Test. How good are you at influencing people? The essence and causes of conflicts

Test prepared: Tatiana Nikitina

1. How do you feel about people who dress or behave extravagantly?
And they make me bewildered -0
B I myself do exactly this from time to time! - 2
B Calmly, with understanding - 1

2. Do you prefer to listen to music:
A In headphones - 0
B As a background for various things - 1
Q I don’t miss an opportunity to turn the volume up - 2

3. Do you know how to take a conversation in the direction you want by interrupting your interlocutor who is getting carried away?

A Yes, whenever I need it - 2
B It’s difficult for me to interrupt someone - 0
B Depends on the interlocutor - 1

4. As a child you:
A We didn’t try to stand out among our classmates - O
B Agree if you were unanimously elected - 1
Have always been a leader in the team - 2

5. Do you like to change the decor in your home or rearrange furniture?
A Yes, it gives me great pleasure, I do it regularly - 2
B I have such desires from time to time, but they are not always realized - 1
B Only when circumstances require it - 0

6. How many of your friends, on your advice, changed their image (hairstyle, clothing style, glasses frames, etc.), job, car brand over the past year?
A 0-2 - 0
B 3-5 - 1
At 6 and more - 2

7. How do you rate your ability to bargain in the market?
And I’m embarrassed to bargain, I’d rather pay whatever they ask - 0
B I always try to offer the seller my price - 2
I bargain when I see that the seller himself is not against selling the goods cheaper - 1

8. When your teenager disagrees with your opinion, you:

A You give him a chance to do his own thing and control the result -0
B You issue an ultimatum - 1
Pretend to agree with his opinion, and then quietly win him over to your side-2

9. General meetings at the enterprise are:
A Almost always a useless waste of time - 1
B An excellent chance to convey your opinion and ideas to management - 2
B Method of conveying management directives to subordinates - 0

10. Do you have a feeling that the advertising texts you created would have a more impactful impact on demand than many existing ones?
A No, creating advertising texts is not my thing - 0
B Sometimes I have good ideas for advertising - 1
Q Yes, perhaps the advertising business would acquire an excellent specialist in me - 2

11. You believe that the main weapon of persuasion is:
A Personal example - 1
B Powerful argumentation - 0
B Correct look, voice timbre, gestures - 2

12. Public speaking for you:
A They are easy for me and even give me pleasure - 2
B Ordeal - 0
Q I’m very worried at the preparation stage - 1

Key to the test

If you scored from O to 8 points: most likely you do not even consider it necessary to influence the opinions and actions of other people. However, such restraint prevents you from achieving your desired goals. A lot can change for the better in your life if you learn to convey your opinion to the people around you.

If you scored from 9 to 16 points: you certainly know how to influence people, but you rarely use this ability, mainly in cases where you understand that the success of your ideas is guaranteed. There is no need to be afraid of being misunderstood - it is better to strive to be heard.

If you scored from 17 to 24 points: > you have excellent prerequisites for influencing the opinions and behavior of other people. In such situations, you feel like a fish out of water; it is possible that instructing, advising, convincing, and leading is your calling.

Instructions: Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions.
Questions: Can you imagine yourself as an actor or politician? Do people who dress and act extravagantly annoy you? Are you able to talk to another person about your personal experiences? Do you quickly react to disrespectful attitudes towards yourself? Do you feel bad when someone succeeds in an area that you consider important to you? Do you like to do something very difficult to demonstrate your abilities to others? Could you sacrifice everything to achieve outstanding results in your business? Do you strive to keep your circle of friends constant? Do you like to lead a measured lifestyle with a strict schedule for all activities and even entertainment? Do you like to change the decor of your home and rearrange furniture? Do you like to try new ways to solve known problems? Do you like to tease overly self-confident and arrogant people? Do you like to prove that your boss or authority figure is wrong?
Processing and interpretation of results:
Give yourself 5 points for each “yes” except the 8th question.
If you score 35-65 points, you have excellent prerequisites for influencing others, managing them, guiding them on the path of truth, and convincing them that you are right. However, you need to be careful that your position does not become aggressive and you do not turn into a fanatic or tyrant.
If you score less than 30 points, this indicates that you are not always able to convince others that you are right and influence them. Apparently, you are destined for the role of a follower.
/ Learn to give clear, concise instructions.
/ Learn to control yourself in difficult situations.
/ Discuss and test in practice the effectiveness of methods of transmitting and perceiving information.
/ Develop the ability to ask questions, listen, monitor non-verbal signals; learn to examine opinions, explain the objectives of a proposed plan, and present the advantages in such a way that they outweigh the objections.
/ Learn to distinguish and resist manipulation.
/ Learn to use knowledge about a person when influencing him.

