Stencils for windows for the New Year. Do-it-yourself Santa Claus from paper: step-by-step master classes with photos Print Santa Claus templates for cutting

New Year is a holiday that is loved by both adults and children, especially children. They like everything - the process of preparing for the holiday, the process of waiting for a gift, and the goodies on the table. Preparations for the New Year begin long before the holiday begins. Ideas for gifts, home decoration, outfits, and a festive table are being explored.

What is the first thing Santa Claus sees when he comes to visit you? Of course, your windows. Therefore, one cannot help but pay attention to their decorations.

Beautifully decorated windows will not only decorate your home from the inside, but also make it beautiful from the outside.

There are several ways to decorate - using stencils and templates, toys, garlands. Which stencil or template is most suitable for you - decide for yourself, and we will tell you below how this can be brought to life.

The simplest and most affordable way to decorate windows is to use stencils. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The latter is preferable. Why? Yes, because when drawing a picture, cutting it out and gluing it, you put your energy, love and kindness into the process.

Don’t discount the fact that making window decorations and decorating the process itself is a creative process, and if you do it together with your loved ones and children, then you will not only decorate the house, but also spend many pleasant moments together.

What stencils can be used to decorate windows? Here you can give free rein to your family fantasy. These could be Christmas trees, snowflakes (you will find stencils for snowflakes just below), Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Mistress of the Year Dog..... there is no limit to your imagination in this matter.

On the Internet you can find many stencil templates for decorating windows, but sometimes the question is how to transfer them to paper. This can be done in two ways.

First way. Make a drawing of the largest size on the monitor screen, attach a transparent piece of paper to the screen and redraw the stencil.

Second way. Save the picture and print it on your printer. Only the drawing can be printed in small size.

How can you increase it? This can be done using Microsoft Word. Create a document on your desktop, copy the picture you like there and, pointing the cursor at the corner of the picture, simply stretch it to the desired size.

And long-awaited stencils for decorating windows.

Snowflakes on paper windows for the New Year. Print stencils:

Light airy snowflakes give a wonderful mood when they whirl and fall to the ground and cover it with a white snow carpet, but also when they decorate our home, especially the windows. They can be different - smooth, openwork, made of paper or cut out of cardboard. You can even cut out a snowflake from a newspaper, and it will have an original, slightly creative look. The simplest and most accessible material for making snowflakes is, of course, paper.

They can be made using several methods.

Just like they were taught to do in kindergarten.

— Fold a square piece of paper diagonally several times and cut out the patterns that came to our minds.

— Draw or print a snowflake template.

— Buy ​​a ready-made stencil or template in a store.

How to glue a snowflake to a window? It couldn’t be easier to do this - just make a saturated soap solution, coat one side of the snowflake with it and stick it to the window. Even a small child can do this. Watch a video on how to glue a snowflake to a window.

There is another way to use a stencil to draw a design on the window glass.

Attach a snowflake (or some other design or composition) to the glass and apply the coloring agent using a sponge.

The coloring agent in our case can be ordinary toothpaste.

Below are interesting snowflake patterns that can decorate your windows.

But how beautiful the windows will be.

Window decorations in the year of the dog (stencils in the shape of dogs and animals).

The mistress of this year, as mentioned above, will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And, although she begins to rule only in February, we can already begin to achieve her favor. And a great way to do this would be to decorate the windows of your home as a family.

You can give free rein to your children's imagination and let them decorate the windows with dogs and other animal images themselves, or use ready-made templates and stencils.

Charming, sweet and serious representatives of the dog fraternity will become a worthy decoration of your windows, and other animals will be their friends.

And now templates of adorable dogs and other animals that are eager to decorate your windows.

New Year's balls for cutting out of paper for windows (clippings).

In addition to snowflakes, various balls can also be called a favorite attribute for decorating a Christmas tree and home. If we decorate the Christmas tree with shiny glass balls, then to decorate the windows you can use paper stencils and ball templates. Windows decorated with cut out paper balls look very festive and elegant.

