How to express breast milk correctly. Expressing breast milk Manual expressing breast milk how to do it right

Every woman who becomes a mother and chooses the path of natural breastfeeding usually sooner or later has the question of how to express milk.

It is a big mistake to think that the technique of expressing breast milk is of concern mainly to those who have problems with lactation. Here is a non-exhaustive list of situations in which a nursing mother may need this skill:

  • in order to soften the breast when it is full of milk
  • when lactostasis(stagnation of breast milk)
  • if you have to be separated from the baby (for example, when the mother is on forced absence or has simply returned to work)
  • in case of breast refusal, when the mother wants to continue feeding the baby milk
  • with drug therapy, in which breastfeeding is impossible, but the mother wants to maintain lactation
  • to create a milk supply just in case (it is important to do it correctly)
  • with non-standard parameters of the mother’s nipples
  • when the baby is born prematurely and his sucking reflex is still weakly expressed. In such cases, the baby is fed with expressed mother's milk from a spoon.

All of the above reasons are good reasons to start pumping. You can express milk manually or using a special device (breast pump). The manual method of expressing milk has a number of advantages: it is simple and accessible at any time and in almost any situation, does not require special devices, and also allows you to easily control the progress of the process. The technique of expressing milk by hand is rightfully one of the skills necessary for every nursing mother.

Our article will tell you how to properly express breast milk with your hands and what techniques and methods exist.

We express breast milk by hand. Preparation, pumping technique, useful tips

How to start expressing breast milk by hand

Conventionally, the process of expressing breast milk can be divided into two mandatory stages. The first is the creation of all necessary conditions (the condition of the mother, the availability of the necessary utensils, preparation of the mammary glands), the second includes directly expressing breast milk.

How to prepare for such a sensitive matter? At the start of the process you need to decide where you plan to collect milk. Some moms pump into a cup, others straight into a feeding bottle, and some like to use a glass bottle with a narrow neck. This largely depends on the purpose of pumping - are you going to give your baby the expressed milk right away, or are you planning to keep it in reserve? Or maybe you are pumping to maintain lactation during drug therapy that is incompatible with breastfeeding? In the latter case, it would be useful to remind you that such milk cannot be used to feed a child, so you can even express it into the sink or into a clean towel. Prepare the necessary dishes and sterilize them.

Once you have decided on the container, it is time to prepare your breasts for pumping. Don't forget to wash your hands with soap, and the mammary glands can simply be rinsed under warm running water.

To get the most out of hand expressing, Breasts and nipples need to be prepared in a certain way.

Breast massage technique before hand pumping

  1. Start with circular stroking movements with your hands. There is no need to press hard, focus on your sensations. Massage should not be painful or uncomfortable! Moving your hands in a spiral, massage the entire mammary gland, as shown in Figure 1, then move on to the second breast.
  2. The next massage movement: with one hand we support the mammary gland from below, and with the other we make “sweeping” movements, as if driving the milk towards the nipple. Thus, go through the entire mammary gland following the arrows in Figure 2. Do not forget to repeat the same with the second breast.
  3. Knead the nipple and areola area. It happens that the nipples “hid” and are not ready for pumping. This massage exercise is very good for preparing the breast and shaping the nipple. We form the letter C from the fingers of the palm, place the thumb above the nipple, but not on the nipple itself, but on the outer border of the areola (as in Figure 3), the remaining 4 fingers are under the breast, supporting it. Using your thumb, use stroking movements to move towards the nipple. Perhaps at this stage you will already begin to release milk drop by drop. You are on the right track!
  4. If the previous exercise did not help and the nipple is still “hiding”, try shaping it by gently squeezing both sides with your thumb and forefinger (Figure 4). Once again, there should be no pain!
  5. After the massage, you can also bend forward and shake both breasts with your palms for 30-40 seconds. This vibration has an extremely beneficial effect on milk separation.

Sequence of movements during preparatory massage

What else helps increase lactation?

There are a few more tricks that will help you get maximum milk and empty your breasts properly, for example:

  • drink some warm drink (tea is best)
  • take a warm shower (at least 5 minutes)
  • apply a heated towel to your chest

These simple techniques will stimulate milk production and begin pumping.

So, let's express milk by hand.

