Is it possible to bring down a temperature of 38 in a baby? Normal temperature in a newborn baby

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Fever in a child, regardless of his age, always causes anxiety in parents. Especially when it comes to a newborn, since his immune system is weakened.

What temperature should a healthy child have?

We are all accustomed to the fact that a healthy person’s temperature does not exceed 36.6 degrees, and when we see 37 on the thermometer, we immediately begin to sound the alarm, as it is believed that this is the first sign of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. But this does not apply to newborn children. Their Temperatures can fluctuate around 37 degrees, plus or minus half a degree. It all depends on the child’s physiology.

To find out what temperature is normal for your child, you need to measure it every day at the same time. It is worth noting that newborn babies easily overheat and also freeze easily. A child's temperature may be low in the morning, and high in the evening, around 18:00-22:00. Therefore, the best time to measure temperature in order to find out the norm for a child is from 13:00 to 15:00.

In normal conditions, as a rule, the baby's skin is pinkish in color, clean, moist and warm to the touch. At high temperatures (above 38 degrees), the palms and heels of the baby remain cold (this is due to poor circulation), and the skin becomes hot and pale. A rash may appear on the skin.

How to correctly measure the temperature of a newborn?

You can measure a child’s temperature in the usual way (in the armpit), or in the mouth and rectum. Typically, the temperature of newborns is measured through the rectum with a special thermometer. But it is worth considering that when choosing this method of measuring temperature, it will always be higher than normal (from 37.6 degrees to 38). Therefore, there is no need to be afraid.

What can cause a fever in a child?

The causes of elevated temperature in a newborn can be various factors - from harmless overheating to infectious diseases that pose a serious threat to life. The most common reasons are:

  • overheating (staying outside for a long time in the summer or excessively wrapping a child);
  • frequent;
  • prolonged crying;
  • excessively high activity;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the elevated temperature. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to tell when and how much the baby’s temperature rose, as well as about the medications that were given to the child for several days and in what doses.

You should not diagnose your child and treat him or her on your own. After all, an elevated temperature in a child can be a “bell” for parents, which notifies them that they urgently need to run to the doctor or call a specialist at home. If you do not have the opportunity to get to the hospital on your own, and the doctor will only be able to arrive in a few hours, you should not wait. You need to urgently call an ambulance.

How to reduce a baby's temperature?

Today there are a huge number of antipyretic drugs for newborns. The most famous are Nurofen, Ibufen, Children's Paracetomol, as well as children's Cefecon suppositories. But before giving them to your child, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should a child be given acetylsalicylic acid, as it can seriously harm the gastrointestinal tract. Before the doctor arrives, wiping the baby’s body with a cloth soaked in warm water diluted with vinegar will help reduce the temperature. You should also ensure your baby drinks plenty of fluids.

When should you call an ambulance?

You need to call an ambulance when:

  • the child’s temperature does not drop with the help of antipyretics;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • prolonged crying;
  • the baby refuses the breast and bottle;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • a rash appears on the body;
  • convulsions appear;
  • if the child strains his neck and does not allow him to tuck his chin to his chest;
  • The color of the child’s urine changes (becomes cloudy);
  • the child rarely urinates;
  • rapid heartbeat and noisy breathing;
  • if the child rolls his eyes or twitches his arms and legs;
  • the baby becomes lethargic (does not eat, does not drink and sleeps constantly);
  • the child has chronic diseases;
  • Repeated attempts to bring down the temperature are unsuccessful.

The presence of these signs requires urgent calling an ambulance. The sooner a doctor arrives and examines the child, the faster the cause of your child’s fever will be eradicated.

Any illness in young children causes concern among parents. The most common problem is fever in infants. In order to properly provide first aid to a child, you need to know the reasons for the increase in indicators and the normal values ​​for infants of different ages.

Reasons for the increase

In infants, many systems are not yet fully formed, which often causes temperature changes. The main reasons for increased temperature in infants:

  • viral, bacterial, less often fungal infections;
  • stress, prolonged crying, hysteria, active games;
  • teething;
  • intestinal infections;
  • allergy;
  • stomatitis;
  • dehydration - occurs if the child already eats protein foods, but drinks little.