In order to cut out a ball and stick it on the window you need:

  • Print or redraw the version you like.
  • Using a sharp knife or small nail scissors, carefully cut out the inner parts.
  • Glue the ball to the window in any way (it’s best to use a concentrated soap solution - then it’s very easy to remove the stencil from the window).

After you glue the ball to the window, you can use toothpaste, a sponge or a toothbrush and make a stencil design.

And now we invite you to choose your own version of a template or stencil of balls for cutting out and decorating windows.

How else can you decorate your windows for the New Year 2020? Original ideas

Most likely, your family members have a lot of ideas on how to decorate a window in an original and unusual way for the New Year. But there are times when nothing original comes to mind. In order for our imagination and fantasies to begin to work in full force, we need a little push.

The design options proposed below may be such an impetus. You can take them as a basis and, adding your creative thoughts to them, turn your windows into a work of art.

Or you can give free rein to your children's imagination. They will never have problems with original decoration! But there will be a lot of joy from the process of inventing, decorating and being proud of yourself!

An unusual decoration for the windows would be a ballerina snowflake.

Making such a snowflake is not very difficult. Cut out a ballerina figurine from thick beautiful paper and dress it in a snowflake. Moreover, snowflakes can be different in color, complexity, texture. Hang such a snowflake in the window opening and when you open the window for ventilation, it will spin beautifully under the flow of incoming air.

How to make such a snowflake is shown in the video.

Nobody canceled New Year's glowing garlands. By decorating a window with them, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

No less impressive is a window decorated with pom-poms made of wool (and not only wool). These cheerful pompoms are very easy to make, and they look just great, adding to the joyful mood.

In addition, by decorating windows, you can arrange entire thematic compositions. Such compositions are shown in the collage. And, who knows, maybe their mesmerizing beauty will inspire you to create your own wonderful composition.

New Year has always been a family holiday. And 2019 suggests an even greater emphasis on family, comfort and kindness. Because the Dog is a symbol of devotion, kindness and love. She loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, the Mistress will really like your joint family work on decorating the house. These chores will not be a burden; they will be joyful and happy for the whole family.

New Year's pictures cut out of paper will help decorate the room and prepare it for the holiday. Any winter-themed figures are suitable for window decoration: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen, etc. Images of angels, birds, stars and animals can also be used to decorate a room; they will add coziness to it and create a fabulous atmosphere typical for a Christmas celebration. When welcoming 2017, along with traditional fairy tale characters, it is recommended to also make a figurine of a rooster.

Making such figures is a special type of creativity. The principle of obtaining them is simple: a stencil is applied to paper (printed on a printer or drawn by hand), then an outline is cut out along the lines. Cutting is carried out using a special knife for protruding (stencil) or scissors. The resulting white paper figures are glued to the window glass using soapy water or tape.

Using paper figures

Paper New Year's snowflakes can be used to decorate the windows of any premises: apartments, schools, kindergartens, shopping and entertainment establishments, public institutions. New Year's patterns of different sizes and shapes are pasted over the windows of cafes, restaurants and supermarkets. Larger-sized figures can be used to decorate assembly halls and stages.

If desired, you can also add paper figures to walls and Christmas trees. Using toy stencils, you can make openwork figures and hang them on the Christmas tree next to Christmas balls and other decorations. New Year's drawings and three-dimensional paper figures can be left white or painted.

Basic principles of making New Year's figures

Snowflakes cut from thick white paper refresh the room and give it a special solemnity. To correctly create a composition of New Year's figures, you need to follow several rules. For cutting you will need:

  • thick A4 paper;
  • cutting board;
  • ruler;
  • eraser;
  • special knife for paper;
  • scissors.

The easiest way is to print a stencil and then cut it out. If you don’t have a printer, you can attach the sheet to the computer screen and, without pressing, redraw the image with light strokes, and then use a ruler and pencil to make the lines smoother and clearer. If necessary, the size of the figure on the screen can be changed using the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel. The figure should be cut along the outer lines with scissors, and the inner parts should be removed using a stationery knife. This knife can be replaced with regular nail scissors with thin tips.

