remember that like attracts like. When you feel joyful and enthusiastic, you send out positive vibrations and attract good things into your life.

Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day doing something you enjoy to stay positive.

4. Believe

Whatever your desire, you must have unshakable faith that it will happen.

When you think about your desire, it should be natural and make you happy, like a child expecting a gift.

If, when thinking about your desire, you have negative emotions, this means that you actually do not believe in your dream. There will be times when your faith may be shaken, but you need to stand firm and believe that you will achieve what you want.

It is not very difficult to control your own feelings. It is much more difficult to find the source of their origin and penetrate into the hidden corners of your soul. If you properly explore your bottom, you can make the most of it.

Think = attract

To begin with, it is important to understand the power of the law of attraction. If you are interested in consciousness control, what you dream about so much will definitely come to you. The power of thought really works.

When you pay attention to something, you include it in your own vibration. When you keep your attention on the desired object for a long time, the power of thought and the law of attraction will definitely work.

It's not all bad

Are you seriously sure that you will never be loved or rich? Are you convinced that fortune is unfavorable? Most of us are tormented by such thoughts at least from time to time. However, it is important to understand that heavy thoughts bring negativity with them. Happy and successful people do everything to ensure that doubts accompany them as little as possible. And all because they know: the power of attraction of thought is simply enormous. This is often the secret of the miserable existence of some and the prosperity of others.

Thoughts + actions

An energetically thinking person will certainly show the same activity in real situations. At the same time, it is important to make your plans and dreams using the phrases “I want” and “I can.” To achieve your goals, you need to change your daily way of thinking.

Basic functions

Let's consider how thoughts can influence a person and his environment. You may find it surprising to learn how far the powers of our maxims extend.

Health effects

The physical body is a reflection of our inner world. If your mind is filled with dark thoughts, your body simply will not be able to function properly. Diseases that harm the body are secondary. While desires that destroy the mind are called primary. We can conclude that mental health takes precedence over physical health.

When there are problems, the healing power of thought should not be relegated to the background. In the process of clearing your mind and getting rid of evil thoughts, you will eliminate both mental and physical problems. The power of words and thoughts is simply amazing. Fill your life with positive affirmations and language and you will notice your mind lift and your heart expand. Your eyes will sparkle, your voice will become pleasant, and your speech will become calm.

How to change fate?

Whatever thoughts a person sows, such actions he will reap. The statement that we are the creators of our own destiny could not be more true. Only the ignorant can talk about evil fate. Building your destiny begins within. And thoughts and actions help in this.


You can often hear the idea that the development of an individual depends on what kind of people are around him. However, the facts refute this erroneous assertion. An example is the biographies of many successful people who were born in slums and know firsthand what poverty is.

Fundamental Algorithm

So, the power of thought is not in doubt. Once you understand the power of the law of attraction, it is important to take concrete steps. If they are correct, luck will certainly look into your home. To do this, ensure that the following steps are performed sequentially:

At the heart of everything is a serious desire to achieve success.

In second place is complete self-confidence.

Willingness to reach the goal by any means.

The following situation is often observed: a person wants something for a long time and dreams about it. Over time, he simply gets tired of daydreaming, and he remembers what he wants less and less often. And then suddenly the moment comes when everything starts to work out just fine. Not only resources and opportunities appear, but also people who actively help in achieving your goals. Then we remember that recently we were only indulging in dreams, but today we are reaping real benefits.

Scroll of Wishes

How to use the power of thought? Use the method that was used many centuries ago. Our distant ancestors compiled wish scrolls to inform the Universe about their dreams. For these purposes they used parchment. In the modern world, everything is a little different. It is enough to buy a beautiful notebook and pen. Spare no expense and time in choosing, you should really like these things. It is important that the notebook is new. So, you can saturate it only with your energy. When formulating your wishes, follow a few simple rules:

Write about your goals in the present tense, not in the future. Avoid the phrase “I would like to...”.

Don't use negatives. The Universe does not perceive the particle “not”. An incorrectly expressed desire will be perceived completely differently. Instead of “I won’t forget about my morning runs,” write “I will run in the morning.”

Make wishes exclusively for yourself. It is unacceptable to interfere in the destinies of other people.

How to unlock the power of thought? To do this you need to stop being afraid. For example, you go to a job you don’t like every day, but it provides you with a stable income. Despite the fact that you are constantly looking for a suitable vacancy, the best option still does not appear. Think about whether the subconscious mind interferes with the implementation of the task? Perhaps you are tormented by thoughts of self-doubt, negative reactions from colleagues and an unstable salary in a new place?

Start filling out the scroll of wishes on the waxing moon. After achieving one dream, cross it off your list and add two new ones. Don't forget to thank the Universe for its favor.