Target: definition of the ability to inspire and influence others.

Instructions. You are asked to answer 13 questions. Try to imagine typical situations and give a “natural” answer. The answer that comes to your mind first is preferable. If you agree with the statement, put “+” (“yes”) next to its number; if you disagree, “–” – (“no”).

    Would you choose the profession of an actor or a politician?

    Do people who dress extravagantly annoy you?

    Do you allow strangers to talk about your intimate relationships?

    Do you react quickly if you feel insulted?

    Do you feel uncomfortable if your colleague is more successful at work than you?

    Would you take on a very difficult job just to prove that you can do it?

    Is the principle “the ends justify the means” always true for you?

    Do you like to be with friends often?

    Do you have a schedule for the whole day?

    Do you like to rearrange furniture in your apartment?

    Do you like using different means each time to achieve the same goal?

    Do you make fun of a person if you see that he is too self-confident?

    Do you like to expose your bosses for having inflated authority?

Processing the results. Convert your answers into points and calculate the total points:

“+”=5, “–”=0 points in points : 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13;

“+”=0, “–”=5 points in points : 2, 8, 9.

0-30 points – unfortunately, there is little that can be convinced of you. You believe that your life and the lives of other people should be strictly planned and planned in advance. Sometimes you can be exaggeratedly indecisive, which often prevents you from achieving your goals and having the desired influence on the people around you.

35-65 points – you have unique abilities to influence others, change them, you can teach them something, it’s easy for you to work with people, advise them, help them find peace of mind in difficult situations, support them. But if you are too confident in your beliefs, you can become a tyrant.

“I am a leader” technique

Target: study of operational communication skills (leadership, organizational qualities).

Instructions. Carefully read the 48 statements and choose one of five options for relating to him (preferably the option that first came to your mind):

A) "I completely agree";

b) “more likely to agree than to disagree”;

V) "Hard to say";

G) “I rather disagree than agree”;

d) “I completely disagree.”

      I don’t get lost and don’t give up in difficult situations.

      My actions are aimed at achieving a goal that is clear to me.

      I know how to overcome difficulties.

      I love searching and trying new things.

      I can easily convince my comrades of something.

      I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause.

      It's not difficult for me to get everyone to do a good job.

      All my friends treat me well.

      I know how to distribute my strength in study and work.

      I can clearly answer the question of what I want from life.

      I plan my time and work well.

      I get carried away easily by new things.

      It is easy for me to establish normal relationships with my comrades.

      When organizing my comrades, I try to interest them.

      No person is a mystery to me.

      I think it’s important that those I organize are friendly.

      If I'm in a bad mood, I don't have to show it to others.

      Achieving a goal is important to me.

      I regularly evaluate my work and my progress.

      I am willing to take risks to experience new things.

      The first impression I make is usually a good one.

      I always succeed.

      I feel well the mood of my comrades.

      I know how to cheer up a group of my friends.

      I can force myself to do exercises in the morning, even if I don’t feel like it.

      I usually achieve what I set out to achieve.

      There is no problem that I cannot solve.

      When making decisions, I go through various options.

      I know how to make any person do what I think is necessary.

      I know how to choose the right people.

      In relationships with people I achieve mutual understanding.

      I strive to be understood.

      If I encounter difficulties in my work, I don’t give up.

      I will never act like others.

      I strive to solve all problems step by step, not all at once.

      I have never acted like others.

      There is no person who could resist my charm.

      When organizing things, I take into account the opinions of my comrades.

      I find a way out of difficult situations.

      I believe that comrades, doing a common cause, must trust each other.

      No one will ever ruin my mood.

      When solving problems, I use the experience of others.

      I am not interested in doing monotonous, routine work.