After the blanks for the New Year's decoration are ready, you need to take care of attaching them to the surface. To do this, the soap is dissolved in a small amount of water, one of the sides of the stencil is moistened with the resulting solution and applied to the glass. The soap solution can be replaced with pieces of transparent tape.

Stencils for printing

The most popular stencils are Christmas tree, house, snowflake and deer. The templates below can be downloaded and printed.

New Year's stencil "house with Christmas trees"

New Year's pattern

Snowflake stencil

Ball stencil

Christmas tree on the window


Using several New Year's clippings, you can create compositions to effectively decorate windows and walls. The layout may vary, but there are several basic principles.

All bulky elements (house, snowman, etc.) are located in the lower part, deer are placed in the center, and snowflakes, balls, angel figures and terry Christmas tree branches are placed at the top. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are placed taking into account the size of the window and the location of other objects.

Volumetric stencil made of white paper

Video: “New Year’s stencils for decoration”

In this article we will look at how to make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from paper to decorate windows.

The main characters of the New Year are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. These are the ones we can see on TV and in the park, in the store and on the street on New Year's Eve. And to make the holiday feel for a long time, you can stick figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden on the windows. We’ll talk about festive decorations in the article.

How to make a stained glass window, cut out Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden from paper on a window with your own hands: tips

Putting up a Christmas tree and decorating it with last year's balls is not all you can do to decorate your home before the New Year. New Year's stained glass windows look great both inside the house and from the outside and, of course, are suitable for both store windows and residential buildings.

You can make incredible window patterns from ordinary thin white paper. Using glue or soap solution, the finished pattern is glued to the window. Multi-colored paper in the mosaic style will look very original on the window.

Stickers also look great, but you need to buy them in special stores; if you don’t have stores nearby that sell similar products, then plain paper will do. It looks no worse, but is cheaper in cost.

  • Such drawings can be invented and drawn by hand, or you can copy them from a ready-made drawing, but if you do not have excellent artistic skills, you can use a stencil. You can wash off the art from the window using a regular soap solution with the addition of a small amount of ammonia.
  • Any New Year's character should be cut out from a sheet of plain paper and attached to the window using PVA glue. In addition to classic snowflakes, cut out Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and New Year's gnomes from paper. This is very creative and looks bright on the window.

Despite the fact that New Year's stained glass with your own hands is a very painstaking work, it is also quite interesting and exciting. You can draw a stencil yourself or copy it from the Internet, but you can also download ready-made files and cut them according to the template.

It will be very original if you depict on the window an illustration of Santa Claus looking through the window. And from the street side, you will feel as if Santa Claus is looking out of the window of your house. If you want to stick on Santa Claus, who is looking into your window, then you should choose a stencil in a more comical shape; small and sophisticated patterns will not work.

Paper Snow Maiden: templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

The easiest option for decoration is paper cutting. Such an activity is extremely simple, and even banal, but in order for your home to be different from others, you should resort to other solutions. For example, a great option for decoration is to paint or glue a stained glass window on the window of the room. You can use purchased stickers, or you can cut out the Snow Maiden yourself according to the template and glue it to the window using PVA glue or soap solution. By the way, if you use a soap solution, the stencil will be easier to remove, and such a pattern will last for a very long time.

The main thing to remember is that very intricate patterns can take a lot of time to cut everything out accurately. Difficulties may also arise both when cutting and when gluing to the window. Thin sheets of white and colored paper are suitable for such needlework. Of course, white paper looks best, and it is more suitable for such a holiday.

Santa Claus on a sleigh, with paper reindeers: templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

Before the New Year, people not only prepare gifts for their family and friends, but also decorate their home, workplace, etc. The most economical way is to use patterns cut out from plain paper, and you can glue them onto glass using PVA or soap solution.

Reindeer with Santa Claus

Reindeer with Santa Claus

Reindeer with Santa Claus

If you do not have artistic talent and cannot draw what you would like on your own, then on the Internet you can find many different options for every taste and color. Just print and cut along the outline.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden colored from paper: templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

In anticipation of New Year's miracles, everyone tries to decorate and clean their home and workplace. Unfortunately, the weather does not always please us, and the temperature does not allow frost to “decorate” the windows with winter patterns. But you can do this yourself using ordinary thin paper and glue.