The infinite power of thought

According to the law of attraction, each soul works to create its own reality based on personal beliefs and deep beliefs. And this is certainly realized by a person who is in search of the meaning of life.

Our thoughts act as a phenomenal creative force. They construct universal matter. Therefore, the external world with which we interact is one of the greatest “mirrors” of our attitude towards life and internal vibrations.

Our existence on this planet can be compared to a game. At the same time, the energy moves in a circle, and we can only receive it on the wave to which we are tuned and on which, in fact, we are transmitting. This phenomenon works on the principle of a boomerang. At the same time, we ourselves are both a receiver and a transmitter at the same time.

The power of thought and the law of attraction in action

The source of freedom is connection with your own feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Equally important is the understanding that you are not a victim of circumstances. Happiness is something that is chosen and created by a person through painstaking work. Thoughts repeated day after day become beliefs that form internal images. The latter, in turn, have a direct impact on feelings and emotions responsible for consolidating habits and patterns of behavior.

Working on superpowers

Do you want things to move under the influence of your thoughts? To do this you will need to stock up on perseverance and endurance. And don’t think that this skill is fantastic. It is only important to direct your efforts in the right direction, and then the task will not seem so unattainable.

How to move objects with the power of thought? Transporting the selected object requires maximum concentration. In addition, it is important to improve your mental health. You shouldn't doubt it. If there is uncertainty, nothing will work out. Concentrate completely on the object you want to move. Free yourself from extraneous thoughts. This state is achieved only through regular training. The most important thing is not to lose your attention.

Some people have already proven their ability to move matchboxes, balls, and even clock pendulums. Those who achieved the highest skill bent keys and spoons in public. At the same time, not a single scientist has yet been able to decompose into formulas or logically explain the phenomenon of telekinesis. It has not yet been possible to explain why objects move without direct influence on them. According to assumptions, when attention is completely localized on a certain object for a long time, mental energy is activated in the form of electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain. They push the object.

Let us describe how to move objects with the power of thought, using a specific diagram as an example:

1. Look at the thing that interests you for at least ten minutes. Fix your mind completely on it. The level of concentration should be so high that you feel the object as part of you.

2. Upon reaching the above state, begin to imagine that the selected thing is moving. At the same time, try to keep the images from moving away from her.

The described actions will help hone your telekinesis skills. Exercise daily. Results can appear in a few weeks or years. It all depends on personal characteristics and the quality of classes.

Turning to literature

Most people interested in the secrets of the soul know such a writer as Rowan Atkinson. “The Power of Thought, or Personal Magnetism” is his most popular book. It offers fifteen lessons on mastering the art of influencing other people. Let's look at the basic principles that Atkinson adheres to.

What qualities should an attractive person have?

The book “The Power of Thought, or Personal Magnetism” notes that not all people have innate charisma. Most people have to work on its development on their own. According to Atkinson, one of the most effective exercises for developing personal qualities is to observe others. To begin, choose one person you like and watch how he communicates and behaves, what facial expressions he uses. In the process of observation, you will see what advantages he has over other people.

Magnetism, according to Atkinson, is based on a strong belief in oneself and one's capabilities. Equally important is the belief in the ability to influence the actions and opinions of other people. Bright, charismatic personalities are always smart and firmly defend their own opinions. Their clearly defined point of view in most cases finds a positive response from others.

What to do?

To develop charisma, build your self-confidence and learn to express yourself clearly. In the second stage, work on a sense of inner peace. You've probably noticed that a successful person very rarely fusses or gets nervous.

The book “The Power of Thought, or Personal Magnetism” notes that charisma is not a separate quality. It develops in conjunction with other personality traits. Atkinson shows complete confidence in the following: everything we think about materializes.

Personality strength depends not only on verbal, but also on non-verbal factors. The first includes speech and the algorithm for constructing phrases, the second - gaze, behavior, facial expressions.

Be bolder

It doesn't matter what your life is like now. Start from scratch. Formulate in the most precise terms everything you would like. Don't worry, you don't have to go over your head or betray people to do this. To begin with, a daily five-minute concentration on what you have planned will be quite enough.

Managing the power of thought is now more important than ever. For example, you need new housing. It depends on you what exactly it will be. Think through everything down to the smallest detail - floor, location, footage, view from the window, furnishings. You can even imagine what the neighbors will be like. The subconscious will already begin to work on how you will get all this. Without risking anything, try this exciting experiment to feel how it works for yourself.

Wisdom of a Hindu Spiritual Master

Let's consider what Swami Sivananda thought about our inner world. The power of thought, according to this philosopher, can change the course of life. Be alert when heavy thoughts begin to overcome you. Shift your focus to some divine object or prayer.

