Why don't you lose weight? Why does weight stay the same when losing weight? Why doesn't weight loss occur during fasting and dieting?

Science does not stand still. The latest research is constantly making adjustments to dietary recommendations. Seemingly insignificant details, it turns out, can interfere with weight loss. Let's talk about the most significant factors that can become an obstacle to a slim figure.

Pharmacy drugs

Of course, we are talking about serious prescription drugs. Some anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers, antidepressants, and medications prescribed for epilepsy and diabetes can interfere with weight loss, no matter how hard you try to eat healthy and exercise more. If you are forced to take these medications and need to lose weight, try talking to your doctor about reducing the dosage or replacing the drug with a more weight-loss-friendly alternative.


No, we are not talking about calories or fat, but about some of the properties of whey protein - a protein that is found in fermented milk products. It has always been considered useful for gaining muscle mass and for the body as a whole, and it is on its basis that the best sports protein shakes are made. But in recent years, it has been discovered that in 20% of people, whey protein spikes insulin levels and interferes with weight loss. It's very easy to check if this is your case. Eliminate dairy products (including salad dressings) completely for 4 weeks. If during this time, with regular exercise and dieting, you lose 2-4 kg of weight, then you are hypersensitive to dairy products. Keep them to a minimum in the future.

Iron deficiency and hypothyroidism

Many people are unaware that they have the early stages of one of these diseases. A person is upset that he is gradually gaining weight, while feeling fatigue, loss of strength and decreased mood. Hidden anemia and the initial stage of hypothyroidism may be invisible even to doctors unless you ask for the appropriate tests. These problems are especially typical for women over 35-40 years old.

Excess carbohydrates

A very common problem! The fact is that only 15 g of carbohydrates per meal are guaranteed not to be stored in fat. What's above depends on your luck. If you are an athlete or work physically and expend a lot of energy, “excess” carbohydrates, of course, will be used to restore energy balance. Well, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, excess carbohydrates will be stored in fats. Look how many carbohydrates are in buckwheat, rice or oatmeal, which you thought were good for your figure! And you will see that you can eat no more than 50 g of cereal without worrying about your figure. What should I do? Move cereals, grains or pasta to breakfast - they are more likely to be used up during the day. And the rest of the day, get carbohydrates from vegetables or legumes; even a huge portion of them will not give more than the target 15 g. Eat fruits and berries little by little, as a snack.

Actress Yulia Grishina

Diets are the main enemy of those losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you need to change your lifestyle, and not suddenly and temporarily deprive yourself of food: a hungry body will take revenge by gaining kilograms. I advise you to start not with diets, but with movement, and you may not have to limit yourself in food.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Diets, gym, hard home workouts - maximum effort! But there is no result, and that’s it. All the same volumes, still the same sadness from the lack of results and still the same wardrobe.

Why doesn't the weight come off? What mistakes do we make, and what prevents effective weight loss?

13 main mistakes in losing weight - so why does the weight stay the same?

Oh, that treacherous arrow of the scales! Or maybe it's broken after all? What the hell, electronic scales!

And yet, why is there no weight loss after training to the point of exhaustion and half-starved daily rations?

We study the main reasons and draw conclusions!