For such patterns, white paper is often used, but if you want a bright and creative design, you can use multi-colored paper for New Year's vytyanki. The gluing technique is the same as with white paper, but is often not as intricate and does not require many different cuts. True, you will have to glue the beard, torso, boots, etc. separately. therefore, this is quite painstaking work and requires careful attention and concentration during the process.

Template #1

Template No. 2

The “broken glass” effect also looks very beautiful, that is, every detail of the picture is cut into many more small pieces. It's better to cut rather than tear. But this process takes a lot of time and when gluing it is worth working hard to ensure that the drawing turns out accurate and beautiful. You can buy paper that is colored on both sides, in which case, in daylight, the design will be ironed wonderfully both from the inside of the house and from the outside.

Before the New Year, everyone tries to decorate their home in a special way; various New Year's decorations allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of fairy tales and magic. In addition, the preparation process is not only interesting, but also educational, especially cutting out stencils to decorate windows.

Head of Santa Claus made of paper: templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

New Year is the most magical time of the year, which adults and children have been looking forward to since the beginning of December. The atmosphere of magic is in the air and lifts everyone's spirits.

It’s so nice to watch how people in the bustle are preparing for the New Year holidays, decorating their homes, and you can immediately notice this from the decorated windows. Unfortunately, winter is not always cold enough to cover the windows with beautiful patterns, especially on New Year's Day, when everyone expects mountains of snow and ice. But this problem can be easily solved with scissors, paper and imagination.

The face of Santa Claus

The face of Santa Claus

The face of Santa Claus

Children will also like this activity, therefore, doing paper drawing will not only be beautiful, but also useful and interesting for both adults and children.

You can also choose the right stencil to suit your taste on the Internet, if you can’t do it yourself by hand, or you’re not sure that the result will turn out the way you expect. For a child, a not very intricate pattern is more suitable so that everything turns out very beautifully, because the more you cut, the more it may not turn out so smooth and beautiful, besides, it takes a lot of time for the entire window to be decorated.

Santa Claus on the Moon, chimney and with gifts: interesting templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

If you want to surprise and delight your neighbors, and cheer up during the New Year holidays, you can glue a paper cut-out Santa Claus to your window who is trying to climb into the window. It's very easy to do and can also be used to entice a child to handle the scissors. This activity not only develops the motor skills of the baby’s hands, but also develops imagination and logic.

Stencils with Santa Claus

Father Frost

Santa Claus with gifts

There are a lot of variations of patterns for the New Year, and there are many stencils from which you can cut out a picture and they are easy to find on the Internet. For cutting out simple pictures, regular or manicure scissors are suitable, but if you need to cut out a lot of details, then you should use a special knife and a cutting board.

If the winter is warm and there are no icicles, then they can be easily cut out of paper and added to the main composition. And if you don’t have enough snow, you can also depict it on the window using regular office paper. Such patterns and pictures will delight the eye throughout the winter holidays, and they are quite easy to make; even a small child can cope with this task.

Santa Claus made of paper sideways: templates and stencils for cutting and window stickers

Today, you can increasingly enjoy decorated shop windows and house windows; this technique is called vytynanka and has recently become popular for any celebration, not just New Year’s. That’s because it doesn’t take that much time, of course, if you don’t cut out intricate, complex patterns, and it’s a fairly economical decoration option.

Of course, in special stores you can buy any decorative element for every taste, but the closer the celebration, the higher the prices. And I really want a New Year’s atmosphere and comfort during the holidays. You can decorate your home simply and quickly, with your own hands. And the protrusions for the windows can be made from paper, a stencil, which you can buy or download ready-made from the Internet.

Santa Claus sideways

Of course, you definitely won’t miss if you choose Father Frost or Santa Claus as the main character of your window painting. Such a character fully corresponds to the theme of the celebration, and everyone will immediately understand that you are preparing for the holiday.

In addition, you can portray Santa Claus in a comical form, and this style always lifts your spirits and gives pleasant emotions that accurately reflect a person’s mood on New Year’s Eve.