Beware of the incorrect development of your consciousness, because it is like a playful child who must always be controlled. Calm the violent flows of thoughts and transform them into passive channels for transmitting truth. Fill your consciousness with purity by constantly turning to God. Kill evil thoughts with the sword of wisdom.

Don't neglect yoga. Such practices are not an anomaly. The goal of yoga is the comprehensive development of all the abilities of an individual, including the power of his thoughts. Don't be afraid to take this path. It has long been tested by time. Through regular practice you will make your life richer and more blissful.

Improving Thoughts

The replacement method works great for cleansing the inner world. Thanks to him, you can get rid of evil thoughts. To do this, it is important to cultivate positive thoughts of love, compassion, humility and generosity in the garden of your own consciousness. Be prepared for the fact that negative energy will not leave you so easily. To this end, you need to work hard. The result will be a mind that is as cleansed as possible from filth. The power of your thoughts will increase.

Swami Sivananda calls working on oneself a vital discipline. At the same time, the sage notes that not many master this art. And even the most educated people are often unaware of its existence.

The sage calls all of us victims of the disordered work of thought. In our mental factory, a variety of ideas appear and disappear in a chaotic manner. They differ neither in frequency nor in logic. Consciousness is in a state of complete confusion. There is no clarity and clarity of ideas.

Are you able to think about one thing for more than two minutes? If the answer is no, then, unfortunately, you do not yet have the slightest idea about the laws of the mental plane and thinking. The inner world at this stage can be compared to a wandering menagerie. A variety of thoughts fight for the right to penetrate the consciousness of a voluptuous person and occupy a dominant position in it. At the same time, the visual indriya (sense organ) craves spectacles, and the auditory one strives to fill the soul only with lustful, base images. The work ahead is especially difficult if you cannot hold your attention on one sublime thought for at least five seconds. Do not allow your thinking to move along the beaten path of sensual desires, and you will feel your spirit strengthen.

Impact on others

Another way to see that thoughts have power is to influence others like you. At the same time, keep in mind that achieving complete control over others is unrealistic. The only thing that can be done is to offer your own version of action at the bioenergetic level. How to mentally influence a person? Let's take a closer look.

Method one

First, decide on the object of your experiment. A person waiting for someone or doing nothing is ideal for these purposes. Concentrate your thoughts in the area between his eyebrows and imagine how an information flow enters the brain through this point. Send a request something like this: “Please turn back.” Perform this manipulation with respect for the subject. Don't try to make fun of him this way. Do not take this process lightly, because as a result of luck you will move up one rung on your own evolutionary ladder.

Method two

The power of thought should work in the following way: you imagine how your subtle body moves into the body of the chosen person. Start seeing through his eyes. Then abruptly accomplish what you have planned and return to your own body. Just as in the previous method, the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra) is used. Observe the person's reaction carefully.

Method three

As practitioners note, it is no less effective than the previous two. To implement it, a so-called etheric double is used. You need to imagine how you approach a person and pat him on the shoulder in a friendly way. At the same time, in reality, accept the position in which you would be if you actually performed this action.

Whichever option you choose, remember that useless actions will lead to punishment.

Meditate correctly

First of all, tune in to the fact that you can really attract money, love, friends, and generally everything you want into your life. This will be facilitated by the powerful power of thought.

Meditation should be done where you feel very good. This could be, for example, a cozy corner in a city park. Imagine that a group of strangers is moving towards you. They are in a great mood and can hear laughter. Everyone holds beautiful packages and bright boxes in their hands. These people are about to approach you. And then one of them says, turning to you: “We have prepared many gifts for you.” Reach out, take the gifts, look at them. Strangers who embody the full power of the Universe can give you a key to an apartment, a trip to a resort, a diamond necklace - in general, everything you dream about. You cannot stop your meditation abruptly. Enjoy what lies in front of you and gradually return to reality.

Through regular meditation you activate the power of thought. The plans will gradually begin to come true. However, remember that dreaming is, of course, good, but dreams must be followed by concrete actions.


If you are at the very beginning of the path to improving your mind, be prepared for the ongoing struggle between dark and light ideas and images. Treat thoughts as servants, instruments. They are your bridge to the Divine. It is important to learn how to control the power of thought in order to find happiness. If you clear your mind, you will become much richer mentally. Always remember that low thoughts bring imbalance in all areas. If they are present, it is impossible to build a harmonious life and influence your destiny in a positive way. Walk this difficult path with dignity!

“What a person thinks about most comes into his life”

The ability to add what one desires into one's life is also based on the law of attraction. Having thought about the meaning of the above statement, it will not be difficult for you to understand: In order for life to be successful, you need to think about what you want to have in your life and try to avoid thoughts about what you would not like to face.