  • You eat too much in the 2nd half of the day. That is, the largest volume of all meals occurs at this time. Yes, there are people who can eat at any time and in any quantity, but they are rather the exception. There is only one rule - “give dinner to the enemy!” And if you don’t want to give it away, then eat 2-3 hours before bedtime (note – no later!) and only light food (kefir, salad, unsweetened cookies, fruit, etc.).
  • You are a snack lover. Either during the process of preparing dinner for the household, then a sweet bun for a cup of coffee, then a piece of cake with tea for company with my husband, and so on. As a result, 5-6 meals (that’s how many you should have) turn into 8-10. Give yourself a slap when they reach for those extra calories again, and be more careful about what you eat.
  • You are used to eating while watching TV or an interesting book. If you want to achieve results, give up this bad habit. Dinner (lunch, etc.) with “something” always means more food eaten at one time, and more inches on the waist afterwards. First we eat, then we rest.
  • Hidden fats. When eating in public places, you will never know how many calories were “poured” into your dish. What if there was more than 1 tbsp of oil? Or the sour cream was too fatty. Etc. Eat at home! This way you will know exactly how many calories enter your body with food.
  • Hidden carbohydrates. Yes, yes, and they can also quietly harm your weight loss process. By the way, they are present even in diet juices.
  • You hardly drink water. But water is extremely important for burning fat, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and metabolism. At least one and a half liters per day!
  • Your sleep pattern is off or you are simply getting too little sleep. And with disturbed sleep or lack of sleep, insulin and sugar levels rise above normal. In addition, normal, sound sleep helps burn calories.
  • You haven't noticed any muscle growth. Don't forget that intense training is not only about burning fat, but also about growing muscle mass. That is, the excess goes away, and the muscles grow and strengthen. As a result, you don’t see the effect, although it exists.
  • You eat once or twice a day, but a solid portion. Also not an option. You need to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day and in mini portions, so that the food is well absorbed and is not deposited on the sides.
  • You eat on the run, swallowing food like a boa constrictor. Wrong approach! Stop and eat like a human. The slower, the faster you will be full, the better you will chew the food, and the better/faster it will be absorbed.
  • Your diet is too monotonous. You may be lacking any vitamins, minerals or proteins. Create a balanced menu for yourself so that your body has enough of everything.
  • Everyone's metabolic rate is different. The higher it is, the faster we lose weight. But in addition to individual factors, it is also influenced by age, general condition, time of day, etc.
  • You have problems with your digestive system. If you experience symptoms such as heartburn, frequent bloating or high acidity, stomach pain, constipation, etc., then you need to go to a gastroenterologist and have your body checked. And the main thing, of course, is to choose the right products. Avoid foods that are too heavy and cause bloating and heartburn. Switch to foods that help your gastrointestinal tract (fermented milk products, olive oil, dried fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, beets, etc.).

Of course, there are many more factors that influence weight “maintenance.” But the main thing is proper nutrition, daily routine and proper physical activity.

And just in case, check your thyroid gland. It often happens that this is the reason.

What to do if I’m not losing weight, although I don’t eat much and do sports - recommendations for effective weight loss

If you don’t go too far into science and put it simply, metabolism is the rate at which all foods eaten are converted directly into calories.

Some people who are losing weight naively believe that eating little is enough to lose weight. Unfortunately, this is only partly true, because for a full metabolism, proper nutrition alone is not enough, and you need to approach the problem comprehensively.

So what should you do if you're working hard but not losing weight?

  • We count calories and correlate the number of calories eaten with your daily load. The body should receive exactly as many calories as it burns during the day.
  • Balanced diet. We give preference to complex carbohydrates, replace sugar with honey, buns and sweets with dried fruits and nuts, berries, refuse fried foods immediately and categorically, add fish, etc. There is no need for drastic restrictions on food! There is no need to torment yourself with kefir-buckwheat diets or sitting on apples for 7 days a month. We replace all unhealthy foods with healthy ones, split up meals (5-6 times a day), drink water, and don’t eat before bed.
  • Counting calories! There are many tables for this, and it is not possible to determine your work rate today, in our age of the Internet.
  • Nobody forces you to lift weights and “kill” time in the gym drying. Even with a full workload, you can find an opportunity to help your body. Do you live above the 3rd floor? No elevators! Only on foot! Do you have 2-3 stops to get to work? Get out early and stomp your feet. Do you vacuum your apartment? Turn on some music and vacuum while dancing. And if you have the opportunity to ride a bike, swim and jog, that’s absolutely perfect!
  • Try to exercise outside. And in general, be outside more. Oxygen is necessary for full metabolism.
  • And again - about water. Soups, tea/coffee by the liter and juices on the run are not water, they are “other liquids”. You should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Moreover, not in one gulp, but in sips and slowly, dividing the daily volume into several doses.
  • We drink tea and coffee without sugar. Or better yet, give them up altogether. We replace it with kefir, water, natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks.
  • Let's replenish our Vitamin D reserves! That is, we take walks in the sun more often.
  • We sleep at least 7 hours a night (exactly overnight, don’t disrupt your routine even on vacation).
  • In the morning - take a shower! With the help of a contrast shower, you will help strengthen your body as a whole, improve blood circulation and, accordingly, increase metabolism. We start with cool water, then move to warm, and finish with cold. In the evening it’s the other way around.
  • Don't forget to have breakfast! This is generally the most important meal of the day. It is breakfast that energizes you for the whole day. The ideal option is oatmeal with berries and nuts, whole grain bread with low-fat cheese, omelet or cottage cheese.
  • We eat citrus fruits. These fruits contain essential citric acid, which plays a significant role in the energy cycle.
  • We build muscle mass. The higher the muscle mass, the higher the metabolic rate (proven fact): every 1 kg of muscle is 13 calories consumed/day to support it. For comparison: 1 kg of fat “eats” only 5 calories. Strength training means activating all the muscles of the body and actively burning calories, which means speeding up metabolism.
  • We regularly change the intensity of the load. This strategy will help you burn calories more efficiently. Note: the higher the intensity of the exercise, the longer the increase in metabolic rate will be.
  • Products with Omega-3 are a must in the diet! With their help, we regulate the level of the hormone leptin, which affects the rate at which the body burns fat. Look for essential acids in fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil. Or just drink fish oil.
  • Strict diets are a disaster! That is, we refuse diets that require 1200 calories consumed per day. With them, muscle mass is lost, and we really need it to increase metabolism. A diet that is too strict results in a decrease in metabolism and, as a result, a quick return of lost kilograms after a hunger strike.
  • We maintain a (strict!) balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Your daily diet includes 40% carbohydrates with proteins and only 20% fat.
  • Don't forget about foods that help burn fat. We eat oatmeal and broccoli, always fresh vegetables, various types of fish and flax seeds, spinach, grapefruits and cinnamon, seaweed and liver (this is not the whole list, of course, but the most effective products).