With your breasts prepared, it's time to learn how to express milk by hand into a bottle. Doing so It is best to sit, leaning forward slightly. Try to find a comfortable position in which you can completely relax and not be distracted from the process itself by anything else.

Expressing breast milk into a bottle should not be difficult if you have prepared your breasts well using the self-massage techniques suggested above.

There are several techniques with which mothers around the world pump. Which one is right for you can only be found out through experience, but we will introduce you to them all.

The simplest technique for manually expressing breast milk

We fold the thumb and index fingers of one hand into the letter C and place them as shown in the figure below.

The simplest technique for manual expression: photo

We press our fingers on the areola of the nipple and then squeeze our fingers. At this moment, milk separation begins. At the beginning of pumping, it is released, as a rule, one drop at a time, and then, when the tide intensifies, trickles may appear. Be sure to work on both breasts in this manner, placing your fingers on the areola in all directions, as if it were the hand of a clock and you would need to go full circle.

“Marmet” technique for expressing breast milk

Pumping begins with a gesture already known to us - we fold the fingers of one of our hands in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest below it.
IMPORTANT! The fingers should be placed not on the nipple itself, but beyond the border of the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple), as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping may be ineffective and even traumatic.

Position of the hand when expressing using the “Marmet” method: photo.
Fingers should be located BEHIND the areola!

Pumping itself consists of three simple, repetitive movements:

  1. In position. We start expressing with a gesture we already know - fold the fingers of one hand in the shape of the letter C. The thumb is located above the nipple, and the rest below it. IMPORTANT! The fingers should be placed not on the nipple itself, but beyond the border of the areola (2.5-4 cm from the nipple), as shown in Figure 2, otherwise pumping may be ineffective and even traumatic.
  2. Pressing. From the starting position (thumb above the nipple, the rest below it) we move our fingers towards ourselves, as if pressing the mammary gland into the chest. Do not separate the lower fingers. If your breasts are large, first lift them with your other palm and support them.
  3. Roll. In this position, we make a movement with the thumb and all the other fingers, as if fingerprints were being taken from you - simultaneously with the thumb and then by rolling all the others - from the index to the little finger. It is important that your hand does not slip on the skin.
  4. Let's finish. Then we make the reverse movement, the fingers return to their place, completing the circle. In this way, we imitate the baby's breastfeeding, which helps produce more milk.
  5. We repeat. We repeat these movements cyclically in a circle, changing the position of the fingers from vertical to horizontal, working through all the milk lobes.

This technique is quite difficult to describe in words, so we recommend that you watch the video:

How to express breasts manually: video

Avoid squeezing or pulling on the nipples as well as finger movements sliding over the skin. All this can injure the chest and cause a lot of inconvenience. If your breasts become wet from leaking milk, we recommend using a napkin or towel to prevent slipping.

This is one of the most effective ways to express breast milk, but there are others that you can check out below.

Technique for manually expressing breast milk by squeezing

In this case, the prepared breast is grabbed with two palms - one from above, the other from below, and gently and slowly squeezed. At the same time, from the outside it can be imagined as squeezing cream out of a pastry bag. This method should be carried out very carefully, do not allow painful sensations to appear!

Some women find it more convenient to express by simply squeezing the mammary gland with their hands

Technique for expressing breast milk between fingers

Another option: the areola and nipple are placed between the index and middle fingers. You need to make pressing movements with your palm so that your fingers seem to sink into the mammary gland, and the nipple and areola, on the contrary, protrude outward.

Most often, each woman chooses how to properly express breast milk with her hands, based on her personal feelings and experience.

How long should I pump?

For breast pumping to be effective enough, you need to spend some time on this procedure. The whole process will take you from 20 to 30 minutes. It includes stimulation of the breast to produce a congestion and direct expression of milk.
Alternate massage and manual pumping to get the best results in this mode:

  1. Pre-massage as described above
  2. Express each breast for 5 to 7 minutes
  3. Massage for 1 minute
  4. Repeatedly express each breast for 3 to 5 minutes
  5. Massage for 1 minute
  6. The last time we express each breast is for 2 to 3 minutes.

Each time during a massage, try to do the whole cycle - kneading, stroking and shaking. While pumping, change the position of your hands, working on each milk lobe.