A child with fever after vaccination is a common occurrence. It should not cause concern to parents. This is how the body fights microbes, produces antibodies and immunity to them. Usually it is enough to give an antipyretic drug once to normalize the indicators. But if high values ​​last more than 2 days, the baby is not feeling well, you need to show the baby to the doctor, post-vaccination complications may occur.

Child's well-being

When an infant’s temperature rises, it is necessary to focus not only on the thermometer readings, but also on the child’s general well-being and behavior. If the fever occurs without symptoms of disease - no cough or snot, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, the baby is active, eats and sleeps well, then there is no need to lower the values.

How do diseases manifest themselves?

  • colds, bacterial infections - cough, runny nose, redness of the throat, temperature always rises sharply to 38 degrees or more;
  • when teething, salivation increases, the gums become swollen and red, the baby constantly puts fingers and objects in his mouth, the temperature lasts no more than 3 days;
  • intestinal, rotavirus infections – diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite;
  • stomatitis – the oral mucosa turns red, ulcers appear, and salivation increases;
  • when dehydration occurs, the fontanel recedes, the child’s breathing and pulse quicken, he cries, but there are no tears;
  • with allergies, rashes appear on the skin, the cheeks turn red, and the temperature increases slightly;
  • after vaccination there are no special symptoms, there is slight redness and swelling at the site of vaccine administration.

Important! Children under six months old rarely have colds, since their body is protected by antibodies received at birth from their mother. Babies over 6 months old who are breastfed get sick less often than formula-fed babies.

Normal temperature parameters

Temperature indicators in children of the first year of life are somewhat different from adult values. The normal temperature in newborns in the first few days of life is 37–37.5 degrees, then it drops to 36–37 units.

Average temperature readings for one-month-old babies:

  • in the armpit – 36–37.4;
  • in the mouth – 36.6–37.2;
  • rectal – 36.9–37.7.

By the beginning of 3–4 months, a body temperature of up to 37.2–37.4 degrees is considered normal. After 6 months, values ​​should not exceed 37 units. Normal temperature readings are individual for each child. To determine them, it is necessary to measure the temperature three times a day for several days in three different ways. Measurements should be taken in the morning immediately after waking up, half an hour after a day's walk and feeding, and in the evening before bed. The data obtained should be recorded and used in the future when measuring temperature at different times of the day.

Important! Adult values ​​of 36.6 degrees are established in children by the beginning of the second year of life.

First aid for promotion

If your baby has a fever, the first thing to do is ventilate and humidify the air in the room.

How to reduce fever without medication:

  • ensure plenty of drinking - the best drink for children under one year old is considered to be raisin decoction, but if the baby doesn’t like it, let him drink what he wants, all liquid should be at body temperature;
  • Breastfed babies are put to the breast more often;
  • dress the baby in loose and light clothes;
  • make an air bath - completely undress the baby, remove the diaper, leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • moisten a napkin in water at room temperature and place it on your forehead.

Small children should absolutely not be wiped with vodka, alcohol, or vinegar. Due to the fact that the skin of babies has a higher permeability than that of adults, such actions can lead to severe intoxication. Rubbing with cold water is also contraindicated - this causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the skin, the child becomes less hot to the touch, but the internal organs begin to suffer from overheating. To reduce the temperature, infants should not be given tea with raspberries, honey, or linden decoction - these drinks can cause allergies. They have a strong diaphoretic effect, which can cause dehydration in a small child.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that one of the main reasons for fever in children under 5–6 months is overheating. Parents are constantly trying to dress the baby warmer, wrap him up, heat the room, and are afraid to ventilate the room too much. The thermoregulation system in children is imperfect, so hot and dry air in the bedroom may well cause an increase in temperature.

Important! The normal temperature in a children's room is 22-24 degrees, and if the baby has a fever of 19-20, the humidity should always be between 50-70%.


It is necessary to use antipyretics based on the baby’s well-being. Some children tolerate a temperature of even 39 degrees well, others feel ill even at 38. Safe antipyretic drugs for children in the first year of life are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. They are produced in the form of syrups and rectal suppositories. The dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the doctor, taking into account the weight and age of the baby. It is prohibited to treat infants with Aspirin, Analgin, or medications based on them.

Approximate doses of medications for high fever:

  1. Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan). A single dosage is 15 mg/kg; it can be given to a child 4 times a day, but not more than 60 mg/kg.
  2. Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen). Single dosage – 10 mg/kg, taken three times a day, but not more than 25–30 mg/kg per day.