Well, don’t forget about other, no less pleasant ways to speed up your metabolism. That is, about positive emotions, outdoor recreation, bathhouse or sauna, sex, sports.

And - stop looking at the scales!

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1.MONODIETS. If you sit on rice, bananas, juices or apples for a week, you will definitely lose something, but there is no point in continuing in the same spirit. The weight will freeze at one point. This also happens when you give up fatty, starchy or sweet foods: at first you lose a little weight, but then your body gets used to it and flatly refuses to rid you of the extra pounds.
Solution: switch to other diets.

2. CYCLE WEIGHT STOP. Premenstrual syndrome and menstrual periods themselves very often cause swelling and retention of excess fluid. Regardless of what diet you are on, you can gain up to 2 kg!
Solution: wait for the situation to resolve naturally and then drink diuretic tea for 2-3 days.

3.YO-YO EFFECT. This is one of the side effects of fasting. After him, they recruit everything, and in large quantities. Low-calorie restrictive diets have the same property. As soon as you switch to a normal diet, the weight is gained again. A sort of weight swing: you lose 10 kg - you gain 12 kg, you lose 12 kg - you gain 15 kg.
Solution: do not get carried away with blitz diets that guarantee quick results. Only slow, comprehensive weight loss programs provide lasting results.

4. FORCED Feasts. Even one or two a month can significantly slow down, or even stop, weight loss. It’s not easy to be consistent and restrained when you see a table laden with food.
Solution: do not expose yourself to temptation, the consequences of a breakdown are too tragic - overeating and weight return not only to the previous level, but also to a higher level.

5.SEPARATE FOOD. This health-improving exercise improves digestion and well-being, but never reduces weight to the desired level. Usually those who don’t count calories eat this way.
Solution: reduce the number of calories.

6. EXCEPTION OF SALT. Salt-free diets always stop weight loss, since weight loss occurs only by squeezing water out of tissues. There will be no further effect. Increased fatigue will appear, the body will become lazy and save movement, and the fluid will return back. What kind of weight loss is that?
Solution: if you are prone to swelling and during PMS, limit yourself to smoked foods and pickles. You can't give up salt completely.

7. GYMNASTICS FOR THE LAZY. This is also called vibration and electrical myostimulation, hydromassage and other salon procedures that remove fat deposits only from problem areas. But as soon as your body contours improve, the weight will stop falling. Further waste of time and money is useless.
Exit: involve active gymnastics and reduce caloric intake.

8. WEIGHT HAS REACHED REAL. If, in the opinion of the organization, your weight is optimal, the weight loss process will be temporarily suspended. He will perceive your further persistence as an attempt at exhaustion, and everything he eats will be put aside in reserve for a rainy day.
Solution: set realistic goals and do not try to deceive nature, heredity and constitutional characteristics.

9.PUMPING MUSCLES. Very often, weight gain stops when the muscles are given a lot of force in the absence of adequate nutrition. The body can’t stand it and begins to “fail.” You get tired and miss classes. As a result, the weight returns, often to an even higher level. Way out: moderate but regular physical activity - step aerobics, water aerobics, swimming, running or just walking, but an hour a day at a fast or medium pace. This is the only way to achieve what you want - to lose weight forever.