A little more about how to express milk by hand: additional tips

From the above material you can easily understand how to properly express breast milk by hand. But there are a number of additional tips, following which you can not only significantly simplify the process, but also make it more effective:

  • When pressing on the chest, there is no need to “fidget” over it with your fingers. The palm should occupy the most static position;
  • Do not put pressure on the nipple. Anatomically, there is no milk in it;
  • To avoid blockage of the milk ducts, you need to work on each milk lobe;
  • The key to success is the rhythm of movements. Even if at first it seems that milk is not released at all, you need to be more patient and not interrupt the process. Lactation will definitely be regulated;
  • Only you yourself can experience the whole process and establish proper milk expression;
  • Under no circumstances should you express only one breast. Both breasts need to be involved in this process, without allowing one of them to be overfilled.
  • If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t despair, expressing your breasts with your hands is a skill that requires practice and works better and better each time.

Let's sum it up

The entire world of medicine has long recognized the enormous benefits of breastfeeding. At the same time, breastfeeding is becoming increasingly popular every year. It is very useful for nursing mothers to know how to express breast milk by hand, because hand expression has many advantages:

  • You do not depend on the presence/absence of electricity
  • It's much easier
  • No need to wash and sterilize equipment every time
  • Skin-to-skin contact helps trigger milk let-down
  • You are free from the pain that is usually caused by using a breast pump attachment for long periods of time.
  • After all, it's free

In addition to these points, every woman will find something useful for herself in the manual method of breast expression. We hope that after reading this article, this process no longer seems so complicated to you, and you will find one of the listed methods quite effective.

There are many persistent myths and misconceptions surrounding breast pumping. Now medical workers do not recommend getting carried away with such a procedure, but in some situations a nursing woman cannot do without it.

The most accessible and most natural technique is hand expression. That's why new parents need to know how to properly express breast milk by hand and when to really do it.

Breastfeeding is, of course, a natural process, so the composition of milk secretion and its volume is adjusted to the needs of a particular newborn.

If a woman constantly puts her baby to her breast (especially at night when the release of the hormone prolactin is at its maximum), the glands become empty. But in certain cases, expressing milk will help normalize a woman’s well-being.

Optional Terms

Before expressing the breast, the mother needs to consider whether she really needs this procedure. Breastfeeding experts are skeptical about the necessity of artificial stimulation of the mammary glands, considering the following reasons far-fetched.


The cases in which it is permissible to express milk are few, but every new parent should remember them. This will eliminate unnecessary procedures and help you make the right choice.

In other situations, there is no need to express milk during natural feeding. If the child eats well, is not hungry, develops normally, and the mother feels fine, unnecessary procedures will only do harm.

Two main hormones are responsible for the process of formation and secretion of milk secretion. It is on their “work” that the course of lactogenesis depends; a woman’s diet or drinking plenty of water is practically not involved in lactation.

  • Oxytocin. This hormonal substance provokes an influx of milk when exposed to certain “stimulants”. For example, oxytocin is activated when a newborn is applied to the breast, when the smell of the baby is felt, or when the glands are stimulated. If oxytocin is released, the milk flows out on its own without requiring any effort.
  • Prolactin. This hormonal substance is intended to control the volume of milk secretion. It “counts” the amount of milk removed from the breast and returns the same volume. Due to this, the breasts are practically not emptied during lactation.

Breast pumping will be effective once these hormones begin to work. To “turn them on” and cause a flow of milk to the glands, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

It may include the following activities:

  • applying towels to the chest, previously soaked in warm water, or standing under the stream of a non-hot shower;
  • drinking warm, weak tea or any other liquid (it is important that the drink is heated);
  • light and gentle massage of the mammary glands;
  • stimulating milk flow, for example, by bending down.

When performing these activities, the mother should think about her beloved newborn baby. The ideal option is to sit next to the baby to feel it better.

The flow of milk secretion will be more effective if you offer one breast to the baby and strain the other. This technique is good because when the baby sucks, milk will flow into both breasts at once.

Marmet and other pumping methods

How to “get” milk with your own hands after childbirth? To simplify the pumping process, breastfeeding experts offer several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is specially designed for nursing mothers. Since this procedure is not completely natural for women's breasts, it is necessary to carefully study all the intricacies of the process and follow the following steps.