At readings up to 38.5, it is necessary to bring down the temperature if the baby has pale skin, the feet and palms are cold, there is increased drowsiness, the child refuses to eat and drink.

Important! Infants under 2 months, children with a tendency to seizures, and with any severe chronic diseases should be given antipyretics when the readings rise above 37.5 degrees. If the temperature does not go down within 30–40 minutes, you need to call an ambulance, since high levels are extremely dangerous for such children.

An increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, since most pathogenic microbes die at 38 degrees, so doctors do not recommend rushing to take antipyretics. But if the fever does not subside, the child’s well-being worsens, it is necessary to give medicine, strictly following the instructions for use.

Did you know that the temperature of a newborn is an indicator of the general condition of the small organism? Its deviations up or down signal a possible pathology. Let's find out what a child's temperature should be in the first month of life.

Immediately after birth, the baby's body temperature corresponds to the mother's body temperature. But after an hour it decreases by 1-1.5 degrees. After a few more hours, this indicator stops at 36.5 degrees - this is provided that the baby is healthy.

In the first week, temperatures are stable and amount to 37 degrees. But if the child’s mother is concerned that he will freeze and begins to dress him warmer, then sharp jumps to 38-39 degrees are possible. Pediatricians advise young mothers not to wrap their baby up. To create comfortable conditions for him, it is enough to avoid drafts and ensure that the room temperature is at least 20 degrees.

In the first three months, the baby's thermoregulation depends on the environment. In a dry and stuffy room, the temperature of a newborn baby will increase, and in a cold room it will decrease. Therefore, it is important not to overheat the baby, as well as to prevent hypothermia.

Features of premature babies

Babies born prematurely react more sharply to environmental conditions. This is due to the immaturity of the hypothalamus. Such children can react quickly to the slightest overheating, and if an infectious disease occurs, their body temperature can remain normal.

Their daily temperature fluctuations are less developed than in children born at term. Immediately after birth, premature babies are placed in a special incubator, where it is possible to organize optimal conditions and prevent sudden changes in body temperature.

The temperature of a newborn is normal

Let's find out what temperature a newborn should have. The normal temperature for a baby in the first year of life is considered to be 37-37.5 degrees. More precise parameters are given in the table:

The usual temperature for adults is 36.6°C by the end of the first year of life.

Decreased performance

Mothers need to remember that a newborn’s temperature is 37°C – a normal indicator. A strong decrease or increase in temperature indicates a possible illness, so it is important to know what factors can influence temperature fluctuations.

If we are talking about a decrease, then the reason may be cooling. For example, when walking outside, when the baby is lightly dressed, or when swimming in water that is not warm enough. A low temperature may be a protective response to a decrease in normal blood glucose levels. This is the case when the child was poorly fed before bedtime and sleeps for more than three hours.

In order to even out the baby’s temperature, it is enough to eliminate provoking factors: dress the baby warmly, warm him up, wake him up and give him breastfeeding.

Causes of increased body temperature

There can be many of them. The main one is banal overheating. If the child is in a stuffy room, dressed very warmly, then the temperature will not take long to rise. During summer walks with your baby on the street, you should not allow him to come into contact with direct sunlight. The baby can get not only overheating, but also sunstroke.

The temperature of a newborn can rise to low-grade levels (37.1-38.0 °C) with indigestion or colic. This is a nonspecific response of the body, but it is considered to be the norm.

How do you understand that an increase in temperature is associated with a disease?

If this is a viral pathology, then pronounced accompanying symptoms will be present:

  • lacrimation
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • possible cough.

The temperature rises to 38-38.5 °C. The addition of a bacterial infection is indicated by a mark on the thermometer above 38.5 °C. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

High rates may indicate the following pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • transient vibrations.

Transient fluctuations in body temperature often occur against the background of normal health. They develop with disorders of the central nervous system of a congenital or acquired nature. The most serious pathology is a birth injury to the brain.

But there are also independently occurring transient oscillations. They are possible if the child was born with hypoxia or there were problems during the birth period. This increase in body temperature normalizes over time.