The power of thought

Any human thought, regardless of the mood in which it arises: positive or negative, is endowed with energy. Something into which stronger energy is invested, a more powerful message, is realized. In other words, what is embodied is not what a person wants or does not want in a calm state, but what all his thoughts are directed towards.

Surely, you have encountered such a phenomenon more than once in your life, when what you zealously desired came true. Or, on the contrary, what you feared most and did not want to face, also arose in your life, against your will.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple: when you are afraid of a certain situation, you don’t want something to happen, you devote a lot of time and energy to thoughts about the event. All your attention is focused on what you don't want. You involuntarily, thinking about bad things, put your energy into these thoughts, which attracts events.

You should learn to ignore and not think about those events and situations that you would not like to get into. Fear and apprehension are emotions. Moreover, it is an energetically very strong emotion. Of all negative manifestations, fear is the most powerful. The energy that accompanies fear creates a high attraction of negativity into a person’s life. By constantly coming up with different developments for an unpleasant situation, constantly replaying it in your head, you further strengthen the energy that accompanies fear, which is almost guaranteed to attract negative situations into your life.

How does the law of attraction work?

Your thoughts and emotions move in a circle: an object forms a thought, followed by an emotional reaction, an emotion forms a real event, a person, looking at reality, unconsciously creates an object corresponding to the object from which it all began. Negative perception generates negative emotions, positive perception generates a positive reaction. Thus, a person finds himself in a vicious circle, returning to the thought from which he started. But you have the power to consciously change this chain.

A person is able to consciously change the perception of an object, then he will form not negative, but positive emotions, which will attract positive things into his life. If the object was initially positive, then nothing needs to be changed in perception, but when you realize that you perceive a situation, person or event negatively and cannot help yourself, you need to consciously and purposefully change the perception of the object. Only you yourself can break the negative circle by changing its energy.

You can often hear the question: “Why good things happen to us less often than bad things”? To be honest, the ratio of positive and negative in the world is 20 to 80, respectively. In addition, this ratio of the superiority of the negative over the positive has been formed in the consciousness of the Russian people for many centuries.

Just because the world around us is predominantly negative does not mean that you should immerse yourself in that negativity and accept it. Every person has the power to change the situation around him and create a world in which he and his loved ones will feel comfortable living.

Many people perceive good events as an accident or, on the contrary, for granted, into which they are not worth investing their efforts and energy. However, without directed energy, the law of attraction loses its meaning: it simply ceases to operate. Have you ever noticed that most people tend to be indignant, analyze, endlessly discuss negative and negative events that occur both in the personal life of each person and throughout the world?

In other words, when people talk and return to negative topics, they invest and feed the negativity that they initially received. The invested energy begins to work and attract even more energy endowed with the same negative properties. This process can become endless if a person does not consciously stop and stop reacting to bad events, starting to see the positive and invest their strength in it.

The media also contribute to the formation in people’s minds of a negative attitude towards current events, the existing political system, their neighbor in the stairwell, etc. The media include in their broadcasts and articles information that is likely to evoke strong emotions. Since negative events are more likely to shape a person's interest, the data that a person receives from the media in most cases is negative.

Over time, it becomes very difficult for an ordinary person to bear the burden of denial and negativity that is offered to him by the modern world. It is necessary, when perceiving information, to learn to “filter” it. Try to treat difficult events calmly, without unnecessary emotions. It is possible that many people around you will no longer understand you, no longer finding support and understanding in your person. It is possible that you will be called callous and indifferent.

Use the Law of Attraction Correctly

To deal with this kind of reaction, you need to form a clear position: I am only interested in those events and situations that I can influence. You may not be able to change the laws of poor countries, but you can use the time that your colleagues spend discussing news from these countries to improve your own life.

There are several simple rules that, if followed, will help you attract more positive emotions into your life and form a positive perception of what is happening. You can add to these rules based on your own observations and experience.

  • Learn to be grateful for the good things that happen in your life. If you are faced with an unpleasant situation, try to remain calm and do the following: try to understand why you got into this situation, draw appropriate conclusions, treat the situation as an experience that will not be repeated, and finally forget about the situation.
  • Ignore negative information that you encounter against your will: if possible, isolate the source of the negative message or move away from it as much as possible, try to change the topic of conversation, switch your thoughts to something positive and of interest to you.
  • You must learn to consciously form positive images in your mind.

Unfortunately, we are not given the opportunity to completely eliminate negativity from our lives, but we can learn to respond to it in such a way that it does not bring with it new negative emotions.

Watch this great video about the Law of Attraction:

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