10. INSUFFICIENT SLEEP. If you don't get enough sleep, your body looks for other ways to restore energy. Most often, this leads to you overeating in order to stay awake. In addition, when experiencing a lack of sleep, people more often give preference to unhealthy snacks - candy, buns, hamburgers. Therefore, try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep at night.
11. IMBALANCE OF NUTRITION AND MOVEMENT. According to research by US movement experts, many people believe that by playing sports they can eat whatever they want. Of course, muscle mass is formed as a result of exercise, but if you want to see how your body shape changes, slow down with calories.
12. TOO MUCH STRESS. Stress acts like lack of sleep: people lose control over what they eat. In addition, many refuse physical activity, citing the fact that they do not have free time. However, physical activity is one of the most effective means of combating stress.
13. FOOD AS THE ENEMY. Limiting the consumption of your favorite foods and dividing food into “good” and “bad” will not achieve anything. Eat what you like, just a little less. And remember that you must eat after training. By skipping meals after exercising, you won't burn more calories. On the contrary, the body will switch on starvation mode and everything you eat will then go into “reserves” - fat deposits. After training, a light meal containing proteins, carbohydrates and fats (for example, yogurt) is recommended.
14. LACK OF PERSISTENCE. Not everyone succeeds in losing weight the first time. It is important not to give up and continue to fight - sooner or later the result will come. Maybe you just need to reconsider the means you use in the fight against excess weight

You have thoroughly prepared and decided to lose weight as correctly as possible. We developed a nutrition system for ourselves, planned physical activity, and even kept a diary for recording the results. But then the euphoria from the first kilograms lost passed, and the process stopped. The weight stays the same, what should I do? The first thought is to tighten the diet, but don’t rush, this is a dead end. As a result, you will still fall off, and the kilograms will return with weight gain. In this case, you need to wait a little. But several weeks pass, and the scale needle still does not move, the weight stays the same. We will decide together what to do in this case.

Plateau effect

This is exactly what this unpleasant phenomenon is called. Every nutritionist knows that there comes a time when weight stands still. What to do? First of all, don't panic. If you do everything correctly, the calm period will pass and the kilograms will begin to melt away again. The main reason for this phenomenon is a slowdown in metabolism. Sometimes this happens in the first week, and sometimes after several weeks or even months. And all because, in an effort to get results faster, you try to eat as little as possible; in response, the body reduces not weight, but energy consumption. As a result, it slows down and the weight stays the same. What to do? You don't need to eat as little as possible, you need to eat right and eat healthy foods.

Let's look at the weight loss process soberly

Having focused ourselves on weight loss, we try to subject all processes to one rule - every day the scales should show at least a little less. In order to see at least immediate results, a person refuses liquids and avoids large meals, even if they are vegetables, low-calorie and very healthy foods. And at the same time, he also sits in the sauna, drinks diuretics and laxatives. It should be noted that it will come very quickly, and then the positive dynamics will stop. Disappointment, breakdown, weight gain - this is the cycle that many people go through. In the best case, a person will turn to a specialist and ask what to do if the weight stays the same. We will list the reasons that the doctor will voice a little later.

Our body is a complex system

Every second a huge number of biochemical processes take place in the body, each of which requires “fuel”, energy. Breathing, heart contractions, maintaining muscle tone and body temperature, cell division - all this requires a constant supply of resources. The body can obtain energy from two sources - external (food) and internal (fat reserves). Theoretically, if you reduce your food intake, the body should begin to empty its pantries. But there is a very important psychological component here. If you perceive it as violence against yourself, and every day is like torture, then the alarmed body will protect reserves by any means, the very first of which is reducing energy expenditure. To prevent this from happening, you need a good psychological attitude. You are not on a diet, your lifestyle is just changing. You do not deprive the unfortunate body of the last chocolate bar, but replace it with a complete and healthy breakfast or dinner.

Cases from life

We will clearly demonstrate to you why weight stays the same when losing weight. Imagine a person who for a long time did not want to notice the accumulating fat. At one fine moment he “woke up” and resolutely got down to business. And in the most radical way, with the help of a hunger strike. At first, the weight dropped quickly, about 3 kg per week, and then it stopped. Severe weakness has appeared, and the person can now feel normal only by lying in bed. The last week of fasting - and the result is minus 400 g. Moreover, only 150 g of fat, the rest is the most important protein, that is, liver, muscle, and blood cells.

Let's do some simple calculations. In a week I lost 150 g of fat, which is only about 1500 kcal. That is, only about 200 kcal were consumed per day. Normally, our body simply spends about 1,700 kcal per day to maintain all processes without taking into account external physical activity. That is, the metabolism slowed down tenfold.