In addition to the Marmet technique, there are other techniques that help to obtain milk from their mother's breast. They are usually used if the previous method did not bring results.

Warm bottle method

This method is used if the nipple is tense and the mammary glands are inflamed. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to get milk, and it is impossible to latch on to the baby.

To express milk with your hands or to relax the breast to such an extent that the baby can take the nipple into his mouth, a bottle is used. This container with a neck width of at least 4 centimeters must be heated with boiling water and the upper part cooled.

Then the area around the nipple should be lubricated with Vaseline and a container should be placed on it. The papilla will begin to retract into the bottle, and the milk will begin to flow out. As soon as the streams become weak, the bottle is removed.

Nipple compression method

If the nipples begin to become rough, and pain is felt when pressing them, a special method will be required, which involves the primary release of milk.

To implement this method, you need to place all your fingers directly on the nipple and press on it for three to four minutes. Such actions soften the mammary gland and make the pumping process less painful.

Possible errors

Expressing breast milk will only be effective and painless if you follow all the steps correctly. The following errors are possible during the procedure.

Breastfeeding experts also include refusal to pump as an erroneous action if during the very first procedure the woman felt pain or did not receive milk. You need to try - choose the right time, the best position and a favorable mood. In this case, the return of the white product will not be long in coming.

Before expressing milk secretion, a woman should understand how to use it and how to use it. Recommendations from specialists on natural feeding of newborns will help with this.

Do not heat expressed milk in the microwave. Such a product turns out to be unevenly heated, and this is fraught with the presence of excessively hot parts in the container and a burn to the oral mucosa.

Expressing milk manually is a procedure that can only be mastered after some time. If a nursing woman is unable to express her breasts, she should consult a doctor or natural feeding expert for advice. And although experts recommend not to get carried away with such a procedure, pumping will allow the mother to stock up on healthy products and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.

Every breastfeeding mother at some point in her “career” feels the need to express milk. Of course, we have it easier than our mothers and grandmothers, who were forced by Soviet punitive pediatrics to squeeze themselves dry after each feeding. Today there is enough information about the proper organization of breastfeeding, which does not require routine pumping. And yet, sometimes knowing how to pump breasts can be of great benefit.

Why pump your breasts?

Expressing milk from the breast can be of two types: for the sake of the breast or for the sake of milk.

Pumping for the sake of the breast is needed when the supply (production) of milk exceeds the demand (needs of the baby). The milk comes in, but there is no one to suck it out. Perhaps mom is at work or breastfeeding is over. For prevention, you need to express without fanaticism, only when you feel discomfort (lumps), only until this discomfort disappears. We must not forget that as much milk will come as was spent.

The birth of a baby changes the life of every mother. Concerns arise not only with the child, but also changes in your body require attention. During lactation, you need to monitor your condition, so every nursing woman needs to know how to express breast milk with her hands. After all, missing important points can leave negative consequences.

Proper hand expression of breast milk

Doctors say that you should not express yourself every day. There are cases when such a procedure is necessary. First, let's consider under what circumstances a woman should do this:

  1. The first time after childbirth. During this period, the organization of breastfeeding has not yet been established. The baby is able to suck out a small volume of milk, but a lot of it arrives, so you need to get rid of overcrowding.
  2. Breastfeeding is prohibited for the child. Because breastfeeding is hard work for infants, this method of feeding is not allowed for premature babies or children with severe illnesses.
  3. Mom's illness. If you need medication that is prohibited during lactation, you also have to express yourself.
  4. Lactostasis. Many young mothers face this problem. You should carefully study the information on how to properly strain breast milk with your hands in order to get rid of this trouble.
  5. Separation of a child from his mother. So that someone can feed the child in the absence of the mother, she needs to prepare everything in advance.