Snowman made of paper: vytynanki

One of the most recognizable characters in New Year's fairy tales is the Snowman. Of course, it is ideal as a vytynanka for decorating a home for the New Year holidays. Yes, and you can make a stencil yourself, using a ruler, compass and pencil. It is more convenient to cut circles with ordinary scissors, but if you want to add small patterns, then you should use a stationery knife.

You can use a ready-made stencil downloaded from the Internet if you are not confident in your abilities, or if you are unable to draw an unusual snowman yourself, for example, like Olaf from the movie “Frozen.”

Today you can find a variety of technologies for decorating windows, as well as a wide variety of pictures and stencils that can be transferred to the window. Therefore, decorating your home yourself is quite easy and simple today.

How to decorate windows with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year, Christmas in kindergarten, school, at work, at home: ideas, photos

Any decorating process inspires and fills you with positive emotions and inspiration, especially for the New Year holidays, because... There is already a festive, magical atmosphere in the air. In this case, you can enjoy not only the holiday itself, but also the preparation for it.

Before you start decorating windows, you need to remember some rules:

  • The main thing is safety. Be sure to check for drafts, because no one wants to catch a cold just before the New Year
  • Any, even the most beautiful pattern will look dull on a dirty window
  • In order to decorate the outside of the window, paper is not used. It is better to use spruce branches, bright ribbons or beads, figures of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden
  • If you have stained glass windows, then you should put a composition of pine cones and Christmas tree branches on the bottom of the window, because Such windows are already beautiful, but additional drawings can only ruin everything
  • You should not completely cover the entire window with protrusions; there should be enough space for sunlight

There are many options for decorating windows for the New Year, the most common of them are:

  • Vytynanka
  • Paper products
  • Painting with watercolors, gouache or toothpaste
  • Fairy lights

You can decorate your home or workplace easily and inexpensively, the main thing is to be patient and find time to create comfort and a New Year's atmosphere.

Video: Decorating windows for the New Year

Competitions for the best creative works among students and parents have begun in schools and kindergartens. The New Year theme is quite extensive. In some groups it was decided to make a mitten from scrap materials, in others - a Christmas tree, in others - New Year's toys. My daughter and I have already knitted a mitten with fairy-tale characters (a scratching mouse, a jumping frog, etc.). There are up to a dozen different paper Christmas trees at home. So, today we’ll make a simple New Year’s toy. It will be Santa Claus.
Children of primary school age can handle a craft made from colored paper without outside help. Children are not yet able to do this kind of work.
So, let's prepare:

  • scissors
  • white and colored paper
  • pencils.
Let's start by designing the fur coat and hat of Santa Claus. This is a complete element. You need to form a cone out of red paper. There are different ways to create this geometric figure. Someone cuts out a circle and then glues it into a cone. We got used to twisting a cone from a rectangular sheet. We level the base with scissors.

Next you need to make a fur trim for the hat and fur coat. We will need two white stripes approximately 10 mm wide. Let's bend the strip in half lengthwise, and use scissors along the edge opposite to the fold, cutting a narrow short fringe.

Glue the fur trim to the bottom of the fur coat. We immediately decide on the height of the hat and mark the edge of the headdress with a white border.

Next, cut out an elongated trapezoid from a landscape sheet and carefully round all four corners. Immediately cut thin long strips into the resulting figure - a beard. At the end of the work, we will go through each hair with the blade of the scissors to fluff up the snow-white beard.

Using gouache, watercolors, felt-tip pens or pencils, we draw the face of Santa Claus. A distinctive feature of the hero’s appearance is thick eyebrows and a mustache.

We will also cut out the hair for our craft from paper. No difficulties.

All that remains is to glue all the parts into place. Santa Claus made from colored paper is ready. Of course, if you wish, you can continue the work, in particular, design the hero’s arms and legs. However, the craft also looks great in its presented form.

Let's put Santa Claus next to the paper Christmas tree. The tree is made of multi-colored (white and green) palms. We will place tinsel next to the children's crafts. It's a pity that there were no silver items at home. We will correct any misunderstanding this coming weekend. You still have to prepare for the matinee.