      My ideas are readily accepted by my comrades.

      I know how to supervise the work of my comrades.

      I know how to find a common language with people.

      I easily manage to rally my comrades around a cause.

Processing the results. Convert your answers into points:

"A" =4 points; "b" =3 points; "V" =2 points; "G" =1 point; "d" =0 points.

Calculate the sum of points on the scales:

    Ability to manage yourself : 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41;

    Awareness of the goal (I know what I want) : 2, 10, 18, 26, 34,42.

    Problem solving skills : 3, 11, 19, 27, 35,43.

    Having a creative approach : 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44.

    Influence on others : 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45.

    Knowledge of the rules of organizational work : 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46.

    Organizational skills : 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47.

    Ability to work with a group : 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48.

    Sincerity in self-esteem : 8, 15, 22, 29, 34, 36, 41.

Before making a conclusion, you should pay attention to the points given when answering questions 8, 15, 22, 27, 29, 34, 36, 41. If more than 1 point was given for each of them, then the respondent was insincere in his self-assessment.

If on any of the scales it is less than 10, then the quality is poorly developed and we need to work on improving it; if it is more than 10, then this quality is moderately or strongly developed.

Leader - a member of a group who, in significant situations, is capable of influencing the behavior of other participants and practically leading them.

We are all constantly influenced by others, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unconsciously. Sometimes we ourselves are forced to influence people through requests, advice, support, words of comfort, and sometimes even through pressure or threats.

All of us have probably experienced the listed methods of influencing a person, and many of us ourselves have resorted to the mentioned methods.

If your job involves communicating with people, you probably have a need to influence them in some way. The following test will help you understand how good you are at influencing people.

Test. How good are you at influencing people?

Write down your answer options on a piece of paper. You can only answer “yes” or “no” to questions.

  1. If you had the opportunity, would you act in films or become involved in politics?
  2. Do people who wear extravagant clothes annoy you?
  3. Can you discuss your intimate relationship with your girlfriend (wife, husband, boyfriend) with work colleagues or acquaintances?
  4. If you are insulted, do you quickly respond to the offender?
  5. If your friend, relative or acquaintance is more successful than you, will you feel uncomfortable about this?
  6. Can you challenge yourself to take on challenging work just to prove to yourself and your loved ones that you can do it?
  7. Do you agree with the statement that “you should always achieve your goal by any means necessary”?
  8. Do you often communicate with friends?
  9. Do you plan your daily work schedule in advance?
  10. Do you like to renovate your apartment or rearrange furniture?
  11. If you often have to achieve the same goal, do you use different methods to achieve it?
  12. If you meet an overly self-confident person, do you want to make fun of him?
  13. If you have a habit of demonstrating to your superiors his lack of authority?

Now calculate the number of points you have scored using the following scheme:

  1. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 2 points;
  2. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  3. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 6 points;
  4. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  5. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  6. answer “yes” - 0 points, “no” - 5 points;
  7. answer “yes” - 0 points, “no” - 5 points;
  8. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  9. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  10. answer “yes” - 5 points, “no” - 0 points;
  11. answer “yes” – 5 points, “no” – 0 points.

Now, based on the number of points you score, determine which group you belong to and whether you can effectively influence people.

If you managed to score from 30 to 65 points, influencing a person is not difficult for you. You have unique skills of influencing people, you can change their opinions, give them new skills.

Communicating and working with people is not difficult for you, you feel at ease and comfortable with them, you can support them and, if necessary, advise them on something. But sometimes you may seem overly self-confident to others, and you may also put unnecessary pressure on your interlocutor.

If you scored from 0 to 30 points, you need to learn how to influence other people if you don’t want them to lead you. You shouldn’t assume that everything in people’s lives is predetermined and refuse new opportunities because of your own

The basis of the management profession is the ability to influence others. Do you have one?

ability, can you lead people or do you need to develop this trait

character? The test below is intended to help you find the answer to this question.

You can answer the test questions either “yes” or “no.”