Technique for expressing breast milk by hand

Before expressing breast milk by hand, let’s consider preparing for this procedure:

  1. Dishes. Prepare a container in which you can conveniently express milk. It must be sterilized if you plan to feed it to your child. Since you will be expressing breast milk with your hands, it is more convenient to use a cup with a wide neck.
  2. Clean hands. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Relaxation of the chest. It will be easier to express milk if the breasts are slightly warmed up first. A warm shower or compress is ideal. Soak the diaper in warm water and place it on your chest for 5-10 minutes. Before the procedure, you can drink warm water or tea.
  4. Contact with the baby. The ideal option is if you feed on one breast and pump the other. When the baby sucks, active stimulation occurs, which makes this process much easier. However, if this does not work out for some reason, you can simply be next to him or imagine yourself hugging your baby. This will help you relax.

Rules for expressing breast milk by hand:

When doing this for the first time, many women notice that only drops come out. You shouldn’t worry about this, much less quit what you started. Continuing to move forward, after a few minutes the streams will begin to flow. Actually, this will be an indicator that everything is going right. If it doesn't work, give it a light massage and try again. Any sharp pain indicates wrong action.

How often should you express breast milk?

Experts say that a woman can understand how often she needs to express her breasts based on her feelings. If after feeding it is soft and does not cause discomfort, then there is no need to express. Some people notice that after feeding on one breast, the other remains hard. In this case, it should be expressed until soft. Expressing breast milk with your hands after feeding until empty will be a signal to the body that production is low and much more will arrive next time.

Expressing breast milk by hand

The first time after the birth of the baby, it is important to listen to your body and sensations. At this time, babies eat only on demand and often little, so make sure that the breasts are not hard with lumps. Pumping plays an important role during breastfeeding. If you ignore this point, you can get many negative consequences in the future.

How to strain breast milk after childbirth by hand?

On the 2-3rd day after birth, the flow of milk in most women in labor is very large and many women even have a rise in body temperature. It is important for every woman in labor to know how to properly express breast milk by hand for the first time. Due to inexperience, young mothers make many mistakes. For example, instead of wrapping their fingers around the areola, they press only on the nipple, which leads to cracks.

How to express breast milk by hand when there is stagnation?

Every woman who has given birth should monitor all changes in her body, since ignoring it can cause a lot of trouble in the future. One of the common problems of women in labor is that it would be better to put the baby to the breast more often, but if the baby cannot eat everything, then overcrowding should be eliminated. The technique of expressing breast milk by hand during lactostasis does not differ significantly from conventional pumping:

  1. Lightly massage and stroke the areas where there are lumps.
  2. While expressing, stroke them with light movements with your other hand, directing them towards the nipples.
  3. As soon as you feel relief, the process should be completed.

How to express breast milk by hand into a bottle?

Some mothers are forced to leave their child. In such cases, bottle feeding with expressed milk comes to the rescue. For many women, this causes concern and a lot of questions about this. Let's try to figure it all out.

This unique product can be stored for about 6-8 hours at a temperature of 19-20 degrees. In the refrigerator - no more than 7 days. For freezing, it would be better to purchase special disposable bags. So it can be used for 3-4 months.

You need to heat the milk as follows:

  1. If it is frozen, you should defrost it first in the refrigerator. Then leave it at room temperature for about an hour.
  2. After this, fill a wide mug or other suitable container with hot water, but not boiling water.
  3. Place a bottle of milk there, stirring it occasionally.
  4. Pull out the bottle of milk when it is heated to approximately 38 degrees.

What do doctors say about whether it is necessary to express breast milk, in what situations and how to do it correctly? What to do if milk does not appear when pressing on the breast or there is very little milk? Let's look at several common situations and recommendations given to mothers in certain cases.

1. Breast engorgement after childbirth. Between the second and sixth days after the birth of a child, a woman produces real, mature milk. Immediately after childbirth, there is only colostrum, which is not enough. It does not cause discomfort. Breast milk usually comes in a lot at once. More than is needed and more than the baby can suck. This condition is otherwise called hyperlactation. In this case, nurses from the children's department of the maternity hospital or directly obstetrician-gynecologists usually tell and show how to express breast milk correctly. In how to express breast milk manually, there is a main rule - do not injure the nipples. That is, during the pumping process, your hands should be kept not on the areola of the nipple, but further, moving the milk from the posterior lobes of the mammary gland to the outlet.
You can also use a breast pump if it is not too painful. But you should remember that you can only get rid of stagnation of milk in the breast if you do not express the breast completely. And before feeding the baby, not after.