Types of temperature and symptoms

There are four types of hyperthermia in infants:

  1. Subfebrile (37-37.9 °C).
  2. Febrile (38-38.9 °C).
  3. Pyretic (39-39.9 °C).
  4. Hyperpyretic (over 40°C).

If you observe a baby with a temperature of 37.5 degrees, without deterioration in the general condition or additional symptoms, it means that the baby is overheated. In most cases, this temperature in a newborn is normal; a slight increase occurs due to imperfect thermoregulation.

Low-grade fever is observed during ARVI - the baby experiences weakness and becomes capricious. If there is pain in the throat, the baby will have trouble eating and cry. There is also nasal congestion and sneezing. If the inflammation process descends lower into the pharynx, then pharyngitis may develop. In this case, the child will be bothered by a cough. Sleep becomes light and short.

In infectious diseases, body temperature is of a pyretic type. She is dangerous and requires immediate initiation of therapeutic treatment. The most common cause of high fever in infants is pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease there is a dry cough, which quickly turns into a wet one. Cough attacks are especially pronounced after sleep. Shortness of breath is indicated by pale skin around the mouth when crying. When breathing, the nostril wings swell and the supraclavicular areas sink.

Please note: poor thermoregulation can cause pneumonia in the absence of fever. If your child has wheezing, symptoms of respiratory failure, or cough, be sure to show him or her to the doctor.

A high temperature without symptoms of respiratory pathology indicates a urinary tract infection. It is difficult to trace pronounced symptoms in infants. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease after passing tests.

A high temperature in a newborn baby may be a symptom of omphalitis. This is an inflammation of the umbilical wound. An unhealed navel is a gateway to various types of infections. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to it when the baby has an elevated temperature. Inflammation will be indicated by redness, discharge, and suppuration in the area of ​​the umbilical wound.

Features of fever in infants

There are two types of fever:

  • Red - characterized by dilation of peripheral vessels. At the same time, the baby’s body is hot and red. This is a less dangerous type of fever. It can be eliminated fairly quickly with the help of antipyretics.
  • White - with it, spasm of peripheral vessels occurs. The child's forehead is hot, and his hands and feet are pale and cold. The condition is dangerous due to the possibility of developing seizures. It is urgent to give the baby an antipyretic. You can apply dry heat to your feet: a heated diaper, a heating pad. Do not rub your baby with vinegar, water, or alcohol. This threatens with dangerous consequences - vasospasm.


Prevention of fluctuations in body temperature in infants consists of observing the following conditions:

  • room temperature should be between 20-24 degrees;
  • for night sleep, the child is covered with a cotton or wool blanket;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • in hot weather, provide plenty of fluids and frequent breastfeeding;
  • walk on sunny days in shaded places (parks, squares);
  • dress your baby according to the weather.

These simple rules will help avoid overheating and hypothermia of an infant.


The temperature of a newborn baby depends on the surrounding microclimate. Here are the main points that all new parents should know:

  • To prevent temperature increases and decreases, dress your child according to the weather:
  • at temperatures up to 37.5 °C, provided the baby is in good condition, there is no reason to worry;
  • low body temperature in infants is caused by hypothermia or a decrease in blood glucose levels in order to increase it, sufficiently warm or feed the baby;
  • if the temperature rises to 38 degrees, you must consult a doctor;
  • if you observe symptoms of white fever in a baby: hot forehead, cold and pale hands and feet - call an ambulance, this condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of seizures;
  • high temperature without accompanying symptoms indicates a urinary tract infection;
  • high fever can be caused by inflammation of the umbilical wound.

Dear visitors, leave your comments and share the link to the article with your friends on social networks. It is important for all parents to know what temperature a newborn has is normal, and what temperature indicates the development of pathology.

No matter how sad it is, sooner or later every child gets sick, even babies under one year old who are completely breastfed. What to do if an infant has a fever? There are a lot of options and tips too. Read and learn about fever in an infant. Do not take your child's temperature immediately after eating or while crying, it will be elevated. Such a phenomenon as elevated body temperature in an infant cannot be ignored; timely contact with a pediatrician will help to avoid complications and significantly speed up the recovery process.
In infants, body temperature may differ slightly from the accepted standard of 36.6°C. This is especially true for newborns, for whom 37.0°C is the normal temperature in the first days of life. Temperature in an infant: 37.2, 37.5, what should I do?