1. Can you imagine yourself in the role of an actor or politician?

2. Do people who dress and act extravagantly annoy you?

3. Are you able to talk with another person about your intimate experiences?

4. Do you react immediately when you notice the slightest signs of disrespect towards your person?

5. Do you feel bad when someone succeeds in the area that you consider most important to you?

6. Do you like to do something very difficult in order to demonstrate to others your extraordinary capabilities?

7. Could you sacrifice everything to achieve outstanding results in your business?

8. Do you strive to ensure that your circle of friends remains unchanged?

9. Do you like to lead a measured lifestyle with a strict schedule for all activities and even entertainment?

10. Do you like to change the decor in your home or rearrange furniture?

11. Do you like to try new ways to solve old problems?

12. Do you like to tease overly self-confident and arrogant people?

13. Do you like to prove that your boss or someone very authoritative is wrong about something?

Processing the results.

For each match between your answers and the key, score yourself 5 points.

answer “yes” - questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13;

the answer is “no” - questions 2, 8, 9.

Diagnosis and consultation with a psychologist.

35 to 65 points. You are a person who has excellent prerequisites to effectively influence others, change their behavior patterns, teach, manage, and guide them on the right path. In these types of situations, you usually feel like a fish out of water. You are convinced that a person should not isolate himself, avoid people, stay on the sidelines and think only about himself. He must do something for others, guide them, point out mistakes made, teach them so that they feel better in the surrounding reality. Those who do not like this ideal of relationships, in your opinion, should not be spared. You are endowed with the gift of convincing others that you are right. However, you need to be very careful that your position does not become overly aggressive. In this case, you can easily turn into a fanatic or a tyrant.

30 or less points. Alas, although you are often right, you are not always able to convince others of this. You believe that your life and the lives of those around you should be subject to strict discipline, common sense and good manners, and its course should be completely predictable. You don't like to do anything by force. At the same time, you are often too restrained, not achieving the desired goal because of this, and often finding yourself misunderstood. It's a pity.

Task 3.21


Note the situations that cause you dissatisfaction or annoyance and irritation when talking with any person: be it your friend, co-worker, immediate superior, manager, or just a random interlocutor.

Situation An annoying situation
The interlocutor does not give me a chance to speak, I have something to say, but there is no way to get a word in
My interlocutor constantly interrupts me during a conversation
The person I'm talking to never looks me in the face during a conversation, and I'm not sure if he's listening to me
Conversations with such a partner often feel like a waste of time.
The interlocutor is constantly fussing, pencil, paper occupy him more than my words
The interlocutor never smiles. I feel dissatisfied and anxious
My interlocutor always distracts me with questions and comments
No matter what I say, the interlocutor always cools my ardor
The interlocutor always tries to refute me
The interlocutor distorts the meaning of my words and puts different content into them
When I ask a question, the other person makes me defensive
Sometimes the interlocutor asks me again, pretending that he didn’t hear
The interlocutor, without listening to the end, interrupts me only to agree
During a conversation, the interlocutor is concentrating on something else: playing with a cigarette, wiping the lenses of his glasses, etc., and I am sure that he is inattentive at the same time
The interlocutor draws conclusions for me
The interlocutor is always trying to insert a word into my story
The interlocutor always looks at me very carefully, without blinking
The interlocutor looks at me, as if appraising me. It bothers me
When I suggest something new, the interlocutor says that he thinks the same
When I talk about serious things, the interlocutor inserts funny stories, jokes, anecdotes
The interlocutor often looks at his watch during a conversation
The interlocutor, I enter the office, he drops his work and turns all his attention to me
The interlocutor behaves as if I am stopping him from doing something important
The interlocutor demands that everyone agree with him
Any of his statements ends with the question: “Do you think so too?” or "Do you disagree?"

Calculate the percentage of situations that cause you frustration and irritation.

70-100%. You are a bad conversationalist. You need to work on yourself and learn to listen.

40-70%. You have some shortcomings. You are critical of statements. You still lack some of the qualities of a good conversationalist. Avoid hasty conclusions, do not focus on the manner of speaking, do not pretend, do not look for the hidden meaning of what is said, do not monopolize the conversation.

10-40%. You are a good conversationalist, but sometimes you refuse your partner your full attention. Repeat his statements politely, give him time to fully express his thoughts, adapt your pace of thinking to his speech, you can be sure that communicating with you will be even more pleasant.

0-10% . You are an excellent conversationalist. Your communication style can become an example for others.

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