2. Taking antibiotics and other potent drugs. If breastfeeding needs to be stopped during treatment, but you do not want to lose lactation, you need to maintain it by pumping. The frequency and technique of properly expressing breast milk by hand or with a breast pump must be observed. You need to express at least 6 times a day. Every 3 hours. Moreover, in this case, it is necessary to express milk to the last drop so that its quantity does not decrease by the time the baby starts feeding. It is also advisable to express at night. At least once. After all, it is at night that the lactation hormone - prolactin - is produced. Women who feed their children at night always have more milk than those who take a long night break.
Care must be taken to ensure that there is no breast engorgement. In this case, storing milk and its further use is impossible, since the woman was taking medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding.
Your doctor will tell you how long you need to refrain from feeding your child after stopping the drug. This will depend on the rate at which the drug is eliminated from the body. This may take from several hours to several days. Frequent pumping will not speed up this process. You can also learn about the rate of elimination of the drug from its instructions.

3. If mom needs to go away. Proper hand expression and storage of breast milk is also a science. In order for milk to be released well and expressed easily, it is necessary to provoke the release of the hormone oxytocin. Its release will cause the ducts to dilate, and milk will begin to flow out of the breast on its own. This happens during natural feeding of the baby. Therefore, experienced women express their breasts directly during feeding. That is, they feed on one breast, and express the other with a breast pump, by hand, or even simply place a container into which the nipple is lowered. The latter method is ideal for women with hyperlactation, when a lot of milk leaks.

But most women still need to learn how to pump. And if everything is clear with a breast pump, by the way, it is more convenient to express milk with a breast pump that imitates the sucking of a child, then with a manual technique it is more difficult. It is important, when trying to move milk to the outlet, to stimulate not the nipple, since there is no milk in it, but the area above the areola. A few smooth, pain-free movements will release oxytocin, and milk will begin to be expressed many times faster. Until there is a release of oxytocin, you won’t be able to express a lot of milk. You can trigger the release of oxytocin by thinking or looking at your baby, holding him in your arms, leaning him naked against you and inhaling his scent. There are a lot of ways.
Drinking plenty of warm or even hot drinks also facilitates easy pumping. Or a warm compress on your chest. You can replace it with a towel soaked in warm water. If you need frequent or even constant bottle feedings, you need to express both breasts at once. This is a prevention of stagnation and decreased lactation. Breastfeeding experts recommend frequent pumping, even if not for long periods of time.

4. How to increase your milk supply. Expressing milk to increase lactation in most cases is an outdated recommendation. It only occurs if the child and mother are separated. Then, to preserve milk and its quantity, you need to express more often and more, until the last drop.

If the baby is on the breast, then it will be enough to switch him to feeding on demand, not by the clock. And also do not allow sucking a pacifier or drinking from a bottle. The more the baby sucks, the higher the prolactin level will be, the more often the hormone oxytocin will be released. As a result of all this, there will be more milk, the baby will be satiated and gain weight well.

And remember, even if you express very little milk, this does not mean that there is also little in your breasts. Even though it is soft, it is almost not rude. And “control pumping” is a relic of Soviet medicine.

5. If lactostasis occurs. There are many educational videos on how to properly express breast milk with your hands during lactostasis. You can also get information from lactation consultants, other experienced mothers and doctors. It is more effective to express your breasts under running warm water or after a warm compress. Just keep in mind that if the inflammatory process has begun, it is not recommended to overheat the chest, as this will provoke its spread. Yes, and expressing breast milk by hand during mastitis is not enough to cure it. It is necessary to take antibacterial drugs.

It is very effective for lactostasis and uncomplicated mastitis to often feed the baby in a position in which the affected area of ​​the mammary gland is especially well emptied. The child’s nose should “look” towards this area.

6. Lactase deficiency. With this pathology, women are recommended to express the so-called anterior breast milk, so that the baby receives mostly hind milk, rich in fats and not carbohydrates. That is, a woman is recommended to express milk before feeding, but only a little, so as not to provoke hyperlactation in herself.

Pumping is a useful technique in some situations. But only if you use it wisely.

Video technique on how to massage your breasts and express breast milk with your hands:

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