An increase in temperature in a child always worries parents. But when it jumps fever in an infant, young parents often almost panic. What should you do if your baby has a high temperature? Is it worth knocking her down?

To begin with, a newborn baby's body temperature may be slightly elevated during the first few days of life and range from 37.0 to 37.4°C when measured in the armpit. The final normal body temperature is established by the end of the child’s first year of life.

The most common cause of fever in a child is an infectious disease. Fever can also be caused by allergic reactions, overheating (this especially applies to infants), endocrine and metabolic disorders.

To determine, what temperature is normal for an infant, you need to measure it several days in a row at the same time, when the child is healthy and calm. In the first year of a child’s life, elevated temperature should not be considered a deviation from a temperature of 36.6°C, but a deviation from the figure you set.

Features of measuring body temperature in infants

There are three ways to measure a child’s body temperature: orally (the thermometer is placed under the tongue), rectally (inserted into the anus), in the armpits. By the way, the well-known figure is 36.6 ° C is relevant only if, if it is measured in the armpit or inguinal fold. If the temperature is taken through the mouth (orally), a normal reading will be around 37.1°C, and a normal rectal temperature (ie, measured in the rectum) will be around 37.4°C.

The best thing measure the temperature under the arm with a mercury thermometer rather than an electronic one- he is more precise. The child should hold the thermometer under the armpit for 5-10 minutes; the child’s hand should be held so that the thermometer does not fall out. To measure rectal temperature, you must have a special separate thermometer, electronic (it is safer), hold it for a minute. To measure temperature orally, there are dummy thermometers; in this case, you cannot use a mercury thermometer either.

Fever in an infant is not a disease in itself. This is just a symptom of the disease. The most common causes of fever in infants are acute bacterial and viral infections. But the temperature can also jump due to overheating, emotional stress, dehydration, teething, or damage to the central nervous system. It can also be a reaction to a vaccine.

If you are feeling well, you should not lower your temperature to 38.5°C. If your baby is less than 3 months old, has respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, or has a history of febrile seizures, the temperature should be reduced to 38°C or higher. Good reasons for reducing fever with medications are a temperature of 39°C or higher, concomitant diseases of the central nervous system, or poor tolerance of high temperature.

The main recommended remedy for reducing fever in infants is paracetamol.(you just need to choose special “children’s” drugs based on paracetamol). If the child is older than three months, Panadol syrup can be used.

Ibuprofen suppositories for rectal use (children from 3 months to 2 years): as an antipyretic - acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza, other infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature; post-vaccination reactions. As an analgesic - pain of mild or moderate intensity (including headache and toothache, migraine, neuralgia, pain in the ears and throat, pain with sprains).

Analgin and aspirin should not be used to reduce fever! Analgin is prohibited due to its toxic effects on the child's body, and aspirin is prohibited due to possible side effects (Raye's syndrome). But children over one year old can be given analdim, an antipyretic drug based on analgin.

It is best to give your child medications in the form of suppositories.. Firstly, it is difficult for a small child to swallow a pill. Secondly, a fever in an infant is often accompanied by vomiting, so a drug taken orally may not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream and begin to act. Thirdly, the effect of suppositories is usually longer than that of tablets, suspensions, etc. Antipyretics in the form of suppositories begin to act after 30-40 minutes, in the form of syrup - after 20 minutes.

In addition to lowering your temperature, it is very important to prevent dehydration. To do this, you need to give the child a lot to drink - water and fruit drinks. But you shouldn’t force-feed a child. You also need to ventilate the room often. You can place a wet cloth on the forehead if the child does not have chills. Rubbing with alcohol cannot lower the temperature: alcohol in any form is contraindicated for infants!

Too high a temperature in an infant is a reason to call a doctor. You need to hurry up and call a doctor if your child is under six months old, if you cannot bring down the temperature. You also need to urgently call a doctor at the first signs of dehydration, convulsions, rash, drowsiness, apathy, diarrhea, vomiting, or any deterioration in the child’s condition or the appearance of new symptoms.

Many parents, who do not know the peculiarities of the functioning of the child’s body, begin to worry about every symptom that arises in their newborn. Spots on the body, elevated temperature, too frequent and long sleep - all this causes anxiety in them.