Refusal to lose weight

After the described stress, a person may decide to give up the idea of ​​losing weight and start eating as before. But it will not come into full force soon, which means that normal nutrition will serve as a source of new extra pounds. It should be taken into account that the body remembers any violence against itself for a long time. If after some time you try to reintroduce a strict diet restriction, your metabolism will slow down even faster, and it will take even longer to recover when you return to normal nutrition.

Reasons why weight stays the same

The first and most important reason is a decrease in caloric intake. The fewer calories you take in, the greater the chance that your calorie expenditure will also decrease. But there is one caveat: with a moderate, comfortable reduction in calorie intake, the rate of metabolic processes, on the contrary, increases. No overeating means no drowsiness. The better your sleep, and the next morning you will be full of strength and energy. This is the most common answer to the question of why weight sometimes stays the same on a diet. At the same time, a smooth and gradual decrease in calorie intake, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the activity of hormones that have a fat-breaking effect.

The second reason, surprisingly, is a violation of the ratio of fats and carbohydrates. If there are few carbohydrates (and it is easiest to get energy from them), then the economy mode is activated. Therefore (porridge) should always be in the diet. Basically, this rule applies to a deficiency of any important element, be it amino acids, vitamins, minerals or omega-3s. Therefore, it is very important that the diet is balanced.

Finally, the last reason is too much physical activity. A person limits his diet and begins to train hard, but after a week he notices that he has lost virtually no weight. But intense physical activity does not increase the breakdown of fat, but more often the opposite. They waste energy that the body draws from carbohydrates; fats cannot be broken down so quickly.

How to avoid falling into the trap

First of all, there is no need to focus on weight loss. It often happens that volumes go away, but weight stays the same. This indicates a loss of fluid, which is quickly compensated. You need to come up with a clear strategy that isn't too complicated or overwhelming, and stick to it. Do not resort to diets; the process of losing weight should not be reduced to a week of self-torture. Sleep well and have plenty of sleep. Eat right, your diet should contain enough protein and complex carbohydrates. You should only give up sweets and fatty foods. Don't tire yourself out with hard training; regular walking is quite sufficient.

If you have already experienced the plateau effect

Do not try to set yourself a regime even more severe than it was. As you can see, this path does not lead to good results. After a couple of weeks, “tightening the screws” will stop working and the weight will stop again. And by returning to your usual diet, you will very quickly gain back the lost kilograms. Try taking a few steps back. Add a small list of products to your diet and review your nutrition system. You need to make it as comfortable as possible, because this is not a diet, but a new way of life. Set aside time for yourself to walk, at least a few stops after work, get enough sleep, and soon you will see how the weight slowly but surely begins to decrease.

Fans of all kinds of diets have probably encountered such a phenomenon during a diet as stopping weight loss. It seems that you are following the diet with all strictness and there is still a long way to go before it ends, but the scales show the same mark. What to do - is it worth continuing to diet and how? Why has your body stopped getting rid of excess weight, from your point of view? There are undoubtedly very important reasons for this.

Causes of excess weight
Excess weight in the body is ensured by fats that accumulate in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Proteins do not have the ability to accumulate in the body. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the liver.

Fats (lipids) in the human body perform a number of very important functions:

  1. They are a structural component of cell membranes and affect their permeability, protect the cell from negative influences, and take part in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  2. They take part in the absorption of certain vitamins (they are called fat-soluble). This is , E, D, K. without fats they will not be absorbed and the body will feel their deficiency;
  3. Promote the accumulation of certain biochemical substances, for example, female sex hormones;
  4. Fats are a reserve of energy in the body; they create a protective layer of the body that protects it from excessive hypothermia and water loss. Fats also create a protective barrier to tissues and organs from mechanical damage.

    Based on this, it is quite obvious why your body is not going to, and may not, get rid of such important nutrients so easily and quickly. Since fat metabolism is much slower than the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, your diet should contain significantly less fat. In addition, a number of factors influence the intensity of fat metabolism. First of all, this is the age and hormonal background of the body, as well as physical activity (its quantity and intensity). These factors are equally influential in both female and male bodies. But a woman also has some physiological characteristics that can affect fat metabolism. These are the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Fat metabolism is regulated with the direct participation of the central nervous system. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between the state of the nervous system and fat metabolism, especially during weight loss.

    The simplest formula for calculating the correct weight is height (in centimeters) minus 100 cm. If your weight differs greatly from that calculated by the formula in the direction of increase, then you should reconsider your diet to ensure it is correct. Also think about the possibility that your excess weight has psychological roots.