With the onset of cold weather, people wait for snow, and after it has fallen, they begin preparing for the most magical and beloved holiday. New Year is loved by everyone, and resembles a fairy tale that you don’t want to leave. In this connection, every home tries to dress as festively as possible. New Year's deer stencils for cutting or, in other words, templates will help to attractively decorate any home.

It is the stencils of deer for the New Year for cutting out that can be found on the windows of residential buildings. After all, every child knows that Grandfather Frost comes from the forest on a team of reindeer, otherwise he will not have time to distribute gifts to everyone for the holiday. Children really like images of such cute animals, so they often help their mothers glue such decorations to windows.

Animals are cut out of paper, on which their image is outlined with clear contours. Today, such crafts are often called vytynanki. Moreover, it does not have to be just one image, it can be anything. Deer, roosters, snowflakes, houses and so on.

New Year's crafts made by yourself and downloaded will look much more valuable than purchased decorations. In addition, it is not necessary to glue them only to the window. Vytynanka can be used to decorate a forest guest Christmas tree or to decorate a home.

A New Year's deer, if enlarged several times, can easily decorate any scene. Indeed, today they often hold theatrical performances, as well as other matinees in kindergartens or other institutions.

Using the desired template, you can decorate any establishments, for example, shops, cafes, offices and other institutions. If the stencil is made with the image of snowflakes, then it can be transferred to the window with different colors or cut out of paper and pasted with a soap solution.

Today, delicately made vytynankas are more popular than other boring New Year’s decorations. Undoubtedly, tinsel, garlands, as well as colored rain bring their charm. Although many household members make such crafts on their own. Of course, this is done in advance and often with the whole family using additionally prepared material.

To make jewelry, you need to know a couple of important rules. In most cases, these nuances relate specifically to the protrusion. When cutting out small parts, it is best to use a stationery knife, as it will help bring the product into a neat appearance. The contours of the image should be smooth and clear.

Auxiliary tools for crafts at home

  1. A stationery knife, if there are no hard-to-reach places to cut, then you can use scissors.
  2. A solid base, because it is not uncommon for a simple table to be cut, thereby ruining it. Experienced amateurs use cutting boards for such purposes.
  3. Glue, soap, water.
  4. Invisible threads for hanging items.
  5. An awl or a needle, depending on the density of the material from which the craft is prepared.
  6. Cardboard, sheets of white paper.
  7. Paints, gouache, multi-colored sparkles and beads, you can use another arsenal of accessories.
  8. A simple pencil and eraser.

Making crafts

It’s not uncommon to draw a template yourself, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, many people, using a simple white blank sheet of paper, apply it to a well-drawn silhouette of the stencil being used and transfer the image with a pencil.

Some people look for a template on the Internet and then enlarge it on the screen. Then, attaching a sheet of paper to the monitor, they also transfer the image using a pencil and eraser. You can print the template using a printer, but the above options are for those who do not have the ability to print.

After the image is drawn and cut out, it can be used for decoration. Although there are some factors to consider. For example, a team of deer will look good on a window with a lot of space in front.

If the deer are made one at a time, then they can be beautifully decorated using Christmas glitter and hung on the Christmas tree. You can make a whole garland on which to hang a round dance of deer around the forest beauty.

For the garland, take long tinsel, onto which animals are glued one at an equal distance. You can carefully tie them on a thread by making small holes in the middle of the silhouette, through which you pull the thread and secure it to the tinsel. After the garland is ready, decorate the Christmas tree with it in a circle.

As mentioned above, children love to help their parents with New Year's crafts. Therefore, in order to captivate your child, you can make a beautiful large deer from cardboard yourself. The tools you will need are the same as before. The only thing you need to add is a large sheet of cardboard on which the silhouette of a deer will be applied.

The silhouette of a charming animal must be applied to the selected cardboard base. A simple pencil, an eraser and the owner’s imagination will help you do this. And don’t forget that deer sometimes have beautiful lush antlers, which definitely need to be applied. It is best to take a picture of the animal, put it in front of you and simply redraw it in an enlarged form.

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