What temperature should be brought down in a baby is not an easy question. The answer to it depends on the age of the baby, his general condition, as well as the reasons that provoked it. So, in children under 6 months of age, a temperature within 37-37.5 degrees is considered normal. Small distortions up and down indicate only the underdevelopment of the thermoregulation center. If it has risen to 38 degrees, then in the absence of other pathological symptoms there is no need to bring it down with medications. In such a situation, the newborn should be undressed so that his body can breathe. Most likely, it just overheated.

Why does the temperature rise

In an infant, it can indicate both an infectious disease and causes that have nothing to do with it. In any case, if the baby behaves normally no matter what its readings are (unless, of course, it is higher than 39 degrees), then there is no need to knock it down.

So, what reasons can cause an increase in temperature:

  • ARVI;
  • angina;
  • overheat;
  • reaction to stress;
  • teething;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • allergic reaction;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • vaccination;
  • influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • colic;
  • binge eating;
  • prolonged crying.

As can be seen from the above, for the most part the reasons for the rise in temperature are harmless, so there is no need to panic when only this symptom appears. Antipyretic medications are considered necessary only when, against the background of fever, the baby experiences convulsions, pale skin and vomiting.

Attention! Under no circumstances should children under one year of age be rubbed with alcohol. Ethanol will penetrate the baby's body through the skin and then harm its health.

If a child develops any pathological symptoms in addition to fever, you should definitely call a doctor.

Baby's temperature

36-38 degrees are physiologically normal for babies. However, if a baby at a temperature of 37.5 and above constantly cries, eats poorly, has diarrhea or vomiting, then this means that in this case it is pathological in nature.

According to WHO, there is no need to lower the temperature in the absence of other signs of illness, even when the mark on the thermometer has reached 38.5 degrees. However, if the child is not yet 2 months old, has chronic diseases, or has experienced convulsions in previous times when it increased, then it should be brought down at a value of 38 degrees.

What does a temperature of 37 degrees mean?

In newborns, it only indicates that their thermoregulation has not yet fully developed. You should not wrap your child in a lot of clothes just because of his small age. Most often, this is the cause of a slight increase in temperature. As a rule, newborns tolerate such thermometer readings normally.

Is a temperature of 38 degrees a reason to be nervous?

If the baby’s behavior has not changed (he eats well, smiles, chatters), then you don’t have to knock her down. In this way, the baby’s body fights the infection that has entered it. To maintain the normal condition of the baby, you should often give him water, compote, and if he is breastfed, then the nursing mother should often put him to the breast.

Temperature 39 and above – it’s time to turn to medication

It is necessary to call an ambulance if his legs and arms become cold, he refuses to breastfeed, his heartbeat quickens, his eyes become blurred, and his breathing becomes difficult. These symptoms indicate the development of white fever in the infant. The baby should be given antipyretics, take off his clothes and give him some water to drink.

How to measure a baby's temperature

Its measurement should take place a quarter of an hour after bathing, feeding, massage or gymnastics.

If it is measured immediately after these procedures, it will be increased.

You can check it in the following ways:

  • in the inguinal fold or armpit;
  • orally using nipple thermometers;
  • rectally;
  • in the ear, on the forehead using special infrared thermometers;
  • without touching your forehead using a non-contact thermometer.

When measuring the temperature in the rectum, you should know that it differs from normal values ​​by 1 degree. With the oral method - by 0.5 degrees.

What is allowed to bring down the temperature in a newborn?

If the baby has become lethargic, stopped eating, and his hands and knives have become cold, then it is urgent to bring down the temperature by any means. Children under one year of age can use the following medications:

  • "Ibuprofen."
  • "Nurofen".
  • Syrup "Paracetamol for children".
  • Candles "Viferon".

If the temperature rises after vaccination, you can use Viburkol suppositories.

How to use

When choosing the dosage of the drug, you should pay attention not to the age, but to the weight of the baby. When using syrup, you must first warm it to body temperature. To do this, you just need to support it a little in the palm of your hand. It can be given no more often than stated in the instructions for it. For example, ibuprofen is allowed to be given to the baby again only after 4 hours, and paracetamol - 6. If it still does not go astray, then you need to call an ambulance.

Attention! Giving analgin to a newborn is strictly prohibited.

So, they usually lower a baby’s temperature if it is above 38 degrees (if he is not yet 2 months old), and also if he has symptoms such as convulsions and vomiting.

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