    The diet should be chosen correctly
    There are so many diets, so many views on the nutritional system for effective weight loss. There are many strict diets, and there are also satisfying diets. It is important that before you go on a diet, you study it in detail. This way you will have an idea of ​​the set of products that are prohibited and those that are allowed. It is advisable to test the chosen diet on yourself for one or two days. So you will understand whether you can withstand it or whether you should look for another one.

    Do not forget to be interested in the side effects of a certain diet on the body. This way you can comprehensively assess the correctness and usefulness of the diet specifically for your body.

    However, no matter what diet you choose, there are a few important tips to keep in mind.

    1. Proteins, vitamins and microelements should be present in your diet every day. Pay special attention to the presence of proteins with essential amino acids, which the body can only obtain from food (the body can synthesize essential amino acids on its own);
    2. Meals must be regular. Meals should be at least two to three times a day;
    3. The last meal should take place at least six hours before you go to bed;
    4. The diet is selected and all its instructions are followed, the weight begins to gradually decrease. But at some point you notice that the weight is not falling.

    Physiological and biochemical causes of dietary plateaus
    The first reason is hormonal metabolic disorders. Obesity can be accompanied by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function), lack of pituitary function, Cushing's syndrome (excess adrenal function) and many others. If the weight does not want to decrease, you should consult a doctor for examination.

    The second reason is age-related changes. During menopause in women, the layer of fat begins to act as a storehouse for the sex hormones estrogen. To weaken this effect, try adding plants to your food that contain a plant analogue of estrogen (phytoestrogen) - legumes, rowan fruits, hop and sage decoctions. However, before you do, consult your doctor about adding these plants to your diet. It's not safe to joke with hormones.

    The third reason is the inferiority of the water regime. Water is as necessary for the body as food, and even more. If a person can live without food for several weeks, then without water he will die within 4-5 days. Different diets offer their own minimum daily fluid intake. The difference is that we all weigh differently. Accordingly, the amount of water consumed should be different. You can calculate the most accurate amount of liquid you need using the following formula. For every kilogram of weight you need 30 ml of water. So calculate how much liquid you should drink every day.

    The fourth reason is lack of nutrition at the cellular level. It happens that you have eaten a lot, but still want to eat. This may indicate that the cells in your body are deficient in some substance. For example, a constant desire to eat something sweet signals us about a lack of zinc and chromium in the body. If this is indeed the case, then it will be quite sufficient and useful to use special vitamin and mineral supplements or complex preparations. When choosing drugs, preference should be given to the so-called nutraceuticals. These drugs are created on the basis of nanotechnology and their components penetrate cells effortlessly.

    It should be unambiguous. The question is in what quantities. Don't overdo it and don't try to work out in the gym until you lose your pulse. This will do you absolutely no good. Weak loads will also not give the desired result. Start with active movement (long walks, race walking, running) and supplement it with physical activity in moderate quantities (exercises with dumbbells, exercise machines, etc.).

    Psychological reasons for stopping weight loss
    In the case when all of the above influences are excluded, then there is every reason to believe that further weight loss is blocked by your central nervous system. So she wants to protect you from various negative influences. So what to do? Try to bypass the nervous system and make the diet more strict, or not torment yourself and listen to your body?

    Naturally, for the benefit of the body, it is better to go with the second choice. You have already received some positive results from using the diet, which means your efforts were not completely in vain. Another thing is that you need to figure out what the nervous system wants to protect you from.

    You are nervous and constantly stressed. When you yourself are unable to change anything, there is only one solution - you need to let go of the situation. Perhaps it will be then that it will resolve itself. You should limit your worry. Moreover, very often stress is “eaten up” with high-calorie foods. The problem is not solved, but you get short-term pleasure (and extra pounds).

    Problems at work (in personal life). The point is not that you have problems (every person has them). What matters is how you react to its presence. American writer Louise Hay gave a simple explanation for her reluctance to lose weight. Since fat performs a protective function in the body, people who suffer from some deep internal fears and problems begin to become overgrown with fat in order to protect themselves from them. There is a way out, and like everything ingenious, it is simple - love yourself for who you are. And the extra pounds will soon go away on their own without any effort.

    Love yourself for what you simply are, and not for some actions or special qualities. This love should be sought first of all in yourself. When you are confident and cheerful, you feel how energy overwhelms you. In a depressed state, when there is a catastrophic lack of energy, the nervous system gives a signal about its accumulation in the form of subcutaneous fat. Be optimistic, love yourself, and you won’t mind being overweight.

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